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Последние сообщения 10

2023-05-14 12:58:01 Trump Reacts to Cleveland ‘Guardians’ Owner’s Son Declaring Ohio Senate Bid: ‘The Republican Party Has too Many RINOs’

"Dolan, who is the son of the Ohio businessman who caved to cancel culture by changing the name of the Cleveland Indians to 'Guardians', is now running for U.S. Senate as a “Republican,” claiming to oppose the very same cancel culture — while also making erasing former President Trump a centerpiece of his campaign.

'Anybody that changes the name of the once storied Cleveland Indians to the Cleveland Guardians should not be running for the United States Senate representing the Great People of Ohio,' Trump said in a statement on Monday.

'The Atlanta Braves didn’t change their name, and the Florida State Seminoles didn’t change their chant, but Cleveland has, and they were there first,' the 45th president added.

'Despite this, a man named Matt Dolan, the son of the owner of the team, said he is against Cancel Culture. Do those two things really work together?' Trump continued.

The former president concluded his statement by implying that he will not be endorsing Dolan for U.S. senate.

'In any event, I know of at least one person in the race who I won’t be endorsing. The Republican Party has too many RINOs!' Trump affirmed."


Vivoterra – The treasure trove of knowledge | Please subscribe and share t.me/vivoterra_en
983 views09:58
2023-05-14 12:55:01

The Russian foreign minister Sergey Lavrov asked to comment on Donald J. Trump's "Pussy Riot" moment:

"There's so many pussies surrounding your presidential campaign on both sides that I prefer not to comment about it."

Vivoterra – The treasure trove of knowledge | Please subscribe and share t.me/vivoterra_en
977 views09:55
2023-05-14 10:06:02

Vivoterra – The treasure trove of knowledge | Please subscribe and share t.me/vivoterra_en
986 views07:06
2023-05-12 16:44:01


So many people are trapped in the fear matrix and think: "We 90% are poor and defenseless victims and can't do anything against the 10% of the ruling NWO communists anyway."

Much worse than any command of the command givers, no matter how criminal, is the obedience of the command recipients, controlled by fear and/or greed. Without this obedience all these orders are only wishes without effect.

The rulers will stop ruling when the crawlers stop crawling.

Those who sacrifice freedom to obtain security will lose both in the end.

The trust in the natural order, however, defeats the fear of the abyss.

Vivoterra – The treasure trove of knowledge | Please subscribe and share t.me/vivoterra_en
246 views13:44
2023-05-12 14:49:01


The protests in France are becoming increasingly heavy.

Vivoterra – The treasure trove of knowledge | Please subscribe and share t.me/vivoterra_en
418 views11:49
2023-05-12 14:46:01
Oregon Senator Fights Bill That OKs Adult-Free Medical Decisions & Concealment of Dead Babies

HB 2002B:

• Allows a child of any age, without parental knowledge, to receive an abortion.

• decriminalizes concealing the dead body of a newborn child.


Follow @Daily_Clout
Latest News | Pfizer Documents Book
392 views11:46
2023-05-12 13:15:02 Keeping it in the family! King Charles III is Jill Biden's 13th cousin once removed - while Justin Trudeau is his 12th cousin

"Remarkably, new research has revealed how Mrs Biden and King Charles are distant cousins.

New research has revealed how the monarch and Mrs Biden both descend from 16th century noble couple Philippe III de Croÿ and his wife Johanna. They are 13th cousins once removed.

Philippe III, who died in 1595, served as a knight under Spain's King Philip II, the husband of Queen Mary who sent the Spanish Armada to invade England in 1588.

The research by genealogy website MyHeritage has also shown that the King is a 12th cousin of Canadian PM Justin Trudeau, who will also be at the Coronation.

The King and Mrs Biden are both the 13th generation descending from De Croÿ.

The 'once removed' element of their connection refers to the number of generations that separate them.

A first cousin once removed would refer to a cousin who is of your parents' generation."


Vivoterra – The treasure trove of knowledge | Please subscribe and share t.me/vivoterra_en
519 views10:15
2023-05-12 13:12:01

Prime Minister of Hungary – Viktor Orbán – calls for President Donald J. Trump to be "re-elected":

"I am sure that if President Trump was the president today, there would not be any war in the Ukraine or in Europe. Mr. President, come back, make America great again, bring us peace again."

Vivoterra – The treasure trove of knowledge | Please subscribe and share t.me/vivoterra_en
472 views10:12
2023-05-12 10:06:01

Vivoterra – The treasure trove of knowledge | Please subscribe and share t.me/vivoterra_en
683 views07:06

This comprehensive book is an extraordinary work in that it provides a complete and practice-orientated depiction of the detailed teaching of Yin and Yang. InYology is the study of Yin and Yang. The teaching of the Laws of Nature or the order of the universe.

In is the Japanese term for the Chinese word Yin.
Yo is the Japanese term for the Chinese word Yang.

InYology is of invaluable worth for all people dealing with health, consciousness, and the Laws of Nature. InYology is a magical compass needed to understand the Laws of Nature and the order of the universe.

The InYology Book is a treasure trove of knowledge covering more than 912 pages, and containing over 80 color drawings, graphs and helpful tables.

Vivoterra TV | World:

Link to the InYology Book: https://bit.ly/3l1IV8P

Vivoterra – The treasure trove of knowledge | Please subscribe and share t.me/vivoterra_en
580 views07:02