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Последние сообщения 4

2021-09-18 00:02:42 Сегодня Apple и Google заблокировали приложение Алексея Навального в России. В итоге основным предвыборным инструментом от команды Навального для россиян стал бот Умного Голосования в Telegram. Мы рады, что миллионы россиян имели возможность воспользоваться этим ботом в рамках предвыборной кампании кандидатов, и гордимся тем, что Telegram остается самой свободной платформой в сети.

Вместе с тем, блокировка приложений компаниями Apple и Google создает опасный прецедент, который повлияет на свободу слова в России и во всем мире. Telegram, как и все остальные мобильные приложения, зависит от экосистем Apple и Google для дальнейшей работы. В частности, без поддержки со стороны этих компаний Telegram не мог бы оставаться доступным для большинства российских пользователей в условиях блокировок 2018-2020 годов.

В этом году компании Apple и Google уже обращались к нам с требованием удалить публично доступную информацию в соответствии с законами отдельных стран под угрозой исключения Telegram из каталогов приложений Google Play и App Store. Теперь, судя по блокировке ими приложения Умного Голосования, эта практика распространилась и на Россию. Изменение политики Apple и Google неизбежно скажется и на Telegram, так как они, будучи создателями двух главных мобильных операционных систем, находятся на вершине "пищевой цепи" распространения информации и могут диктовать правила игры разработчикам вроде нас. Это печально, но ожидаемо: я не раз писал о том, что олигополия Apple и Google представляют собой угрозу для свободы слова.

Так как предвыборная кампания в России подошла к концу и начался сам процесс выборов, начинаются так называемые "дни тишины" – закрепленная в законах многих стран традиция, которая предусматривает отсутствие агитации в ходе самих выборов. Мы считаем эту практику легитимной, и призываем пользователей Telegram уважать ее – с полуночи по московскому времени мы планируем ограничить функционирование ботов, связанных с предвыборной агитацией. Надеюсь, все желающие получить дополнительную информацию о кандидатах смогли это сделать до начала выборов.

В ходе этого предвыборного цикла Telegram удалось по максимуму защитить свободу слова в России, однако будущее туманно. Независимо от развития событий, Telegram будет оставаться самой свободной из онлайн-платформ – в рамках теоретически возможного.
1.0K views21:02
2021-09-05 14:57:58 The mind is our most powerful tool. There's nothing it can't do. According to numerous studies, it actively generates new ideas even when we rest or do nothing. Often we can come up with solutions to difficult problems simply after a full night's sleep.

Just as our physical state depends on what we feed to our bodies, our mental state depends on the quality of information we feed to our brain. If we nourish our brain with real-life data that allows it to solve fundamental problems, it will process this data in the background and come up with unexpected solutions.

It is unfortunate that most people prefer to feed their minds not with real-life facts that can let us change the world, but with random Netflix series or TikTok videos. On a deep level, our brain can't tell fiction from reality, so the abundance of digital entertainment keeps our subconscious mind busy producing solutions to problems that do not exist.

To be creative and productive, we must first clear from our minds the sticky mud of irrelevant content with which “recommendation algorithms” flood it on a daily basis. If we are to reclaim our creative freedom, we must first take back control of our minds.
679 views11:57
2021-09-01 21:05:02 Видеотрансляции, настройки пересылки, переход между каналами и популярные стикеры
(Live Streams, Flexible Forwarding, Jump to Next Channel, Trending Stickers and More)

В обновлении:
— Видеотрансляции без ограничений
— Гибкие настройки пересылки
— Быстрый переход между каналами
— Популярные стикеры
— Статус «Выбирает стикер»
— Счётчик непрочитанных комментариев
— Новые анимированные эмодзи

Подробнее: https://telegram.org/blog/live-streams-forwarding-next-channel/ru

#Telegram #blog
1.0K views18:05
2021-08-30 20:53:17 We generally assume that the world is becoming a better place every year. But when it comes to individual freedoms, the opposite is true. Most studies show humanity is now less free than several years ago.

20 years ago we had decentralized Internet and a relatively unrestricted banking system. Today, Apple and Google censor information and apps on our phones while Visa and Mastercard limit what goods and services we can pay for. Every year we give up more power and control over our lives to a handful of unaccountable corporate executives we didn't elect.

Most of us willingly carry tracking devices – our phones – and allow corporations to use our private data to target us with content that keeps us distracted with low-quality entertainment. Unlike 20 years ago, we are now surrounded by surveillance cameras, which in countries like China use AI to make sure nobody can hide.

In 2017, China overtook the US as the largest economy in the world by purchasing power, showing the world that individual freedoms are not required for economic development. Looking at China's success, more countries become authoritarian, curbing essential human rights such as freedom of speech, movement and assembly.

Who is going to fix it?

The most active and creative minds of our generation are too busy playing in the rapidly shrinking sandbox called "free enterprise" or producing digital content to keep everyone else glued to their devices for longer. The rest seem to be too distracted with the abundance of cheap digital entertainment to critically assess the trend and take action.

Watching this, I wonder what will become the legacy of our generation. Will we go down in history as those who let free societies turn into dystopian nightmares? Or will we be remembered as those who defended the freedoms that previous generations fought so hard to win?
513 views17:53
2021-08-14 21:41:11 It’s hard to believe it’s been 8 years since Telegram first appeared in the App Store.

According to research published last week, Telegram became the 7th most downloaded application worldwide in 2020. This is not surprising: for the last several years, Telegram has been the most feature-rich and user-friendly messaging app in the world.

And yet, every single feature we add makes me think of new improvements we are yet to implement. It’s like reaching a peak of a mountain only to discover greater heights to climb from the new vantage point. That is what makes this journey so exciting.

Thank you all for believing in Telegram early. And even if you just joined Telegram yesterday, it is still very early. From here, we shall reach new heights
977 views18:41
2021-07-30 19:45:21 Видеозвонки на 1000 зрителей, ускорение видеозаписей, видеосообщения 2.0 и другие нововведения
(Video Calls with up to 1000 Viewers, Video Messages 2.0, Video Playback Speed and More)

В обновлении:
— Групповые видеозвонки 2.0
— Видеосообщения 2.0
— Ускорение видеозаписей
— Трансляция экрана со звуком
— Автоудаление сообщений через месяц
— Размер кисти в медиаредакторе
— Анимации на заблокированном экране
— Новый механизм восстановления пароля
— Улучшения встроенной камеры на iOS
— Другие нововведения для iOS
— Новые анимированные эмодзи

Подробнее: https://telegram.org/blog/video-1000/ru

#Telegram #blog
854 views16:45
2021-07-29 20:10:27 Every few decades there is a drastic change in how we view important societal and scientific problems. What used to be a ridiculous idea yesterday can become the predominant opinion today, only to turn into an obsolete notion tomorrow.

In the history of human beliefs, change is the only constant. Most people living in 1921 shared views that today are considered quaint at best, and dangerous at worst. The chances that our present-day convictions will remain relevant by 2121 are slim.

In fact, we won't even have to wait 100 years, as the speed of change is accelerating. A good example is how quickly humanity changed its mind over the origins of Covid.

Just a year ago, the idea that the virus originated from a Wuhan Lab was dismissed as a conspiracy theory. Facebook, Twitter and other social media platforms blocked posts promoting the lab leak theory. Today, however, this theory is on its way to becoming the mainstream scientific view of how the virus originated.

Such instances make combating fake news and misinformation particularly challenging. They can also fundamentally undermine people's trust in the neutrality of social media platforms, and jeopardize future efforts to fight misinformation.

Telegram never blocked posts discussing the lab leak theory, because we didn't think it's our role to decide for our users what they should believe. At the same time, we felt that our users had the right to be informed about Covid by official sources that reflected scientific consensus. That's why we worked with 19 governments to help them reach out to every Telegram user in their countries with up-to-date information on the pandemic.

Today we call upon more governments to join the Telegram anti-Covid initiative to make sure more people around the world get access critical knowledge that can save lives.

In my 20 years of managing discussion platforms, I noticed that conspiracy theories only strengthen each time their content is removed by moderators. Instead of putting an end to wrong ideas, censorship often makes it harder to fight them. That’s why spreading the truth will always be a more efficient strategy than engaging in censorship.
560 views17:10
2021-07-21 20:15:44 The phones of 50,000 individuals, including human rights activists and journalists, have been targeted by surveillance tools that were used by numerous governments. These tools can hack any iOS and Android phone, and there is no way to protect your device from it. It doesn't matter which apps you use, because the system is breached on a deeper level.

According to the Snowden revelations from 2013, both Apple and Google are part of the global surveillance program that implies that these companies have to, among other things, implement backdoors into their mobile operating systems. These backdoors, usually disguised as security bugs, allow US agencies to access information on any smartphone in the world.

The problem with such backdoors is that they are never exclusive to just one party. Anybody can exploit them. So if a US security agency can hack an iOS or Android phone, any other organization that uncovers the backdoors can do the same. Unsurprisingly, this is exactly what has been taking place: an Israeli company called NSO Group has been selling access to the spying tools that allowed third parties to hack tens of thousands of phones.

Since at least 2018, I have been aware that one of my phone numbers was included in a list of potential targets of such surveillance tools (although a source from the NSO Group denies it). Personally, I wasn't worried: since 2011, when I was still living in Russia, I’ve got used to assuming that all my phones were compromised. Anyone who gains access to my private data will be utterly disappointed – they will have to go through thousands of concept designs for Telegram features and millions of messages related to our product development process. They won't find any important information there.

However, these surveillance tools are also used against people far more prominent than me. For example, they were employed to spy on 14 heads of state. The existence of backdoors in crucial infrastructure and software creates a huge challenge for humanity. That's why I have been calling upon the governments of the world to start acting against the Apple-Google duopoly in the smartphone market and to force them to open their closed ecosystems and allow for more competition.

So far, even though the current market monopolization increases costs and violates privacy and freedom of speech of billions, government officials have been very slow to act. I hope the news that they themselves have been targeted by these surveillance tools will prompt politicians to change their minds.
797 views17:15
2021-06-25 17:53:11 Анимированные фоны (Animated Backgrounds)

В обновлении:
— Анимированные фоны
— Возможность создать фон и отправить его друзьям
— Анимации при отправке сообщений
— iOS: полупрозрачность и новые иконки
— Подсказки об актуальности данных
— Меню ботов
— Импорт стикеров
— Новые анимированные эмодзи

Подробнее: https://telegram.org/blog/animated-backgrounds/ru

#Telegram #blog
1.2K views14:53
2021-06-25 17:51:45 Групповые видеозвонки (Group Video Calls)

В обновлении:
— Групповые видеозвонки
— Трансляция экрана
— Настройки шумоподавления
— Поддержка планшетов и компьютеров

Подробнее: https://telegram.org/blog/group-video-calls/ru

#Telegram #blog
3.1K views14:51