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Stories, news, articles, etc in English.
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Author — @VladVY

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2021-08-03 10:00:09
169 views07:00
2021-08-02 09:59:45 #Articles
#food_A #breakfast_A #dietetics_A

Worst Breakfast Habits for a Flat Belly. Say Dietitians

1. You skip breakfast.
"'Breaking the fast' is critically important to normalize appetite. Breakfast 'skippers' tend to overeat at later meals and snacks due to being overly hungry, which doesn't promote a flat belly," says Dr. Wright. "Breakfast should provide some lasting energy for the day ahead. If time is an issue, grab a hard-boiled egg with fresh fruit rather than not eating at all."

2. You eat your breakfast too fast.
"If you are eating too fast, this can certainly cause belly bloat," says Pankonin. "Digestion begins in the mouth and it's important to chew your food properly before swallowing. Shoving food in your mouth while trying to get out the door could lead to indigestion but it can also put you on a path to mindless eating, which might result in additional weight gain."

3. You skimp on protein.
"It's easy to load up on carbohydrates at breakfast with such foods like bagels, croissants, and cereals, but skimping on protein may cause low blood sugar and early hunger," says Dr. Wright. "Protein is critical for satiety and keeping your blood sugar stable for longer periods of time. Consider avocado spread on whole-wheat toast, Greek yogurt with fresh fruit, or a veggie omelet."

4. You munch on fat-free muffins or scone.
"Pastry items that are marketed as fat-free can often be high in calories and carbohydrates and low in protein," says Pankonin. "It's important to balance carbohydrates with fat and protein at breakfast as this can provide the body with the nutrients it needs and also help reduce the urge to snack before lunch."

5. You choose lots of pre-packaged breakfast choices.
"These foods have the appearance of being healthy, most are packed with added sugar. Pre-flavored oats can contain upwards of 20 grams of added sugar, granola can have 17 grams of added sugar, and some breakfast bars have 13 grams of added sugar," says Dr. Wright. "The amount of added sugar delivers a lot of calories and worse, the energy within the sugar is short-lasting. After the 20-30 minutes of sugar is delivered, one can be left feeling shaky, tired, and yes – hungry. Opting for whole-grain cereals or oats self-flavored with almonds and berries will provide lasting energy (3-4 hours) packed with vitamins, and minerals that will keep you satisfied and 'beat the bloat'."

6. You only drink lattes that are high in sugar for breakfast.
"If you're only consuming coffee with sugar for breakfast, you might find yourself reaching for something else once you hit the office," says Pankonin. "Over time, this habit could lead to additional pounds on the scale if you're not keeping those calories from morning beverages and snacks in check."

214 views06:59
2021-08-02 09:59:45
178 views06:59
2021-08-01 09:59:46 #News
#SpaceX_N #Starlink_N #Elon_Musk_N #space_N #future_N #Internet_N

SpaceX is about to begin launching the next series of Starlink satellites

After going through the month of July with no launches, SpaceX is scheduled to resume missions in August with Falcon 9 rocket flights from California and Florida to begin deploying Starlink internet satellites into new orbits.

SpaceX is gearing up for at least two Starlink launches next month, beginning with a Falcon 9 mission departing from Vandenberg Space Force Base, California, no earlier than Aug. 10, multiple sources said. Another Falcon 9 launch is scheduled to carry a batch of Starlink satellites into orbit in mid-August.

They will be the first SpaceX launches since June 30, an unusually long gap in the company’s jam-packed launch schedule. SpaceX launched 20 Falcon 9 missions in the first half of the year, mostly for the company’s own Starlink program.

The most recent Falcon 9 mission to carry a full load of Starlink satellites occurred May 26.

Since then, SpaceX has activated hundreds of internet spacecraft delivered to orbit on previous Falcon 9 missions, raising the number of operational Starlink craft from roughly 950 satellites to more than 1,300, according to an analysis by Jonathan McDowell, an astronomer at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics and a widely-respected tracker of spaceflight activity.

More than 200 additional Starlink satellites are drifting into their operational positions in orbit 550 kilometers above Earth at an inclination of 53 degrees to the equator.

SpaceX has regulatory approval from the Federal Communications Commission to eventually launch and operate up to 12,000 internet relay satellites. The early phases of SpaceX’s Starlink network involves the launch of 4,408 satellites into five layers in low Earth orbit.

Published 27.07.2021
229 views06:59
2021-08-01 09:59:46
186 views06:59
2021-07-31 10:00:10 #Stories

Previous chapter

An Indigenous Hero

Chapter III

‘We will not pay any tribute’ Gaitana sent a message out to the other tribes.

It had been almost a week since the attack on the Yalcón. Pedro had received no message, despite sending men over every day. At first, they refused to speak, returning his messengers back to him. Then they sent back only their heads.

Pedro studied the maps and grit his teeth. There was no way these savages could fight back against his forces, and yet they refused to pay tribute. He had planned on avoiding direct conflict, but now there was no other choice.

But when he thought of war, his heart shook, the coward he was. He would have to ask Sebastián to lend him his soldiers, and he didn’t think the man with the moustache would be happy.

No, he would go in with just a few men, his strongest. Clearly, the Yalcón didn’t know he could crush them. One day they would surely give up.

Gaitana saw Pedro coming in the distance, and she lit the fire. Smoke poured into the sky, and the warriors in the distance saw the signal.

Pedro rode towards the Gaitana. He was so focussed on her, so determined to look brave, that he didn’t dare look at the hillsides around him.

‘Señor Pedro...’

‘Silence!’ he hissed.

He was going to do this right. He was going to solve this without murder. The savages only needed to listen.

Meanwhile, the warriors from all the surrounding tribes — the Pijaos, the Panaes, the Pamaos — crawled down the hillsides and through the forests like snakes. But Pedro only saw Gaitana, saw her laughing, until it was too late and the enemies had surrounded them.

They captured Pedro and his men, and dragged them to face the Gaitana.

‘I d-don’t understand!’ said Pedro, sweating more salt than there was in the Atlantic Ocean. ‘I thought the tribes fought amongst each other!’

‘We did,’ said Gaitana, ‘until you took Timanco. You lit a fire within me. I am no mere chief of the tribe. I lead all the tribes.’

And it was true. All around them, tribespeople from the whole region had gathered.

‘You don’t have to pay the tribute,’ said Pedro, his eyes jumping around to the frightening men and women. They had strong, thin bodies, and their spears were sharp. ‘If you let us go.’

Gaitana patted Pedro on the shoulder, but she did not smile.

‘You really are a stupid man.’

That night, Pedro discovered that the legends about the Yalcón people were all true. For crawling into her camp like snakes, Gaitana pulled out his eyes. For taking her son away, her precious boy, she killed him.

Then, to show a message to the other Spaniards, she tied a rope around his jaw and attached it to her horse. For days, she rode around, dragging Pedro behind her, to show all the people what happened to those who challenged Gaitana.

Sebastián was furious since he sent his men to attack the Yalcóns, in the name of the King of Spain. But Gaitana’s words were true, and she led her warriors as if they were her own fingers, pushing the Spaniards out like flies.

Eventually, Sebastián gave up, and Pedro died, a coward, almost 5000 miles from his home in Spain.

233 views07:00
2021-07-31 10:00:10
193 views07:00
2021-07-30 09:59:47 #Articles
#summer_A #myths_A #heat_A #temperature_A #sleep_A

The biggest mistake we make when it's hot

We want to make ourselves cold, if not freezing and this is massively counterproductive.

Every year I see a plethora of advice around putting various objects in the freezer - your duvet, your bedding, your pillow, or a bag of rice to place in bed with you.

This approach doesn't work for two reasons.

Firstly the extreme cold will wake you up, put your body into shock, prevent you from relaxing – meaning you won’t be in the right state for sleep.

Secondly, it is going to leave a big soggy mess in your bed, which just isn't nice and may lead to awkward conversations as to why your bed is so wet!

77 views06:59
2021-07-30 09:59:47
77 views06:59
2021-07-29 09:59:49 #Stories

Previous chapter

An Indigenous Hero

Chapter II

Pedro had always been a coward, but Sebastián was right. Even a coward could win with the right weapons.

Pedro came to the chief of the notorious tribe. Her name was Guitana.

‘What do you want?’ Gaitana snapped.

'I require that the Yalcón tribe, along with the other tribes of the region, pay tribute to him. 500 gold pieces.' Pedro said.

There was a tense air in the room. Timanco, Guitana’s son, grit his teeth and stared at his mother, waiting for her response. But instead of banging the table, she burst out laughing.

‘Pah!’ she spat. ‘The boy thinks he is in charge. You are so stupid!'

Timanco was laughing too. For now, he helped her mother. Not that she needed help to rule, but one day, even she would be too old to fight and give orders.

When Pedro received the response from Gaitana, he was not surprised. He may have been a coward, but he wasn’t stupid.

He wouldn’t dare a direct attack. He knew what frightening wars looked like.

It's safe to say that Gaitana expected the Spaniards to ride in on horseback. She didn’t expect them to crawl in like snakes.

That night, Pedro’s men entered the Yalcón’s territory. They went into Timanco’s house and took him, knocking him out before he could make a sound.

The next morning, Gaitana was woken by shouts. She ran outside, and far away, she saw smoke pouring into the sky. It was coming from a huge fire, and on the fire, there was a body.

Timanco. The spears of the Spaniards stabbed Gaitana’s heart with grief.

She did not cry a single tear.

To be continued...
177 views06:59