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Just Habits

Логотип телеграм канала @only_habits — Just Habits J
Логотип телеграм канала @only_habits — Just Habits
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Категории: Новости и СМИ , Психология
Язык: Русский
Количество подписчиков: 8.76K
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Channel about useful habits for every day. Change your life by taking simple steps.
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Последние сообщения 8

2022-09-28 17:01:12
Use mnemonic techniques

Sometimes it does not work to remember a new foreign word in any way and none of the listed methods helps. Then mnemonics will come to the rescue — a way of remembering through associations. Come up with a word - hint with a consonant word in your language.
949 views14:01
2022-09-27 17:02:20
Listen to your instincts

If work doesn't please you, it won't please others. It's hard to fake an interest in your own work - it's better to quit it.
541 views14:02
2022-09-26 17:01:07
Read the stories of real people and companies

Reading books on such subjects, you tear off the veil of a beautiful picture and immerse yourself in success stories, realizing that success did not come to them by chance. It always turns out to be a pattern of a hard path, trials, difficult decisions, will, discipline, perseverance, vision.

Behind every beautiful story there are thousands of hours of self-improvement, which, as a rule, always remain behind the scenes

Also, it will help you to stop expecting quick results and not look for "money" buttons.
34 views14:01
2022-09-25 17:00:42
What to do at the weekend.
Do puzzles

Puzzles are a fantastic tool for improving short-term memory, as your brain has to sort through a number of colors and shapes in order to assemble a visual picture. The more details, the harder your brain needs to work, and the greater the reward.

But if the huge landscapes and exotic animals make you bored, try a smaller puzzle and turn the pieces upside down.

Also pay attention to 3D puzzles: its give your brain a completely new experience.
752 views14:00
2022-09-24 17:00:59
What to read at the weekend.
The Defining Decade by Meg Jay

Provocative book that provides the tools necessary to make the most of your twenties, and shows us how work, relationships, personality, social networks, identity, and even the brain can change more during this decade than at any other time in adulthood-if we use the time wisely.

The Defining Decade is a smart, compassionate and constructive book about the years we cannot afford to miss.
582 views14:00
2022-09-23 17:01:35
Increase your self-esteem

Is loving yourself a good thing or a bad thing? Is it possible to give love to others if we don't love ourselves? How can you give away what you don't have?

5 ways to increase your self-esteem.

Forgive yourself mistakes and failures. Tell yourself: "I forgive myself." Accept yourself completely, including your shortcomings, taking into account your strengths and talents.

Don't feel sorry for yourself. Act! Instead of "Why is life so unfair?", ask yourself the question: "How can I change the situation?" Don't let bad feelings overwhelm you, focus on something good.

Working with affirmations.
Write down all the good things you do every day. It will help you to know that you have good qualities.

Change the environment. Make successful and confident friends. Take an example from them and be inspired.

Set goals. Make sure that they are realistic. Every goal you achieve will increase your self-esteem.
924 views14:01
2022-09-22 17:01:52
Do exercises on your back

Strengthening the back has many advantages, the most important of which is to make everyday life easier. Even the simplest everyday movements, such as walking or lifting weights, involve the back.

Exercises help to correct posture, and this is not only the aesthetics of the body, but also the well-coordinated functioning of internal organs and most processes, including breathing and the musculoskeletal system.

Holding the dumbbells in both hands, lean forward to a 45-degree angle with the floor, keeping your back straight. Bend your arms slightly at the elbows. Using the body, raise your arms up and to the sides, bringing the shoulder blades together. Slowly return your hands to the starting position.
1.3K views14:01
2022-09-21 17:00:47
Take notes

Save interesting thoughts, quotes, movies, technical solutions - everything that inspires you.

When you fall into a stupor, look at your notes like a wizard in a book of spells Mix these thoughts. Keep thinking until they meet each other.
1.7K views14:00
2022-09-20 17:01:41
Create a ritual of disconnecting from work

The bustling world is always attacking us with calls, emails, messages, reminders When you come home in the evening, you keep thinking about work, traffic jams, politics, etc. It's even worse if you not only think, but also act in the same direction.

Meanwhile, the evening is the perfect time to relax, chat with the family, take stock and plan the next day.
2.1K views14:01
2022-09-19 17:01:56
Always keep your promises

It is much easier for a person with a good reputation, whom everyone unanimously supports, to get promoted. But the status does not appear overnight or by accident.

The first step to this is to fulfill your promises. Set a deadline in your calendar before which you intend to keep your word, and keep track of it. This will help you understand how realistic and achievable the goal is, taking into account your other obligations.
2.3K views14:01