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Today's Random Notes I've decided to try out a new Telegram | неангличанин

Today's Random Notes

I've decided to try out a new Telegram-only, live-ish format. I don't always pay much attention to new vocabulary I learn or to some interesting vocabulary I explain in class but today I, for some reason, did.

"I live in a sixth-floor walk-up on the Upper East Side." A walk-up! Such an easy and interesting way to say "a building without an elevator". I was reading a book when I saw it and, for some reason, got really excited, because I liked it so much. I immediately shared it with my roommate, who is also one of my current students, and he asked whether I'll be able to use it in my speech now, after only seeing it once. I told him it wasn't likely, since it takes time for a word to become a part of your active vocabulary. Now, only a few hours later, I think it IS a part of my active vocabulary

"Slay". Another word that I discussed with my roommate today. It has a figurative, slang meaning and a literal meaning. Literally it means "to kill someone". Figuratively it means to be fabulous, beautiful or stunning. This word, in its slang meaning, has a strong feminine undertone. When you support a woman, you may say "slay, queen!". I'm writing about this word right now because I have heard it three times today

What words have you recently learned?