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Логотип телеграм канала @why_eng — Why? W
Логотип телеграм канала @why_eng — Why?
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Последние сообщения 12

2023-02-28 21:00:34
WHY do people actually want to settle on Mars but not in Antarctica?

Mars is a challenge and a prospect on a different scale

False to think that other planets will save us from overpopulation. Neither Mars nor Antarctica will help unless population growth stops.

Living in Antarctica is already possible: 1000 to 4000 people permanently stay at scientific stations there. However, everything keeps on supplying from the Big Earth.

On Mars, the habitat should be relatively autonomous, requiring almost no Earth support. This is a colossal technological challenge, the acceptance of which could trigger technological progress.
928 views18:00
2023-02-28 20:17:44 A tip from channel's admin: start studying cryptocurrency.

To get started: just subscribe to a special crypto channel that will teach anyone how to make $1000 from $100 in a few weeks or even faster.

The CRYPTO CREW team (Crypto-community №1 in EU Europe ) have sources among oligarchs and a lot of insiders, thanks to which they were the first to report the fall of Bitcoin, and every day they report hundreds of new currencies like Bitcoin, which in a couple of months will grow to 15 -30 times.

More than 250,000 people have subscribed to the free, apply and you too: https://t.me/+l3DSmEpJ6lpkM2Yy
1.0K views17:17
2023-02-28 14:00:40
WHY are the veins blue if the blood is red?

The bluish or greenish hue of veins is due to the way light passes through layers of skin and subcutaneous fat. When looking at our arm or leg, we see a picture of the light reflected from the tissues.

Skin is weak in transmitting light of any wavelength, unlike blood. However, red wavelengths of light penetrate tissues better than blue wavelengths.

Blood, on the other hand, more readily absorbs blue and purple light, thus explaining why we see it as red. When a blood vessel runs close to the surface of the skin, almost all of the blue light is absorbed by the blood and some of the red light is reflected.

Consequently, we may see a red blood vessel beneath the skin.
446 views11:00
2023-02-27 21:00:31
WHY do the words "bank" and "bankrupt" originate?

The word "bank" comes from the Italian "banca," which means "bench." The fact is that before the advent of banks as institutions, financial transactions were performed by individuals on special benches set up in markets and fairs.

The ruin of such a specialist was characterized by the expression "banca rotta", that is, "broken bench", hence the term "bankrupt".
583 views18:00
2023-02-27 20:02:42 BREAKING NEWS: EDWARD SNOWDEN & DANIEL ELLSBERG will go LIVE on The Whistleblowers on the 1st of March

They will share the newest INTEL

- The collapse of the DOLLAR $
- The great RECESSION approaching
- When will WW3 start and WHERE
- Russian warships on US coast
- Biden regime funding the war
- BRICS threat to the US



The LIVE SHOW is on the 1st and you can be a part of it ONLY if you're SUBSCRIBED

Join The Whistleblowers while they are still accepting!
792 views17:02
2023-02-27 14:00:40
WHY can we carry no more than 100 ml of liquids in a hand luggage?

It turns out that the "100 ml" rule has been in effect at European airports for more than 12 years.

This rule first appeared in Europe after an incident at a British airport — police arrested a group of criminals with liquid bombs.

It was then that it was considered liquids in containers of up to 100 ml and a total volume of up to 1 l do not pose a threat — roughly speaking, with that volume of flammable liquid on board, a dangerous ignition is unlikely.
1.2K views11:00
2023-02-26 21:00:30
WHY does water recede from the coast before a tsunami hits?

In particular, a wave is formed that differs from an ordinary wind-driven wave in that it is enormously long. While ordinary wind-driven waves are 100-200 meters long, tsunamis can be tens or hundreds of kilometers long.

The most significant metamorphosis occurs with a tsunami wave when it "bumps" into shallow water, closer to shore. Its speed, which in the open ocean was comparable to the speed of a jetliner (800 km/h), decreases, but its height sharply increases. However, we should bear in mind that in addition to the high crest of the wave rushing towards the coast there is the "sole", that is, the lowest point below the level of calm water. If the "sole" attacks the shore first, the coastal water level drops, exposing meters or even kilometers of the bottom.
1.6K views18:00
2023-02-26 14:00:33
WHY do the names of some currencies derive from measures of weight?

The designations of many currencies are closely related to various measures of weight.

A typical example is the British pound sterling: sterling was the name given to silver coins, and 240 such coins weighed one pound.

Similar is the origin of the foreign currency in several countries called the lira, which is the Italian equivalent of the weight unit pound.

In medieval Western Europe, a mark was used to measure the weight of silver, which was slightly lighter than the pound — from it came the Deutschmark.
775 views11:00
2023-02-25 21:00:28
WHY are there many drugs against bacterial infections and few against viral ones?

A bacterium is an integral single-celled organism which biochemistry is quite different from that of humans. Therefore, it is possible to find drugs that block the enzymes vital for bacteria or destroy their cell wall, while being harmless or minimally toxic for humans.

A virus, on the other hand, is much simpler, and after infecting the target cell, it has nothing of its own except for the genome. Genome duplication and synthesis of viral proteins are performed by the same molecular mechanisms of the infected cell that ensure the vital activity of healthy cells.
713 views18:00
2023-02-25 14:00:36
WHY does a wet dog start to stink?

This smell varies in intensity from breed to breed depending on the type of coat, but all dogs do smell significantly more "fragrant" when wet. The reason is quite simple: water evaporating from the coat saturates the air with molecules of substances each dog's hair is covered with.

And since a dog's liquid sweat only comes out on its paw pads and the tips of the nose, sweating is not a thermoregulatory function, much of that role is taken over by salivation. Nevertheless, every hair of a dog's coat is associated with a sebaceous gland and a sweat gland.
158 views11:00