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Outer Space 🚀

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Логотип телеграм канала @thespace_tg — Outer Space 🚀
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The channel of a Stanford's professor about secrets of Space.
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Последние сообщения 12

2023-04-25 21:00:42
Metal sticks together in space

If you put two pieces of metal together in space, they will stick together. This process is called cold welding. Atoms on the surface of metals don't "feel" the difference between their metal and their neighbor. And they form similar bonds with them.

On Earth, oxygen, which is found in almost every corner of our planet, prevents this. And oxidation interferes with adhesion.

Astronauts, who bring instruments from Earth, have no fear of "sticking" anyway. After all, every instrument retains an oxide layer. Any additional layer, be it gas or dirt, prevents sticking.
864 views18:00
2023-04-25 14:00:59
Plotoplanetary disk

The disk of dense gas that orbits a young star. The planets are then assembled from this gas.

Our solar system looked like this 4.6 billion years ago.
987 views11:00
2023-04-24 21:00:41
The Hubble Telescope turns 30 years

The Hubble Space Telescope is a legendary automatic observatory in Earth orbit. Hubble was the first major optical telescope and was launched into Earth's orbit on April 24, 1990.

The telescope is about 569 kilometers from Earth's orbit and takes ~ 1.5 hours to orbit the Earth. It takes its name from Edwin Hubble, one of the most influential astronomers and cosmologists of the 20th century, who made a crucial contribution to exploration the structure of the cosmos.

Over the years, Hubble has captured nearly 1.5 million images of celestial objects - galaxies, planets, stars and nebulae.
1.1K views18:00
2023-04-24 14:00:47
Paranal Observatories

The Very Large Telescope (VLT) is located there.

Two of the four main Unit (UT) and VST telescopes are visible atop the mountain. The laser beams of the Adaptive Optics System cut through the night sky with star tracks in the background.
976 views11:00
2023-04-23 21:00:34
Perseids meteor shower over Crete, Greece

Picture taken in August 2021.

How do annual meteor showers form?
The Earth, as it orbits the Sun, crosses the orbits of comets every year. Take a periodic comet (i.e. one that returns to the Sun more than once every 200 years) that has been in its orbit for a long time.

As it heats up from the Sun, it was able to distribute relatively evenly over its orbit the dust ejected from its surface during the melting process.
357 views18:00
2023-04-23 14:00:45
Rare Mars shots

At the end of the XIX century, the American businessman and astronomer Percival Lowell developed a hypothesis, according to which there must be a highly developed civilization on Mars. Observations prompted the scientist to this conclusion: on the surface of the Red Planet he discerned through the telescope channels, which he believed were created by intelligent beings.

Lowell devoted dozens of years to the study of the Red Planet, the "artificial" Martian channels, as well as life on it, and even published several books.

In 1909, astronomers succeeded in taking a series of pictures of Mars that were the best of their kind at the time.
658 views11:00
2023-04-22 21:00:35
Whether the Moon rotates on its own axis?

Some people believe that the Moon doesn't rotate because it is always turned to us on one side. That’s a misconception.

It is the fact that the Moon always faces one side of the Earth as it orbits the Earth that indicates that the Moon rotates. And the time of one revolution around its axis is exactly equal to the time of one revolution around the Earth.
It is the so-called synchronous rotation, caused by the tidal forces of the planet.
853 views18:00
2023-04-22 14:00:51
Norwegian Aurora Borealis Observatory in Senja

Aurora Borealis is the northern polar lights. The name comes from the names of the Roman goddess of the morning dawn, Aurora, and the Greek god of wind, Boreas.

This beauty comes from the Sun, which sends protons and electrons into our atmosphere, which in turn are captured by the Earth's magnetic field and collide with air molecules, causing it to glow.
928 views11:00
2023-04-21 21:01:06
NGC 2440: the cocoon of a new white dwarf

Like a butterfly, the life of a white dwarf begins with the shedding of the cocoon under which its essence was concealed.

Following this analogy, we can say that the Sun is a caterpillar, and when it sheds its gas shell, it will be a most magnificent sight! The cocoon shown here is the planetary nebula NGC 2440, which contains the hottest known white dwarf.

The white dwarf is visible as a bright dot in the center of the photo.
564 views18:01
2023-04-21 19:01:09

We live on the wreckage of an advanced civilization, and official science takes us for fools by rewriting history:

- We are not told about the nuclear winter of 1816;
- We are not told about free atmospheric electricity (this technology is over 200 years old);
- We are never told the truth, for it would destroy the "system."
But where to find it?

The HISTORY channel collects material about vanished civilizations, military secrets, ingenious inventions, disasters, sensations, discoveries, versions and facts.

You just have to subscribe
710 views16:01