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PSY for everyday ♥️

Логотип телеграм канала @psy_for_everyday — PSY for everyday ♥️ P
Логотип телеграм канала @psy_for_everyday — PSY for everyday ♥️
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Категории: Познавательное
Язык: Русский
Количество подписчиков: 3.51K
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Here you will find many tips from psychologists that will make your life better!
Admin @vikatom

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Последние сообщения 12

2022-01-12 19:24:00

PSY for everyday
1.5K viewsedited  16:24
2022-01-12 15:13:00
15 Perfect phrases for conflict resolution at work (and those to avoid)

#1 ‘Let’s take a break and get back to this issue when we’ve thought about it and cooled down a bit’

#2 ‘Help me understand where you’re coming from’

#3 ‘Thank you for being honest with me’

#4 ‘How can I support you?’

#5 ‘What I heard you say is… Did I get that right?’

#6 ‘When you said/did that, I felt…’

#7 ‘I agree with you on…’

#8 ‘Let’s work on this problem together’

#9 ‘I see how I’ve contributed to the problem’

#10 ‘I’m sorry’

#11 ‘What do you suggest we do about this?’

#12 ‘Let’s see how we can prevent this from happening in the future’

#13 ‘I hear your point, but I have a different view’

#14 ‘Agree to disagree?’

#15 ‘I recognize your hard work…’

PSY for everyday
1.7K views12:13
2022-01-12 15:10:42 PSY for everyday pinned a photo
2022-01-12 12:00:02
The mere fact that you fight with your partner isn't a sign there is real trouble in your relationship.

In fact, when handled properly, fighting can improve your relationship. If you never fight and never talk about your problems, you will never solve them. By dealing with conflicts constructively, you can gain a better understanding of your partner and arrive at a solution that works for both of you. On the other hand, it is also possible for conflicts to escalate and create ill will without resolving anything.

Here are 10 research-backed tips:
1. Be direct.
2. Talk about how you feel without blaming your partner.
3. Never say never (or "always").
4. If you want to have a constructive discussion, you need to stick to one issue at a time.
5. Really listen to your partner.
6. Don't automatically object to your partner’s complaints.
7. Take a different perspective.
8. Do not show contempt for your partner.
9. Don't get overwhelmed with negativity.
10. Know when it's time for a time-out.
1.7K views09:00
2022-01-12 08:08:00

PSY for everyday
2.2K views05:08
2022-01-11 21:30:00

More often than not, when people are angry, they are angry because they feel that they aren’t being heard or that they aren’t being understood.

This is why people invariably raise their voices at this moment. Subconsciously, they believe that they need to do something to improve our understanding of their feelings, their desires or their situation.


Once you say “Let me see if I understand you correctly,” you’re letting the person know that hearing their position is important to you. The sleight of hand is that your request also requires them to stop and listen for a few moments. It totally reframes their mindset.

If you want to see even the most angry person stop for a moment and listen, tell them that you are going to repeat their words back to them.

PSY for everyday
2.4K views18:30
2022-01-11 20:08:00

PSY for everyday
2.3K views17:08
2022-01-11 14:08:00
Thank And Compliment Your Partner For A Stronger Relationship

When you compliment your partner, it makes them feel seen, loved, and appreciated. It helps to break the cycle of criticism and defensiveness that damages relationships. You can create a culture of appreciation that makes you both happier and your relationship stronger.

PSY for everyday
2.2K views11:08
2022-01-11 08:08:00
PSY for everyday
2.2K views05:08
2022-01-10 20:08:00
PSY for everyday
431 views17:08