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Последние сообщения 8

2023-05-17 21:44:01
Dear friends of Vivoterra

It is important to change into the high heart-frequency-ranges time and again.
If we stay for too long in the low fear-frequency-ranges, we lose trust and start to doubt.

Realms from which you withdraw your attention and energy, become weaker.
Realms in which you invest your attention and energy in, become stronger.

Peace be with you

Vivoterra – The treasure trove of knowledge | Please subscribe and share t.me/vivoterra_en
871 views18:44
2023-05-17 16:33:03 ANALYSIS: Top Officials Who Pushed Aggressive COVID-19 Policies Now Try to Reframe Their Positions

"Some of the people most strongly associated with promoting lockdown measures during the COVID-19 p[l]andemic have recently sought to recast their positions. Examples include Anthony Fauci, former leader of the federal COVID-19 response, teachers’ union head Randi Weingarten, and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.

Fauci seemed eager to shirk responsibility for the lockdowns when talking to The New York Times last week.

'Show me a school that I shut down and show me a factory that I shut down. Never. I never did,' he said.

It was the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) that produced the lockdown recommendations, he emphasized.

'I gave a public-health recommendation that echoed the CDC’s recommendation, and people made a decision based on that,' he said, noting that he 'happened to be perceived as the personification of the recommendations.'

That perception wasn’t mere happenstance though. Fauci hardly missed an opportunity for a media spotlight, accepting accolades for supposedly leading the country through the crisis."


Vivoterra – The treasure trove of knowledge | Please subscribe and share t.me/vivoterra_en
952 views13:33
2023-05-17 15:07:02

U.S. Flag at the top of Senate on U.S. Capitol Flies Upside Down

Currently, photos show the U.S. American flag appears to be flying upside down at the top of the Senate on the U.S. Capitol in Washington DC.

According to the U.S. Flag Code, flying the American flag upside down is only meant to be done "as a signal of distress in instances of extreme danger to life or property."


Vivoterra – The treasure trove of knowledge | Please subscribe and share t.me/vivoterra_en
1.1K views12:07
2023-05-15 10:08:01

Vivoterra – The treasure trove of knowledge | Please subscribe and share t.me/vivoterra_en
228 views07:08

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Warm regards
Your team from Vivoterra

Vivoterra – The treasure trove of knowledge | Please subscribe and share t.me/vivoterra_en
221 views07:04
2023-05-15 10:00:25

Have a joyful day, dear friends of Vivoterra

Vivoterra – The treasure trove of knowledge | Please subscribe and share t.me/vivoterra_en
213 views07:00
2023-05-15 00:44:00

Vivoterra – The treasure trove of knowledge | Please subscribe and share t.me/vivoterra_en
734 views21:44
2023-05-15 00:09:00 At least 260 migrants cross the Channel in boats over Coronation weekend, with more than 600 asylum seekers landing on UK shores last week, official figures show

"The latest arrivals were seen this morning after being rescued by a Border Force vessel following a small boat incident in the Channel.

The group of adults and small children, all thought to be migrants, were seen wearing life jackets and disembarking Dover earlier today.

Government figures reveal that a total of 6,549 asylum seekers have crossed the Channel in 156 boats to date in 2023. In the eight days of May alone, there have already been 603 migrants arriving in the UK.

Last month month saw 1,859 migrants arrive on British soil by inflatable dinghy or other small craft, making it the busiest this year, and April 22 saw 497 people undertake the perilous journey over a 24-hour period - a record day for 2023 at this stage.

Last week Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama launched another scathing attack on the UK, stating that the country was in 'a bad place' and having a 'nervous breakdown' over the flow of thousands of people from the Continent in small boats."


Vivoterra – The treasure trove of knowledge | Please subscribe and share t.me/vivoterra_en
781 views21:09
2023-05-14 23:31:01
#7 In Sept. 2020, CNN's Andrew Cuomo reported that PCR tests were "too sensitive."

"In three sets of testing data that include cycle thresholds, compiled by officials in Massachusetts, New York, and Nevada, up to 90% of people testing positive carried barely any virus..."


707 views20:31
2023-05-14 23:29:02

More than 2'000 U.S. banks are insolvent — The Telegraph

Nearly half of the 4'800 banks in the U.S. are nearly insolvent, having depleted their capital buffers, The Telegraph reported earlier this week, citing a group of banking experts.

According to Professor Amit Seru, a banking expert at Stanford University, about half of U.S. lenders are underwater.

"Let's not claim that this is just about Silicon Valley Bank and First Republic," he said. "Much of the U.S. banking system is potentially insolvent."

Vivoterra – The treasure trove of knowledge | Please subscribe and share t.me/vivoterra_en
703 views20:29