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Vivoterra | World

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- The treasure trove of knowledge -

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When someone says, “I am good.” Yes, well, that still barely passes. When somebody says, “I am top class”, then that’s where it stops. That is arrogant, they say. Self-praise stinks. You must not praise yourself like that. You are not allowed to love yourself like that. Only others may praise you and love you. And these others will tell you how much you are worth and how much you should be loved.

Why is it like that? Why do weak people pull other people down? The answer is already revealed in the question – because they are weak. Because they are afraid of strength. True strength is true greatness, greatness is power – true greatness is love. They are afraid of this love.

If I don’t even love myself, can I expect other people to love me or to think that I am any good?

Vivoterra TV | World:

Learn more real nature-knowledge, which was deliberately withheld from you by the system schools, among others, in André Blank's work “InYology – The laws of nature and the order in the universe”. You can get his book here in the Vivoterra Shop: https://bit.ly/3l1IV8P.

Vivoterra – The treasure trove of knowledge | Please subscribe and share t.me/vivoterra_en
619 views17:26
2023-05-21 20:24:01

The InYology book is a treasure trove of knowledge covering more than 912 pages, and containing over 80 color drawings, graphs and helpful tables.

People who understand the InYology, can independently change their condition from sick to healthy – physically, mentally, and spiritually. Do you know a greater gift? A greater gift is only life itself!

If you also want to fully understand this natural order, then gift yourself – and your loved ones – this treasure trove filled with unique nature knowledge, and buy this book now directly from the Vivoterra Shop. It will be the best investment in your life!

Order here via this link: https://bit.ly/3l1IV8P

Vivoterra – The treasure trove of knowledge | Please subscribe and share t.me/vivoterra_en
588 views17:24
2023-05-21 20:23:01

This book truly adds value to your life. Someone who knows the laws of nature can live in harmony with nature and that signifies trust, health, freedom, and love. Someone who does not know the laws of nature, or who disregards them, is very likely to fall ill – be it physically, mentally, or spiritually – and to live in fear and under the control of outside influences.

People who understand the InYology, can independently change their condition from sick to healthy – physically, mentally, and spiritually. Do you know a greater gift? A greater gift is only life itself!

If you also want to fully understand this natural order, then gift yourself – and your loved ones – this treasure trove filled with unique nature knowledge, and buy this book now directly from the Vivoterra Shop.

It will be the best investment in your life!

Vivoterra – The treasure trove of knowledge | Please subscribe and share t.me/vivoterra_en
593 views17:23
2023-05-21 20:22:01

Everything happens to everyone according to their belief. Nothing is impossible to he who knows true faith. People can create fantasies. And fantasies are infinite – without limits – and forever... which is why Michael Ende called his story “The Neverending Story”…

If we don’t manage to achieve all our goals and dreams in this life and forever, then indeed we are all hopelessly Sanpaku.

We shouldn’t dream our lives away but live our dreams. The really rich person is someone who has more dreams than reality – or more correctly, pseudo-reality – can destroy.

From the Book: InYology – The detailed teaching of Yin and Yang. https://bit.ly/3l1IV8P

Vivoterra – The treasure trove of knowledge | Please subscribe and share t.me/vivoterra_en
599 views17:22
2023-05-21 20:19:02
Dear friends of Vivoterra

It is important to change into the high heart-frequency-ranges time and again.
If we stay for too long in the low fear-frequency-ranges, we lose trust and start to doubt.

Realms from which you withdraw your attention and energy, become weaker.
Realms in which you invest your attention and energy in, become stronger.

Peace be with you

Vivoterra – The treasure trove of knowledge | Please subscribe and share t.me/vivoterra_en
632 views17:19
2023-05-21 16:56:03 'I can't believe I fought for this bulls**t': Navy SEAL who helped kill Osama Bin Laden fumes over Navy's decision to use drag queen for their recruitment program

"A Navy SEAL who took part in the mission to kill Osama Bin Laden says he was outraged over the U.S. Navy using a drag queen for a discarded recruitment program.

Robert J. O'Neill, a decorated combat veteran who served for eight years as a member of SEAL Team Six, said on Twitter he 'can't believe [he] fought for this bulls**t.'

'Alright. The U.S. Navy is now using an enlisted sailor Drag Queen as a recruiter,' he wrote. 'I'm done. China is going to destroy us.'

O'Neill was referencing Yeoman 2nd Class Joshua Kelley, whose stage name is Harpy Daniels, who announced on TikTok in November that she would be the Navy's first 'digital ambassador.'

Kelley was tasked with highlighting her journey from performing on board beginning in 2018 and growing to become an 'advocate' for those who 'were oppressed for years in the service.'

A Navy spokesman told DailyMail.com the digital ambassador program was a pilot that ended in March 2023.

The program Kelley was part of ran from October 2022 to March 2023 and was designed to 'explore the digital environment to reach a wide range of potential candidates' for military recruitment."


Vivoterra – The treasure trove of knowledge | Please subscribe and share t.me/vivoterra_en
930 views13:56
2023-05-21 14:45:38
Why did US obesity rates triple in the last 30 years?


863 views11:45
2023-05-21 14:44:15

Transhumanoids send their regards.

Question from Vivoterra:
How many such zombies are already roaming among us humans today?

Vivoterra – The treasure trove of knowledge | Please subscribe and share t.me/vivoterra_en
962 views11:44
2023-05-21 13:09:03


The Bilderberg Group (also known internationally as the Bilderberg Club or the Bilderbergers) is not a formal organization. As far as is known, neither a membership status nor a founding treaty exists. Agenda items and lists of participants are made available to international press agencies only after a meeting. Any agreements reached are not published.

As with the similarly globally oriented and discreetly operating Council on Foreign Relations, the Chatham House Rule applies:

It can be reported in general terms, but never quoted by name.

Which means nothing other than:
The participants receive their orders there and these orders are so secret that the population is not supposed to know what the actual plan is.

And this does not seem strange to you

For the very naive:
All politicians know exactly what they are doing.

Vivoterra – The treasure trove of knowledge | Please subscribe and share t.me/vivoterra_en
1.1K views10:09
2023-05-21 13:07:03
"Bidens" border crisis in the USA

Video footage of the chaos at the U.S.-Mexico border crossing in El Paso shortly after the Title 42 executive order expired.

Note from Vivoterra:
Here in Europe, the same thing is happening. The population is being replaced.
The kings = self-proclaimed elites via their politicians and authorities let exploit and bomb the poor countries and thus produce refugees.

More and more people wake up and realize what they have caused by their ignorance. We all pay more or less the price for it now.

Vivoterra – The treasure trove of knowledge | Please subscribe and share t.me/vivoterra_en
1.1K views10:07