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Something In English

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Логотип телеграм канала @inenglish1 — Something In English
Адрес канала: @inenglish1
Категории: Лингвистика
Язык: Русский
Количество подписчиков: 789
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Stories, news, articles, etc in English.
Learn Language Through Information You Like ❤️
Author — @VladVY

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Последние сообщения 4

2021-07-29 09:59:49
174 views06:59
2021-07-13 10:00:01 #News
#fire #disasters

Oregon's Bootleg Fire burns more than 150,000 acres as wildfires rage through West

The Bootleg Fire in southern Oregon nearly doubled in size from Saturday to Sunday to more than 150,000 acres as extreme heatwaves and wildfires continued to scorch the West.

The intense flames in the Fremont — Winema National Forest broke out on July 6, burning for its sixth day on Sunday, according to an incident report. The out-of-control wildfire was so intense that it forced firefighters to retreat to safety zones and prompted more personnel to be deployed overnight, fire officials said.

Residents in some areas of Klamath County were forced to evacuate as the wildfire continued to spread and was zero percent contained Sunday, the incident report said. Investigators have not yet determined the cause of the fire, but authorities said "dry weather contribute to extreme fire behavior."

The fire interrupted electrical lines that transmit power from Oregon to California, energy officials said. California lost thousands of megawatts of imported power and struggled to maintain operating reserves as temperatures soared into triple digits in parts of the state.

The Bootleg Fire came amid record wildfires and temperatures ravaging states across the West.

Published 12.07.2021
273 views07:00
2021-07-13 09:59:01
234 views06:59
2021-07-11 12:15:01 Content:

#Stories :

#News :
#fire #disasters

#Articles :
321 viewsedited  09:15
2021-07-11 10:00:12 #Stories

An Indigenous Hero

Chapter I

Pedro was a coward. He didn’t know how he had gotten here, in the hills of South America, almost 5000 miles from his home in Spain, but here he was, standing outside the perfectly-white house of Sebastián.

Sebastián was a great man. He was tall, strong and he never took ‘no’ for an answer. He had founded the cities of Quito, Cali, Pasto and Popayán.

He was the kind of man Pedro’s parents wanted him to be. The kind of man Pedro could only dream of becoming.

Pedro stepped inside the house. Despite the warmth outside, indoors it was cold and dark. A servant showed him to Sebastián’s study, where the man was staring at a map that had just been drawn up. His moustache was so thick that Pedro wondered if it made it hard to look down.

‘Ah, Señor Pedro,’ said Sebastián, turning his eyes — and moustache — to face him.

‘You called for me, Sebastián?’

‘Let’s keep it short. I need you to go east for me.’

‘East, señor? But all there is east are the savages…’

Pedro had heard horrible stories about them. None were more feared than the Yalcón people, who were said to be fierce warriors.

‘Precisely,’ said Sebastián. His moustache seemed to move slightly out of time with his lips, giving the impression that it was dancing. ‘I need you to bring some order to the region. Set up a town there, in Timaná.’

‘Timaná? But that’s where the Yalcón tribe lives!’

Sebastián raised his eyebrow. ‘Are you afraid, Pedro?’

Pedro gulped. ‘No, señor.’

‘It does not matter. We have the stronger force, and they fight amongst themselves. There is no reason you shouldn’t be able to crush them. I have heard all kinds of stories about the strength of these “savages”, and that is exactly what they are: stories. Something to frighten children at night. They even say that the leader of the tribe is a woman. Ridiculous.’

‘They are led by a woman?’

‘They say she has pulled men’s eyes out and cut off their—well, there’s no reason to keep spreading such nonsense. The important thing is, you must take control, however you can.’

Sebastián turned back to his map and started pulling on his moustache.

‘And how do you suggest I…?’

Sebastián harrumphed, and Pedro jumped a little.

‘Must I tell you how to do everything, señor? Use your brains.’

Pedro nodded quickly, and hurried outside into the midday sun.

To be continued...
331 viewsedited  07:00
2021-07-11 10:00:12
294 views07:00
2021-07-10 11:29:55 Channel name was changed to «Something In English»
2021-07-04 09:52:50 Foreign Languages Learning As a Separate Subject Should Not Exist
600 views06:52
2021-06-06 10:00:51
Younger generations with ..... amounts of free time want longer games
797 views07:00