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Body-brain code | BIOHACKING

Логотип телеграм канала @biohacking_code — Body-brain code | BIOHACKING B
Логотип телеграм канала @biohacking_code — Body-brain code | BIOHACKING
Адрес канала: @biohacking_code
Категории: Путешествия
Язык: Русский
Количество подписчиков: 8.13K
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Author's blog about how to pump up your health and stop the aging process naturally
Collaboration @brainup5, @Evertiy

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Последние сообщения 4

2022-06-21 18:00:16
How to behave in times of great stress

When adrenaline is released, our body constricts the capillaries to reduce possible blood loss. Alas, the cerebral cortex is also on the surface and bleeds from there as well.

That's why when we're stressed we get "dumber" and do strange things.

The plan of action in such hours and days should be as follows:

Keep in mind that I am stressed and that my decisions and perceptions of what is going on are highly distorted. You have to say to yourself, "You're not adequate and you're making a weird decision right now. Let's calm down and think about it."

Breath control. This substantially reduces the adrenaline in the blood and stabilizes the parts of the brain that are overly agitated.

Walking. For the most part, this is another way to establish a stable breathing pattern and unload the brain.

Make a plan of action. Planning creates the illusion of control. The illusion of control calms your emotions.
668 views15:00
2022-06-21 12:30:23
Can a caloric diet affect your risk of a heart attack?

The answer — unequivocally YES.

So if you like to eat a high-calorie meal at night, highly recommend that you do not do this ...

It is better to finish eating 2-3 hours before going to bed.

By limiting your caloric intake, you can reduce your risk of strokes as well as neurodegenerative diseases.

Reducing your calorie intake also leads to better memory, especially at an older age, which has been confirmed by numerous studies.
686 views09:30
2022-06-20 18:00:14
The placebo effect

Today we are going to look at the placebo effect. The placebo effect has been known to science for 400 years. The placebo effect will not replace your habitual medications, but it may change the way you think about taking any medications or supplements.

The placebo effect is not just a "positive attitude. Yes, science says that believing the best and not stressing out is already a great help to health. But the placebo works differently. The secret is in the psychosocial context: the words and rituals of the therapeutic act (taking pills, performing procedures, talking to the doctor) literally change brain chemistry.

Does placebo work on serious illnesses

No, cancer is unlikely to shrink. But symptoms are reduced: at best, 21% of patients felt less pain. In another study, those who recovered from cancer had a third less feeling of chronic fatigue. Alzheimer's disease won't go away, but Parkinson's disease symptoms will ease.
830 views15:00
2022-06-20 14:59:06
Why you should brush your tongue

Taking care of your tongue twice a day not only cleanses it of bacteria. This cleaning gets rid of four problems.

It prevents tooth decay by preventing bacteria from producing enamel-destroying acid.

Eliminates bad breath because bacteria do not release smelly substances.

Removes plaque, a breeding ground for bacteria.

Increases the sensitivity of the taste buds — a clean tongue tastes the tones of food and drinks more clearly.

When taking care of your tongue, remember that not every plaque is a sign of some problem. There is healthy plaque that can be easily removed with proper hygiene.
776 views11:59
2022-06-19 18:03:11
Stare at the monitor for 6 hours without taking your eyes off the screen?

Here's our eye health formula

This formula is called "20-20."

Take a break every 20 minutes and take your eyes off the computer screen and focus your gaze for 20 seconds on objects that are about 6 meters away from the screen.

Also, do not forget about exercising at your workplace
884 views15:03
2022-06-19 12:57:19
How to maintain productivity with essential oils

It's an undeniable fact that breath is an important factor in our health and mood

Aromatherapy has been around for many thousands of years. Stephen Warrenburg of Oxford University has discovered that essential oils with certain fragrances can help reduce stress and boost mood, concentration, and productivity.

Here are some essential oils to help you focus and increase your productivity:

Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis).
Mandarin (Citrus reticulata).
Lavender (Lavandula).
Basil (Ocimum basilicum).

How to use: One way to use it is to gently rub it into the space between your eyebrows.

Remember that your sense of smell has a big impact on your perception of reality. So you can try to control your activity and mood with these essential oils.
926 views09:57
2022-06-17 20:00:10

Neurogenesis is a complex process that begins with the proliferation of progenitor cells, migration, differentiation of newly formed cells and ends with the formation of a new functioning and integrated neuron network.

Simply put, neurogenesis is the process of new nerve cell emergence in the brain, which is most active during prenatal development.

However, neurogenesis continues into adulthood — this fact, relatively recently recognized by the scientific community, has disproved the long-standing theory about the static nature of the nervous system and its inability to regenerate.

Some positive stimuli contributing to the process of neurogenesis include:

learning process;
ecological environment (favorable environment);
physical exercise;


excessive glutamate activity in the CNS;
exposure to glucocorticoids;
22 views17:00
2022-06-17 18:00:13
Tired of being overweight?

Being in bad physical shape?

The Health promotion channel is for you.

A trainer with 20 years of experience of training will tell you:

-How to lose weight without resorting to tiresome diets;

-Make a beautiful body without grueling workouts;

-Get results. Whatever sport you play.

It's time for action! Get in the channel!
202 views15:00
2022-06-17 17:00:07
How to protect your brain from the damaging effects of stress

To protect yourself from many health problems, you have to learn how to manage stress.

Establish some kind of control over life situations. Predictability helps with stress — focus on the things that can trigger it.

Get healthy sleep. Lack of sleep makes some parts of the brain less active, as a result, stress will build up like a "snowball".

Try to be more focused and organized. Make yourself a list of things to do and tasks you want to accomplish during the day — this will help distribute your daily workload.

Change your attitude towards stress. Stress is an engine in development and learning. Try not to avoid stressful situations, but to learn how to react to them in the right way by drawing certain conclusions.
272 views14:00
2022-06-17 11:51:26
Why it's important not to get distracted while eating

There's a part of our brain called the thalamus. It's such a regulator at a complex crossroads, where a lot of signals from different senses come in.

The thalamus decides which information streams can go to the cerebral cortex for processing. If it were not for the thalamus, the cortex would explode from the enormous flow of information.

When we eat, the thalamus elevates information about taste to the large hemispheres.

But if our focus is not on eating, but on watching TV or communicating, the visual and auditory systems become involved as well. This results in a large flow of information from several sensory systems, and information about taste may simply not pass through the thalamus and get filtered out.

This leads to the fact that you may not even be aware of what you have just eaten. This unconscious consumption of food is a direct pathway to overeating and obesity.
456 views08:51