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Nutritionist | Sofia's blog

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Логотип телеграм канала @dietetics_sofia — Nutritionist | Sofia's blog
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Категории: Юмор и развлечения , Еда и кулинария
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Последние сообщения 22

2022-01-01 12:22:00

Blueberry contains many antioxidants, silicon, which is a vital micronutrient needed for hard bones, joint mobility and good condition of the skin and its appendages (hair, sweat and sebaceous glands, nails). vitamin K, iodine, manganese, iron, malic, lactic and quinic acids.

At the same time, many of the berry's valuable substances are to be found precisely in the stone.

Among them are important components: Omega 3-6-9, polyphenols, antioxidants, pectins, chlorogenic acid.
132 views09:22
2021-12-31 18:17:53
What is bulgur good for

100 g of cereals contains 12 g of protein, about 2 g of fat, 63 g of carbohydrates and 12 g of fibre. Its calorific value is 340 kcal. A 100 g of bulgur porridge has about 3 times less of all the above ingredients. ⠀

It is useful to add berries, fruits or herbs to bulgur to enhance the taste and give a healthy dose of vitamins.

Do you like bulgur?
276 views15:17
2021-12-31 12:53:04
Useful properties of the pear

Sclerides support and protect the soft tissues of the foetus.

Why are pears useful?

They are a natural source of dietary fibre. In 100 g —14% of the daily requirement. It contains 17% silicon, 10% copper, 12% iron and 6% potassium. Vitamin C is not much in it — 5-6%.

What can be cooked?

The juicy pear can be used to make various desserts, as a filling for pies, fruit salads and other dishes.

Do you love the pear?
349 views09:53
2021-12-30 16:35:01
Can I eat after 6 p.m.?

It is advisable to eat 3-4 hours before bedtime.

During this time, insulin levels, which rise after a meal, will drop to normal.

Another thing to remember is that dinner is 20% of the daily food intake. In order not to get full at night, take care of a hearty and nutritious meal

In the evening, it is better to consume stewed vegetables, a portion of meat, fish or seafood.

What time do you eat dinner?
430 views13:35
2021-12-30 09:55:25

Veal is a low-calorie meat, high in protein and low in fat.

It contains various vitamins and trace elements: iron, copper, zinc and vitamin B12

Veal has less cholesterol than beef, for example. Therefore, it is more preferable in the diet of young children and the elderly.

It is not recommended to include the product in the diet of people with joint diseases — polyarthritis, gout.

The purine content contributes to the accumulation of uric acid

I recommend eating veal no more than twice a week.
455 views06:55
2021-12-29 15:49:19
Plant-based milk is an alternative to cow's milk

These plant-based drinks are suitable for people who are lactose intolerant or allergic to cow's milk protein

Oatmeal milk has beta-glucans, which have a positive effect on the immune system. In addition, industrially produced plant milk is often supplemented with calcium and vitamins A and D.

Soy milk has more vegetable protein. This makes it similar to cow's milk. It is also used to make soya cream and yoghurt.

Coconut milk is fattier and more caloric than all plant milk.

Rain milk is easy to make at home yourself, just can't be stored for long. It is most commonly added to coffee, used for baking, salad dressings and vegetable stews.

What kind of milk do you prefer?
217 views12:49
2021-12-29 12:55:47
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, I wish you:
- Happiness, health and long life. Biohacking will help us with this.
- To be energetic, full of energy and active is easy with fitness trainer John.
- To be slim and beautiful is easy with a nutritionist Sofia.
Let the coming year will come true all your dreams and desires, only joy and laughter fill your home. Miracles happen to those who believe in them. Happy New Year.
224 views09:55
2021-12-29 10:58:19
About calorie counting

Recommended distribution in the daily diet: protein 15-20%, fat 30%, carbohydrates 50-55% of the daily calorie intake.

The smaller the portion, the fewer the calories is MYTH

A calorie is the unit of energy contained in any foodstuff.

The body's need for energy is important. It is necessary for three important functions in the body:

1. basic metabolism — 60%. This is the energy the body needs to perform basic everyday functions.

2. energy for digestion —10%. This energy is necessary for managing the processes of digestion, absorption and metabolism of nutrients.

You count calories
293 views07:58
2021-12-28 21:12:13
You can consume no more than 10 - 12 g of salt per day.


Throw salt on the plate already cooked.

To add flavour, use natural spices. This will reduce the amount of salt in cooking.

If you can't calculate how much salt you're consuming, put 5g of salt in a separate salt pot and see if you have enough for the day.

Look carefully at the labels of prepared foods. Choose foods with reduced or no salt. Do not abuse ready-made sauces.

Remember: 1g of salt retains at least 100ml of water in your body.
394 views18:12
2021-12-28 17:52:02
About oatmeal

The benefits of oatmeal:

has fibre
a high percentage of protein.
So, when we eat a bowl of wholemeal oats in the morning, we can maintain a steady blood glucose level and feel satiated for 4-5 hours. ⠀
Oatmeal is a great way to have a tasty and healthy meal that won't be boring due to its monotony.
403 views14:52