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Логотип телеграм канала @why_eng — Why? W
Логотип телеграм канала @why_eng — Why?
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Последние сообщения 11

2023-03-05 21:00:30
WHY are drinks carbonated?

Carbonated beverages
are drinks saturated with carbon dioxide, characterized by a peculiar, beloved by many taste, refreshing properties and the so-called sparkling, i.e. intensive and prolonged release of gas bubbles.

In addition to the special taste, the main commercial property of carbon dioxide - preservative (disinfecting, disinfectant, antimicrobial) - is intensively exploited in the production of beverages today.
928 views18:00
2023-03-05 14:00:32
WHY does salt make snow melt?

Salt solution has a lower freezing point.

There is a thin layer of quasi-liquid water on the surface of ice. It is formed by the fastest molecules that bounce off the ice crystal. At temperatures below zero, these molecules soon "freeze" to the crystal again.

Salt, dissolving in this quasi-liquid layer, slightly reduces the concentration of molecules, slowing their return from the liquid phase to the solid, and the ice melts. Still, of course, in quite severe frost, salting the ice is not enough to melt it.
1.4K views11:00
2023-03-04 21:00:32
WHY is dieting incompatible with alcohol?

It's not even so much that alcohol increases appetite and lowers self-control, but that the brain, having detected the presence of ethyl alcohol in the blood, stops the metabolism, including the process of turning fat into glucose, and concentrates on removing alcohol and its toxic derivatives from the body as quickly as possible.

Since your body is capable of absorbing no more than 15 to 30 ml of pure alcohol per hour, the process of digesting a can of beer, for example, will stop fat burning for about an hour and a half.
1.7K views18:00
2023-03-04 14:00:36
WHY are there wooden planks on F1 cars?

Formula 1 cars have been continuously improved to increase downforce, which has been achieved, among other things, by minimizing ground clearance.

Since 1994, to combat accidents and improve safety, a simple 10mm thick beech wood composite board has been mandatory on the underside of all racing cars. After the race, the boards are always checked, and for wear and tear beyond the allotted limit, the driver's result may be invalidated.
586 views11:00
2023-03-03 21:00:33
WHY is alcohol stored in wooden barrels?

First of all, it is worth noting that alcohol in oak barrels is not stored but aged, which in itself is a completely different process. Traditionally cognac, brandy, Calvados and other alcoholic beverages with a specific "oak" flavor are aged in oak barrels.

The thing is that oak gives that noble taste to the alcoholic beverage. In addition, this kind of wood has optimal porosity, which is best for storing alcohol and its proper infusion.
697 views18:00
2023-03-03 14:00:34
WHY are there wooden planks on F1 cars?

Formula 1 cars have been continuously improved to increase downforce, which has been achieved, among other things, by minimizing ground clearance.

Since 1994, to combat accidents and improve safety, a simple 10mm thick beech wood composite board has been mandatory on the underside of all racing cars. After the race, the boards are always checked, and for wear and tear beyond the allotted limit, the driver's result may be invalidated.
1.2K views11:00
2023-03-02 21:00:33
WHY do wounds itch when they heal?

The injured tissue releases the neurotransmitter histamine abundantly. Immediately after injury, it triggers an inflammatory response and later prompts tissue stem cells to migrate to the damaged area and repair the tissue.

It turns out that histamine irritates the nerve endings in the skin, causing itching.
67 views18:00
2023-03-02 14:00:34
WHY do people grab their earlobe when their finger is burned?

The earlobe is the coldest part of the body (available), and it is normal to look for something colder when burned.

Moreover, the lobe has many different receptors, so they are projected to certain internal organs of our body and warming the burned fingers on the earlobe helps to reduce the pain.
868 views11:00
2023-03-01 21:00:31
WHY are movies shot against a green background?

The green background is used in films in order to replace it with computer-generated visual effects: a single-color green canvas transforms into a panorama of the city, for instance, during the post-production phase.

Technically, the background color can be anything - gray, white, black or purple, but films are shot against a green background, as this color stands out the most (that is, it is easier to highlight and replace it with another color or image later on).
643 views18:00
2023-03-01 14:00:39
WHY are almonds healthy?

The consumption of just four almonds a day will help to reduce cholesterol levels, improve hair quality, prevent heart disease, fight wrinkles, overweight, and most importantly, improve brain function.

It is an excellent source of calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus and potassium. It contains many B vitamins (B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9), as well as tocopherol (vitamin E).
1.1K views11:00