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Just Habits

Логотип телеграм канала @only_habits — Just Habits J
Логотип телеграм канала @only_habits — Just Habits
Адрес канала: @only_habits
Категории: Новости и СМИ , Психология
Язык: Русский
Количество подписчиков: 8.76K
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Channel about useful habits for every day. Change your life by taking simple steps.
For advertising, contact @Anna_a_Baeva or https://telega.io/channels/only_habits/card

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Последние сообщения 4

2022-11-06 17:01:14
What to do at the weekend.

Sudoku is a classic puzzle game. A very interesting game where you have to think

Studies of the use of mathematics in games of this type have shown that among the necessary skills are ingenuity, imagination and patience. This means that practicing Sudoku will help you learn how to cope with stressful situations. It is better to start with simpler ones.

Have you played Sudoku?
986 views14:01
2022-11-05 17:00:46
What to watch at the weekend.
Elizabethtown. USA. 2005

This is one of those films that is needed in the most difficult moment. It lifts the mood, shows the meaning in life.

There is a wonderful philosophy in the film. There are very good expressions that could become winged.

He carries that positive energy, which is sometimes so lacking in life
584 views14:00
2022-11-04 17:01:43
Don't forget about your goals

How often has your cherished dream been replaced by someone else's just because it's necessary? Society keeps saying that for success there must be a huge house, a car park with 3 cars, and a lot of girls in bed. And what if you dream of something completely different: a house on the shore of a lake, the company of one beloved woman and a dog with a cat?

Replacing your goals with false ones can drive you crazy. It will be impossible to achieve a false goal, because there is no motivation and desire. You need to be honest with yourself and achieve what you want.

Stop living up to other people's expectations — go for your dream without stopping at anything
869 views14:01
2022-11-03 17:02:29
5 habits that can improve your mental endurance

treat the past as an experience

evaluate negative emotions as soon as its arise

increase self-confidence

practice gratitude

don't be afraid of changes
1.2K views14:02
2022-11-02 17:00:54

It is useful to be distracted from work and have an activity that you like and calms you down.

Here are some ideas for a hobby:

Playing the guitar
Horseback riding
Candle making
Jewelry making
631 views14:00
2022-11-01 17:01:48
Raise the "norm level"

That is, to accustom yourself to more income, to work regularly and consciously to increase the amount of money that comes into your life

Stop being content with little. Want more. But not on credit, but on hard earned. And don't forget to save more than before.
1.2K views14:01
2022-10-31 17:01:53

If you ask me what is the main reason for all failures, I will answer: lack of patience.

The reality is that success takes time. And a great success takes a lot of time. Richard Branson didn't become a millionaire overnight. Madonna didn't wake up one morning as the queen of pop music. Messi has not turned into a super football player in a few training sessions.

Try to devote half an hour to some activity every day, and then, as you improve, complicate it. This may mean that you will spend half an hour every day reading. Nonsense, isn't it? But in this way, you will read about 24 books in one year.
1.1K views14:01
2022-10-30 17:01:19
The Habitica App

The application turns the fulfillment of work goals and tasks into an entertaining game. You need to make a to—do list and then methodically delete completed tasks from it - this is how you complete game missions and "pump up" your level.
1.5K views14:01
2022-10-29 17:01:16
What to read at the weekend.
The Power of Full Engagement by Jim Loehr

Mobilize four key sources of energy. Balance energy expenditure with intermittent energy renewal. Expand capacity in the same systematic way that elite athletes do. Create highly specific, positive energy management rituals

The Power of Full Engagement provides a life-changing roadmap to becoming more fully engaged on and off the job.
1.8K views14:01
2022-10-28 17:01:13
Develop perseverance and concentration

A person who does not know how to concentrate on an object or action, perceives information poorly, does not receive knowledge and skills that will be useful in the future.

Here are 10 ways to develop them

Abandoning multitasking
Attention training
Making a plan
Order in the workplace
Motivation development
Comfortable environment
Bringing what was started to the end
Getting rid of irritants
2.0K views14:01