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Scott went on a third trip and discovered that Katie forgot to | Use your English!

Scott went on a third trip and discovered that Katie forgot to make the kids’ lunches altogether. She realized her slipup [поняла свой косяк] midmorning and solved the problem by having a pizza delivered to the school cafeteria. Their kids were thrilled, [дети были в восторге] but Scott was not. Now when he travels, he packs lunches in advance and leaves notes with specific instructions for his wife.

There may be an evolutionary basis [обоснованный эволюцией базис] for one parent knowing better what to put in a child’s lunch. Women who breast-feed are arguably baby’s first lunch box. But even if mothers are more naturally inclined toward nurturing, fathers can match that skill with knowledge and effort. [даже если матери и предрасположены биологически к воспитанию детей, отцы могут не отставать, если приложат усилия и будут набираться знаний] If women want to succeed more at work and if men want to succeed more at home, these expectations have to be challenged. As Gloria Steinem once observed, “It’s not about biology, but about consciousness.” [дело не в биологии, дело в сознании]

We overcome biology with consciousness in other areas. [в других областях мы побеждаем биологию с помощью сознания] For example, storing large amounts of fat was necessary to survive when food was scarce, [еды было недостаточно] so we evolved to crave it and consume it when it’s available. But in this era of plenty, we no longer need large amounts of fuel in reserve, so instead of simply giving in to this inclination, [вместо того чтобы поддаваться этому желанию] we exercise and limit caloric intake.

We use willpower to combat biology, [мы используем силу воли чтобы бороться с биологией] or at least we try. So even if “mother knows best” is rooted in biology, it need not be written in stone. [это не высечено на камне]

A willing mother and a willing father are all it requires. [желающая участвовать в воспитании мать и желающий участвовать в воспитании отец - вот все, что нужно] Yes, someone needs to remember what goes into the lunch box, but as Katie will attest, it does not have to be Mom”.

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