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Think about the kinds of predictions an astrologer might make | Английские слова

Think about the kinds of predictions an astrologer might make in the star sign that you read in the newspaper. They're very VAGUE, they're very indeterminate. And, of course, it's very unclear how you go about testing them
Подумайте о том, какие предсказания астролог может сделать из знака звезды, которые вы читаете в газете. Они очень РАСПЛЫВЧАТЫ, они очень неопределенные. И, конечно, абсолютно неясно, как вы сможете их проверить

Vague — неопределённый, смутный, неясный

When something is vague, it’s unclear and it's hard to understand

Synonyms: uncertain, foggy, blurry, unclear

Antonyms: clear, definite, explicit


He gave only a vague answer.
My grandfather has only vague memories about the invasion of the fascists, since over time, his brain impaired.
There are so many vague rumours in the news feed.
She was vague about her plans.
Despite the fact that I have perused every document, I have a vague understanding of how it works.

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