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Письмо Сильвии Таунсенд Уорнер шотландской писательнице, социа | Межвременье

Письмо Сильвии Таунсенд Уорнер шотландской писательнице, социалистке и антифашистской активистке Наоми Митчисон от 17 июля 1937 года:

Dear Mrs Mitchison,
I have just got back from the Writers' Congress in Madrid and Valencia. Among the delegates I met a friend of yours, Mr Seu, who asked me, on my return, to write to you and give you his greetings. I am sure that you will be glad to hear that Mr Seu looked very well — even under bombardment in Madrid he continued to look as serene as a water-lily; and that his speech as delegate from China was one of the best speeches of the congress...
Now that I have given you my message I should end my letter. But I have something else to ask you. And I will not beat about the bush, I want some money. The circumstances are these. There is a very serious soap shortage in Spain. The hospitals still have a little, but ordinary civilian and military life is soapless. And I undertook, at the request of Dr Hodann of Valencia, to try and get soap sent to Spain as soon as possible. Actually, the first consignment has started; for the Comité Sanitaire in Paris have sent £25 worth already, which I have guaranteed.
But of course much more is needed. And I am now trying to raise money for another consignment among women writers.
Women, for some reason, are supposed to be particularly concerned with soap; at any rate, we have a reputation for being practical. It seems best that the soap should go from France, both because of time-saving and the pound-franc exchange; and the Comité Sanitaire are ready to do our buying and sending for us, being experienced in such things.
But we must raise the money, amongst ourselves, as I hope, and by the odious activity of soliciting our friends. It is really a serious matter, this shortage, and entails much suffering on all classes. It is heart-rending to see the women patiently rinsing children in that very hard water; and of the finally discouraging and demoralising effects of being dirty against one's will I need not speak, nor of the danger to public health. I hope I can count on your sympathy.

По какой-то причине предполагается, что женщины особенно озабочены мылом; так или иначе, мы славимся своей практичностью. — в этой фразе (и письме в целом) для меня заключено драгоценное ядро феминизма и ключ, уж простите за пафос, к изменению мира. Ничуть не умаляя заслуг женщин, действующих на уровне "большой" политики, без которых невозможны глобальные правовые сдвиги, я хочу (не)лишний раз восхититься женщинами, отдающими себя "низовой" работе. Политика-политикой, а мыло нужно всегда. За ethics of care единственное по-настоящему светлое будущее.

С праздником.