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Body-brain code | BIOHACKING

Логотип телеграм канала @biohacking_code — Body-brain code | BIOHACKING B
Логотип телеграм канала @biohacking_code — Body-brain code | BIOHACKING
Адрес канала: @biohacking_code
Категории: Путешествия
Язык: Русский
Количество подписчиков: 8.13K
Описание канала:

Author's blog about how to pump up your health and stop the aging process naturally
Collaboration @brainup5, @Evertiy

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Последние сообщения 22

2022-04-12 16:48:21 ​​ ACTIVATE THE BRAIN

Improve the speed of thinking, analytical skills and memory.

Go through the maze
1.5K views13:48
2022-04-11 17:00:09
How To Program Your Brain For Success

Do sports and meditation.
Endorphins are being released while exercising, which boosts your creativity. Meditation helps to reach inner relaxation.

Eat foods high in omega-3s and healthy fats.
It will help to maintain required endorphin level and improve blood circulation in the brain.

Repeat to yourself your main goal in the morning and evening. Well-defined goal will guide the work of the subconsciousness and help to switch from pessimism to optimism.

Sleep enough. To be more attentive and improve your concentration, try to sleep 6.5-8 hours a day.

Learn new things. Spend 15 minutes a day to learn something new or improve already existing skills.

Protect yourself from negativity. Our environment greatly affects the health of our brains. So try to get rid of annoying factors.

Visualize your success. Hence, you'll have an opportunity to experience situation that has not yet happened in reality. It actually helps to improve your subconsciousness.
1.6K views14:00
2022-04-11 13:33:44
"Do The Scary Thing" Method

When you do the scary thing, you get the strongest self development effect.

Overcoming of fears boosts your personal growth in every direction of life. You become stronger both mentally and physically.

That's why we need to do scary things at first. It might be a big task or new project you don't even know how to start. You’re terrified of the unknown.

Just take it and do it. You'll receive new experience and fear will go away on its own.
1.4K views10:33
2022-04-10 17:52:11
For the office plankton

Working in an office turns an active person into a lazy seal who every now and then sits in front of a computer for a couple more hours, but this opens the door to many diseases and excess weight .

And if you can't always make it to the gym, here's an easy alternative — squats. They're the ones that get your blood flowing and strengthen your pelvic muscles, as well as stimulate your hormone production.

Do this exercise during your breaks and set yourself a goal of, for example, 200 squats a day.
1.5K views14:52
2022-04-10 12:01:43
Iodised salt and the thought process

No, it doesn't mean you have to spoon salt for breakfast, lunch and dinner to make good decisions.

Scientists have proven: Iodine deficiency is the cause of diminished intellectual capacity in populations living in an iodine deficiency zone.

In adulthood, a lack of iodine in the body can impair cognitive function and lead to emotional disorders.

That's where the iodised salt comes in. Its introduction to the diet will be an excellent prevention of iodine deficiency.
1.5K views09:01