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Логотип телеграм канала @why_eng — Why? W
Логотип телеграм канала @why_eng — Why?
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Категории: Дизайн , Познавательное
Язык: Русский
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Последние сообщения 15

2023-02-13 21:00:33
WHY don't people still inject themselves with endorphins (happiness hormones) intravenously?

Actually, they do.

It's called "heroin addiction". The chemical structure of opiates is totally unlike our own endorphins (otherwise they wouldn't be able to get from the blood vessels to the brain), but they act exactly the same way on the receptors.

And there is nothing good about this idea, since the brain is instantly hooked on the artificial sensation of concentrated happiness and demands repetition. And after a number of repetitions it reduces the production of its own endorphins.
615 views18:00
2023-02-13 14:00:43
WHY does each flower have a unique scent?

To attract "their" insects.

Almost all fragrant flowers are pollinated by insects. Plants benefit from pollinators visiting one of them and flying to another one of them.

Then the flowers will get pollen of their own kind, not someone else's. To this end, flowers have features that help insects recognize them: shape, coloration, and, naturally, smell. It can include substances that are attractive to the "right" pollinators.
1.1K views11:00
2023-02-12 21:00:33
WHY do we sleep on a pillow?

One of the reasons we use pillows is the anatomy of the human body. When we stand, our head, neck and spine are on the same vertical line.

This line must also be maintained when lying down. That is, for a comfortable sleeping position, the head and the cervical spine should also be on the same line.
1.0K views18:00
2023-02-12 14:00:36
WHY do girls love diamond wedding bands so much?

For five centuries, the diamond has established itself as the most expensive and desirable stone for jewelry. And since the 19th century, it has been considered the most popular stone for engagement and wedding rings.

This tradition was established by De Beers, which monopolized the diamond market in the late 19th century and just after World War II explained in an advertising campaign of historic proportions that diamonds are forever.

Naturally, marketers drew parallels with love and marriage and suggested that men should spend three wages for an engagement ring. The monopoly lasted until the mid-1990s. Today, the once-great "diamond syndicate" owns only 40% of the market.
864 views11:00
2023-02-11 21:00:31
WHY not to wear lenses when you're sick?

When sneezing or coming into contact with your eyes, if you, say, touch your nose with your hand and then run your fingers over your face next to your eyes, bacteria can get on the surface of the lens. This multiplies the risk of eye infections many times over. A weakened immune system also worsens the situation. After all, a weakened body is more difficult to resist the emergence and development of new diseases.

Increased temperature leads to drying of the mucous membrane of the eye. The same effect occurs when taking certain medications, such as antihistamines used in allergies. A person feels itching and burning in the eyes, suffering from their redness. Contact lenses can aggravate this condition, so you can not wear them with a cold.
822 views18:00
2023-02-11 20:01:43
The future is already here. Today bots can write texts for you, generate live performances and create masterpieces of art.

Just imagine: you manage 2-3 algorithms, spend several hours a day - and "soulless algorithms" do all the work.

In fact, it's not a click-bait or fiction: https://t.me/genie_bottle_bot - this bot can help with any of these tasks.

It's ChatGPT-based, integrated into Telegram, and understands voice messages in different languages. Plus, you can customize it to your liking.

Launch the bot, use modern technology and live in 2K30, the rest of us live in 2023 - https://t.me/genie_bottle_bot
891 views17:01
2023-02-11 14:00:39
WHY does my voice disappear?

It frequently occurs with laryngitis, normally provoked by viral agents or caused by general hypothermia.

Due to inflammation in the larynx, the vocal cords stop vibrating and therefore cannot create sound waves when exhaling air from the lungs.
1.2K views11:00
2023-02-10 21:33:01
WHY do hyena dogs follow the custom of making decisions in the pack by voting?

The hyena dogs inhabiting Africa have a collective decision-making mechanism. To start the hunt, one individual must make a sneeze-like sound, and the others must support it with the same sound.

If one of the dominant pair sneezes first, an average of three support votes is enough to start the hunt, and if an ordinary dog starts the hunt, the number of necessary votes increases to ten.
1.7K views18:33
2023-02-10 21:00:31
WHY do hyena dogs follow the custom of making decisions in the pack by voting?

The hyena dogs inhabiting Africa have a collective decision-making mechanism. To start the hunt, one individual must make a sneeze-like sound, and the others must support it with the same sound.

If one of the dominant pair sneezes first, an average of three support votes is enough to start the hunt, and if an ordinary dog starts the hunt, the number of necessary votes increases to ten.
129 views18:00
2023-02-10 20:32:36
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255 views17:32