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Логотип телеграм канала @pavlova_cc — Собака лает С
Логотип телеграм канала @pavlova_cc — Собака лает
Адрес канала: @pavlova_cc
Категории: Дизайн
Язык: Русский
Количество подписчиков: 1.91K
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Тут сотрудники «Собаки Павловой» рассуждают об интерфейсах, клиентском сервисе и событиях в дизайн-мире.
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Последние сообщения 2

2022-04-18 15:59:43
When we add a case to the platform, a very long popup window appears with sublevels and radio buttons. We decided to break it into tabs right inside the popup to make it shorter and easier to read.

Such a solution will help to reduce the cognitive load on the user.
701 viewsАрина, 12:59
2022-04-14 13:06:37
Check our new case on Behance.

Our team developed application prototypes for the O’KEY retail chain. O’KEY decided to create a completely new mobile application that will support the “One Retail” concept and meet market trends.

This was our first Figma project that ran out of space. We have prepared 360 screens, which is a lot even for an online store. And that’s just for iOS!

For more details follow the link.

Previously we published case on Russian. Read by link.
924 viewsАрина, 10:06
2022-04-13 17:34:25 Friends are more important than money. So, this is our friends’ advertising. Not for money, as you can guess.

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Learn English with TV series

Six months ago, we came up with the idea to create a course to help our learners improve their listening skills. We wanted the course to have a universal appeal. We wanted it to look good and to work well.

And we delivered.

We were working on it for a long time, a few months, in fact. Tried out quite a few platforms. Launched several rounds of testing.

What is it about?

This is an interactive online course. You will watch an authentic TV show in English and benefit from it by picking up useful techniques and strategies. By the way, the show is very, very interesting!

How does it work?

1) There will be 10 lessons in the course, one lesson per week. Each lesson is one episode of the show. What pace to take? Which scenes to watch? Where? Worry not, we will explain all of this to you. You are to be given a week and a half to complete one lesson, as well as a detailed schedule.

2) For each task you are to be awarded points. The assignments will be checked by both the computer and the teachers.

What will I learn from the course?

You will learn how to watch TV shows with a rationale in mind. You’ll learn to listen to yourself, not to ignore the context, to google only the words you need, and not to google unnecessary words, and much, much more. The intricacies of English phonetics, the peculiarities of the language - and many other secrets await you on the course.

Who made the course?

Polina Petrenko and Maria Komarova, linguists, experienced teachers and online teaching enthusiasts.

Start: April 28, 2022
Price: 4500 rub. when paying for the course before April 28 (this price is only for the first launch)
Format: online self-paced course
Language level: from B1

747 viewsOlga Pavlova, 14:34
2022-04-11 16:08:01
We chose to explain what can be done, how it works in the dialog boxes of a difficult tool for creating a bot.

855 viewsАрина, 13:08
2022-04-04 13:10:39
We published a new article. Why do you need CJM. Part 2. To visualize deviations.

In this article, we will show you a way to visualize the user journey, focusing not on the journey itself, but on the deviations.

Also check Part 1.

To read the English one, check the following link.
1.3K viewsАрина, 10:10
2022-03-31 15:42:09
We published a new case on Behance. We developed an interface (prototypes and design) for a professional service for processing applications to Rosreestr.

For some realtors and bank employees, the Rosreestr website is a full-fledged workplace. They submit 100 applications a day to the federal agency, and each time they have to wade through a complicated interface.

Our client decided to correct this situation and develop a professional service for handling applications to Rosreestr.

Professional customer - professional result. What else can be said?

Follow the link and read.
1.3K viewsАрина, 12:42
2022-03-28 16:32:50
We tried a new approach to the design of information pages on the example of the page “Vacancies”. We first created a structure according to the information expectations model (well, this is just quite standard), and then we created infographics to correspond with each question on the model.

This approach will make it easier for users to get information.

1.3K viewsАрина, 13:32
2022-03-24 14:58:29
We published a new case on Behance. We designed the interface of the patient monitoring system in intensive care.

Raisa is a medical patient monitoring system that is used in intensive care and during surgeries to keep track of vital signs.

The client came to us for an interface redesign. The product team already had one, but it was overcomplicated in the eyes of medical workers. Doctors and nurses complained about the intricate system settings, unclear charts and excessive customization options.

We conducted research and teamed up with the client to change the whole logic of the monitoring system for resuscitators.

Follow the link and read!
1.4K viewsАрина, 11:58
2022-03-23 13:45:22
Proud to be among them. Would you like to join? Our alumni:
1.1K viewsАрина, 10:45
2022-03-21 16:04:15
We came up with a form constructor: the user adds a new element, and it is automatically embedded in the grid.

In this way, the form can be created faster, and it looks better, because all elements are proportional.

1.2K viewsАрина, 13:04