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On the one hand, realism understands that human artifacts are | Межвременье

On the one hand, realism understands that human artifacts are mere creations, that they can never attain the status of divine creatures. On the other, realism understands that human creations can indeed pass for divine creatures, with all the substance, heft, and imposing presence of God’s other creatures. It is futile to try to say definitively either that realism’s subject is reality as given or that its subject is “reality” as artificially generated. Its subject is always both-and, this-and-that together, the capacity of the artificially generated to become as awesomely grand as reality in all its ineluctable modality, the capacity of un-quotation-marked reality to vanish into nothingness whenever representation leaves it out.

И в этом опасность реализма: если невнимательно читать, двойственность ускользает, можно принять социальные конструкты за природное и неизменное, а людьми созданный политический режим за продолжение тысячелетней традиции. И отражение реальности подменяется идеологией.