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Английские слова

Логотип телеграм канала @enwordsg — Английские слова А
Логотип телеграм канала @enwordsg — Английские слова
Адрес канала: @enwordsg
Категории: Лингвистика
Язык: Русский
Страна: Россия
Количество подписчиков: 1.89K
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Я делаю так, чтобы английские слова превращались в образы и лучше запоминались
Администратор канала — @NiTasla
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Последние сообщения 2

2021-05-23 16:00:04
I had vague memories where is thet cave. I had been there only one time with a tour group 4 years ago. My friends and I craved to visit that gorgeous place again. The cave turned out to be right under the steep. The rocks at the entrance to the cave were sharp, so we hurt our palms a little. But it was definitely worth it.
91 views13:00
2021-05-23 10:00:25
We have to build the middle class. Restore the basic BARGAIN, which was "If workers contribute to the success of an enterprise, then they should share in the gains".
Мы должны создать средний класс. Восстановить основную СДЕЛКУ, которая заключалась в том, что если работники вносят свой вклад в успех предприятия, то они должны делиться прибылью.

Bargain — сделка, торг, заключать сделку, покупка

Bargain is an agreement you make with someone. You can also call anything you have bought a bargain

Synonyms: deal, contract, purchase, trade

It's an attractive little home, and I think it's a good bargain.
I've found a nice lodging, but the rent is too high. I hope I'll manage to bargain with the landlord.
Thousands of bargain hunters (охотников за скидками) queued up for hours.
I decided to bargain with the seller, since the car was shabby great deal.
I hadn't perused all the documents, and we claped up a bargain (наспех заключить сделку).

#trading #market #business #money
107 views07:00
2021-05-22 16:00:05
Their job was to ..... the enemy trench(траншея)
187 views13:00
2021-05-22 12:00:06
The biggest OBSTACLE all entrepreneurs face is always money. And that is pretty much whether you're in New York, whether you're in Hong Kong, whether you're in London. No one wants to spend their own money
Самое большое ПРЕПЯТСТВИЕ, с которым сталкиваются все предприниматели, — это всегда деньги. И это в значительной степени зависит от того, находитесь ли вы в Нью-Йорке, находитесь ли вы в Гонконге, находитесь ли вы в Лондоне. Никто не хочет тратить свои собственные деньги

Obstacle — препятствие, трудность, помеха

An obstacle is something that prevents you from getting what you want

Synonyms: barrier, difficulty

adj. obstructive

Fear of change is an obstacle to progress.
The debris became an obstacle in our path.
If everyone diverts you, it will become a serious obstacle on your way to success.
This trait of his character may be an obstacle in his career as a doctor.
We need to clear the obstacle in the form of a brook.

#life #success
112 views09:00
2021-05-22 10:00:14

Канал репетитора разговорного английского языка с 30-летним опытом. Сверхпростое объяснение грамматики, полезные и бесполезные материалы, идиомы, мудрые и глупые изречения, викторины, аудио и видео.

Например, очаровательные идиомы про смерть.

Знаю из опыта, какие ошибки чаще встречаются.

Подписывайся ==> @english_teacher_moscow
128 views07:00
2021-05-21 14:00:35
Penguins are aquatic birds. They can not fly. Penguins are covered in feathers. They can withstand the frigid cold of an Antarctic winter, when temperatures plummet(падает) to -20°C or below. It seems that penguins are clumsy(неуклюжие), but they are great swimmers. Penguins become agile the moment they hit the water. Penguins lay eggs. When chicks hatch(вылупляются), they start holler. And their parents feed them fish.
161 views11:00
2021-05-21 11:00:54
We enlisted the help of the AMATEUR scientist, who proved that micrometeorites could be found. And, using his technique, we're going to try to find some for ourselves
Мы заручились помощью ученого-ЛЮБИТЕЛЯ, который доказал, что микрометеориты можно найти. И, используя его технику, мы попытаемся найти что-то для себя

Amateur — любитель, дилетант, начинающий

An amateur is a person who does something for enjoyment as a hobby

Synonyms: unprofessional, lover, dilettante, beginner

Antonyms: expert, ace, master, adept


Mickelson won his first major golf tournament while still an amateur.
Amateurs are only allowed to swim in shallow water.
The work of this amateur should be scrutinized.
That notorious coach was just an amateur pretending to be an expert.
No amateur can reproduce his paintings.

#learning #skills #hobby #description
204 views08:00
2021-05-20 14:00:29
Your accounting(бухгалтерия) cannot be ..... .
266 views11:00