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Английские слова

Логотип телеграм канала @enwordsg — Английские слова А
Логотип телеграм канала @enwordsg — Английские слова
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Язык: Русский
Страна: Россия
Количество подписчиков: 1.89K
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Последние сообщения 3

2021-05-20 10:01:18
Imagine that a person is 89, mentally AGILE but very slow on their feet and often in pain
Представьте, что человеку 89, мысленно ЖИВОЙ, но очень медленно ходит и часто страдает от боли

Agile — подвижный, живой, проворный, ловкий

When a person is agile, it means that they are moving rapidly

Synonyms: maneuverable, flexible, quick, alive, nimble, dexterous

Antonyms: awkward, graceless, clumsy


My sister is agile as a gymnast.
If an animal is not agile, then it's quite vulnerable.
She has quick, agile hands.
In agility and skill at his weapons he had few equals.
Thanks to its agility the dog can unleash itself.

#nature #animals #description #speed
37 views07:01
2021-05-18 14:00:47
The last Saturday was Peter's birthday. He turned 6. His mom allowed him to invite friends as much as he wanted like at his discretion. There were a lot of savory snacks on the celebratory table. And, of course, there was the sweet cake, as the main dessert. The party went off without any glitches. Peter was the happiest kid in the world, cause his parents gave him magic set.
168 views11:00
2021-05-17 17:00:54
Think about the kinds of predictions an astrologer might make in the star sign that you read in the newspaper. They're very VAGUE, they're very indeterminate. And, of course, it's very unclear how you go about testing them
Подумайте о том, какие предсказания астролог может сделать из знака звезды, которые вы читаете в газете. Они очень РАСПЛЫВЧАТЫ, они очень неопределенные. И, конечно, абсолютно неясно, как вы сможете их проверить

Vague — неопределённый, смутный, неясный

When something is vague, it’s unclear and it's hard to understand

Synonyms: uncertain, foggy, blurry, unclear

Antonyms: clear, definite, explicit


He gave only a vague answer.
My grandfather has only vague memories about the invasion of the fascists, since over time, his brain impaired.
There are so many vague rumours in the news feed.
She was vague about her plans.
Despite the fact that I have perused every document, I have a vague understanding of how it works.

#relationship #description
92 views14:00
2021-05-17 09:00:15
We ..... these moments, and work hard for these moments, and we strive to author these moments.
164 views06:00
2021-05-16 13:00:33
The law that governs national emergencies is the National Emergencies Act, which was passed by Congress in 1976. And under that law, the president has almost unlimited DISCRETION to declare a national emergency
Законом, регулирующим национальные чрезвычайные ситуации, является Закон о национальных чрезвычайных ситуациях, который был принят Конгрессом в 1976 году. И в соответствии с этим законом президент имеет почти неограниченные ПОЛНОМОЧИЯ объявлять чрезвычайное положение

Discretion — усмотрение, свобода действий

If the choice is up to you, then the decision is left to your discretion

Synonyms: option, caution, prudence, mandate

I leave it to your discretion. Do what you want.
Our company works at customer's discretion.
He turned 18 and he acquired discretion.
It's at your discretion, guys, how you will soothe your friend, but he must be quiet, otherwise I'll call the police.
Our schedule is flexible, so you have large discretion. You can choose what to do first.

#work #relationship
233 views10:00
2021-05-16 09:00:25
My family and I are farmers. We had been grown many vegetables, berries and fruts every year. But last summer was cruel for every farmer in our village, including us. We struggled to cope(справиться) with an invasion of locusts(саранчи). Our entire crop was in danger. Those insects consumed approximately(приблизительно) half of our crop. I hope, it won't happen again.
228 views06:00
2021-05-15 16:00:49
I then like to spice my chicken salad with a little bit of curry powder. Again this is up to you. You could go sweet, you could go SAVORY, you could go Italian, you could go Mexican.
Затем я хотел бы приправить свой куриный салат небольшим количеством порошка карри. Опять же, это зависит от вас. Вы можете сделать блюдо сладким, можете сделать его СОЛЁНЫМ, вы можете стать итальянцем, вы можете стать мексиканцем.

Savory — вкусный, аппетитный, пикантный, солёный, ароматный

Synonyms: delicious, tasty, fragrant, spicy

verbsavor (смаковать)
nounsavor (вкус, запах)

Savor every moment of your life.
They prepared an assortment of both sweet and savory foods.
Danger gives a savor to mountain climbing.
The soup has a savor of onion.
Wine connoisseur is savoring the wine.

#food #cook #pleasure
113 views13:00
2021-05-08 11:00:54
Sugar has been shown to have addictive properties and for me personally, it really makes me hungry all the time and constantly CRAVE more sugar.
Было доказано, что сахар обладает наркотическими свойствами, и лично для меня он действительно заставляет меня все время голодать и постоянно ЖАЖДАТЬ большего количества сахара.

Crave — жаждать, требовать, просить

Synonym: want, hunger, lust, desire, beg, pray, implore


I was craving french fries, so I pulled into the nearest fast-food restaurant.
Water is vital in the desert, so I craved for it.
When you give up smoking, it might be hard to stop craving for cigarettes.
Any addict craves for drugs.
Pregnant women often craves for strange food.

131 views08:00
2021-05-05 10:01:26
But there isn't just one type of HOLLER. There are actually four types of HOLLERS. Number one — functional. It serves a purpose. Such as calling down to a field, or calling up from a field when you needed something.
Но существует не только один тип КРИКА. На самом деле существует четыре типа КРИКОВ. Номер один — функциональный. Он используется для одной цели. Например, позвать в поле или позвать с поля кого-то, когда вам что-то нужно.

Holler — окликать, кричать, вопить

Synonym: call, should, yell, scream, shriek

nounholla (from Spanish)

What was he hollering about?
Her holla literally deafened me.
People always holler about tax increases.
Somebody hollered my name.
When I came, my brother was hollering for help.

135 views07:01