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Something In English

Логотип телеграм канала @inenglish1 — Something In English S
Логотип телеграм канала @inenglish1 — Something In English
Адрес канала: @inenglish1
Категории: Лингвистика
Язык: Русский
Количество подписчиков: 789
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Stories, news, articles, etc in English.
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Author — @VladVY

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Последние сообщения 5

2021-06-04 10:00:41
Why would SpaceX choose such a poor and DESOLATE part of the country to start building their future spaceport?
Почему SpaceX выбрала такую бедную и ПУСТЫННУЮ часть страны, чтобы начать строительство своего будущего космодрома?

Desolate — безлюдный, унылый, заброшенный, пустынный

A deserted, empty, depressing place can be desolate

Synonyms: uninhabited, desert, lonely, bleak, dreary

Antonyms: populous, fertile

verbdesolate (опустошать)

The surface of the moon is completely desolate.
I've scrutinized his political plan, and I can say for sure that he'll desolate the country.
This city is notorious for being desolate.
The home was rapidly desolated.

#city #tourism #space
805 views07:00
2021-06-03 10:01:21
Instead of going to the mall maybe talk to a friend, watch a funny movie on Netflix that you enjoy - do something else that doesn't involve spending COPIOUS amounts of money
Вместо того, чтобы идти в торговый центр, может быть, поговорить с другом, посмотреть забавный фильм на Netflix, который вам нравится, - сделайте что-нибудь еще, что не связано с расходованием БОЛЬШИХ сумм денег

Copious — обильный, обширный

If you have a copious amount of something, you have a lot of it

Synonyms: extensive, rich, abundant, prolific, galore, lavish


We had copious harvest last year.
The girl wept copiously.
Do not consume copious amount of the drug.
If you irrigat any plant copiously, it'll thrive anyway.
The storm washed up copious amount of fish on the coast.

#plants #medicine #food
583 views07:01
2021-05-27 10:00:07
Fleets of them could land on open beaches, PENETRATE deep into river systems, and be moved over land if need be
Их флотилии могли высаживаться на открытых пляжах, ПРОНИКАТЬ глубоко в речные системы и при необходимости перемещаться по суше

Penetrate — проникать, пронизывать, вникать, пропитывать

If the fog is extremely thick, your flashlight won’t penetrate it

Synonyms: permeate, pierce, delve, enter, impregnate, infiltrate


The bullet penetrated her chest.
The dim light penetrated the dirty windows.
All his poems seem to be penetrated with the idea of death.
There was a leak and water penetrated in the house.
The heat penetrated through the wall.

#water #poetry #light
606 views07:00
2021-05-26 10:00:06
Whether that's in a rural developing economy or in an industrial city in the Midwest, where I was from. I think entrepreneurship can play a part. Not seeing problems as problems but as obstacles that you can SURMOUNT
Будь то в сельской развивающейся экономике или в промышленном городе на Ср. Западе, откуда я родом. Я думаю, что предпринимательство может сыграть свою роль. Не рассматривая проблемы как проблемы, а как препятствия, которые вы можете ПРЕОДОЛЕТЬ

Surmount — преодолевать, превозмогать, увенчивать

If you've outdid yourself and overcome the task, you can say that you've surmounted it

Synonyms: overcome, beat, conquer


If we could surmount all of those problems, where would that leave us?
They surmounted the starvation, that was due to the drought.
The life has a lot of obstacles you have to surmount.
We managed to surmount the mountain by 8 p.m. yesterday.
We surmounted all difficulties on the island, including the unexpected tide.

#life #difficulties #learning
457 viewsedited  07:00
2021-05-25 10:00:06
Something about these pups always screams "corgi." It's the STUMPY legs that gives them away
Что-то в этих щенках всегда кричит: "Корги." Их выдают КОРЕНАСТЫЕ ноги

Stumpy — коренастый, короткий и толстый, неуклюжий

If the pillar is short and think, it's stumpy

Synonyms: stocky, chunky, heavyset, squat


The priest was very stumpy.
The stumpy temple had a shabby porch.
There was a massive and stumpy vault in his room.
If the building is stumpy, it won't wobble in windy weather.
There was a stumpy tramp walking down our street.

#description #person #building
421 views07:00
2021-05-24 10:00:15
You just need to find a woman who's PATHETIC, like you
Тебе просто нужно найти такую ЖАЛКУЮ женщину, как ты

Pathetic — жалкий, трогательный, печальный

A sports team losing ten games in a row is pathetic

Synonyms: miserable, wretched, heartfelt, sad, piteous

Antonyms: cheery, glad


He made a pathetic attempt to apologise.
I was pathetic in that vulnerable position.
That was her pathetic attempt to fix the dull party.
The movie has pathetic plot.
I would call that "pathetic sight", when I begged the teacher to give me a satisfactory grade.

#relationship #war #description #negative
420 views07:00
2021-05-23 16:00:04
I had vague memories where is that cave. I had been there only one time with a tour group 4 years ago. My friends and I craved to visit that gorgeous place again. The cave turned out to be right under the steep. The rocks at the entrance to the cave were sharp, so we hurt our palms a little. But it was definitely worth it.
391 viewsedited  13:00
2021-05-23 10:00:25
We have to build the middle class. Restore the basic BARGAIN, which was "If workers contribute to the success of an enterprise, then they should share in the gains".
Мы должны создать средний класс. Восстановить основную СДЕЛКУ, которая заключалась в том, что если работники вносят свой вклад в успех предприятия, то они должны делиться прибылью.

Bargain — сделка, торг, заключать сделку, покупка

Bargain is an agreement you make with someone. You can also call anything you have bought a bargain

Synonyms: deal, contract, purchase, trade

It's an attractive little home, and I think it's a good bargain.
I've found a nice lodging, but the rent is too high. I hope I'll manage to bargain with the landlord.
Thousands of bargain hunters (охотников за скидками) queued up for hours.
I decided to bargain with the seller, since the car was shabby great deal.
I hadn't perused all the documents, and we claped up a bargain (наспех заключить сделку).

#trading #market #business #money
399 views07:00
2021-05-22 16:00:05
Their job was to ..... the enemy trench(траншея)
365 views13:00