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Nutritionist | Sofia's blog

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Логотип телеграм канала @dietetics_sofia — Nutritionist | Sofia's blog
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Категории: Юмор и развлечения , Еда и кулинария
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Последние сообщения 21

2022-01-06 13:52:42
Today I want to talk about flax seeds!

They are actively consumed by people who care about their health.

Many people wonder if they should include flaxseeds in their diet and what are their health benefits? How and how much of it can be used with health benefits?

There are many useful things in flaxseed.

It is a source of dietary fiber, which like a brush cleanses the intestines, stimulates their peristalsis and creates a feeling of fullness.
The seeds are also rich in phytoestrogens — phenolic compounds with antioxidant activity, which protect the female body from neoplasms and help ease the symptoms of menopause and discomfort associated with menopause.
Also flax seeds can be called a natural statin, as it helps normalize cholesterol levels.
421 views10:52
2022-01-05 14:10:45
When does coffee become dessert?

Coffee contains many active ingredients, including caffeine and various antioxidants.

In addition to the classic types of coffee, there are also many coffee drinks on the market, some of them can safely be called dessert, because they contain a lot of sugar and extra calories, like... in a portion of ice cream ⠀

A case in point:

Espresso 30 ml - 3 kcal;⠀
Americano 300 ml - 6-10 kcal;⠀
East 100 ml - 62 kcal;⠀
Cappuccino 300 ml - 90-140 kcal;⠀
Late 300 ml - 90-220 kcal;⠀
Caramel macchiato 300 ml - 240-290 kcal;⠀

The daily dose of coffee should not exceed reasonable limits on the amount you drink and the content of sweet fillers. ⠀

Two to three servings of caffeinated beverages per day are recommended.
593 views11:10
2022-01-04 17:01:12
For many people, the word "cholesterol" is something harmful and dangerous. But is cholesterol always bad?

Cholesterol is vital for normal body function.

It is a component of cell membranes, necessary for the creation of hormones, bile acids, vitamin D. Without it, calcium cannot be absorbed in the body. Therefore, our body cannot do without cholesterol ⠀

But at the same time it is a risk factor for atherosclerosis and related cardiovascular diseases

The above occurs when cholesterol is in excess and especially when its fractions are abnormal.

It is enough to eat 300-400 mg of cholesterol per day. This is primarily dairy products, meat and eggs.
657 views14:01
2022-01-03 21:28:50
The daily amount depends on the age

90 -120 mcg/day is needed for children under 12 years of age. Adults need 150 mcg of iodine per day, pregnant and nursing women should get 200-250 mcg/day of iodine.
Main sources of iodine:

algae (seaweed, chukka, wakame), kelp in dry form.⠀
sea fish — halibut, cod, salmon, bark, herring, mackerel;
fish oil and shellfish.⠀
Iodine is also found in other foods, such as:

red meat,⠀
milk (iodine levels depend on the use of iodized feed),⠀
vegetables and fruits. ⠀⠀
Iodine-enriched products — iodized salt, table water and mineral water.
Include these products regularly in your diet.
740 views18:28
2022-01-03 11:19:17
Dried fruits are a good source of minerals, some vitamins, dietary fiber, glucose and fructose. They can be part of our healthy diet, especially during Lent.

But when consuming them we need to keep the following in mind:

Dried fruits that look shiny or greasy may be coated in vegetable oil (usually cheap) or boiled in sugar syrup.

They may be treated with sulfur dioxide (E220), to increase shelf life. People who are particularly sensitive to this sulfur compound may experience gastrointestinal problems, headaches, bronchial asthma attacks, etc.

Dried fruits contain a lot of simple carbohydrates — glucose and fructose.
69 views08:19
2022-01-03 11:17:00
we know where you can spend your free time! charge yourself with a positive together with funny lol
55 views08:17
2022-01-03 10:16:48

Gluten is a protein in cereals, in particular wheat, rye and barley. The content of gluten in wheat is at least 70% of the weight of the grain.

Yes, gluten can be harmful. However, only to those people who suffer from its intolerance — celiac disease. This is a dangerous autoimmune disease that manifests as changes to the small intestine mucosa and impaired food absorption. It affects about 1% of people. ⠀

Excessive consumption of food containing gluten can cause digestive problems.
103 views07:16
2022-01-02 19:14:40
Hummus is a simple snack whose main ingredient is mashed chickpeas.

The calorie humus depends on the ingredients it contains. On average 100 g hummus has about 300 kcal, protein up to 9,0 g, carbohydrates about 20 g, one fourth of which consists of fiber, fat can be up to 20 g.

Hummus also contains potassium, manganese, iron, copper, selenium, and vitamins such as lutein and zeaxanthin.

Tahini is a sesame paste, which is part of hummus adds vitamin E and calcium.

In humus is added olive oil, the benefits of which are known to many people.
163 views16:14
2022-01-02 14:37:48

Courgette is rich in carotenoids, lutein and its isomer zeaxanthin. These substances are able to accumulate in the tissues of the eye and provide effective eye protection

There are ascorbic acid and folic acid - 17% and 4-5% of the daily requirement, respectively.

It contains dietary fibre and water, which are essential for normal intestinal function.

Fibre also has a positive effect on the intestinal microflora. Besides fiber binds cholesterol and bile acids in intestine and removes them from the body. This decreases the risk of atherosclerosis and gallstones.

Dietary fibre, of which at least 25-30 g should be present in an adult's daily diet, is helpful.
256 views11:37
2022-01-01 19:07:30
Do you like radishes?

Radish roots contain vitamins B1, B2, B5, B6, B9, PP, as well as minerals necessary for the human body: potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, natural fibre and phytoncides.

Check the radishes on the palate when buying them:

it must be perfectly firm, otherwise you risk buying half-empty, fibrous specimens.

the peel should be smooth and clean, with no black spots.

A juicy, crunchy radish with a slight mustard flavour is the perfect accompaniment to any salad.

Important: Radishes are contraindicated in cases of hyperthyroidism, gout, gastritis and acute ulcers.
205 views16:07