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Логотип телеграм канала @kellybroganmd — KellyBroganMD
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Curated resources for those passionate about bodily sovereignty, health freedom, and embracing the body’s innate healing capacity. A Mind of Your Own, Own Your Self, and A Time for Rain. Founder:Vital Mind Reset and Vital Life Project. kellybroganmd.com

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Последние сообщения 21

2022-09-30 17:35:37 Have questions? Chat with us here ---> https://t.me/teamkbmd
1.1K views14:35
2022-09-30 17:35:23 There is a type of person who invests in Vital Mind Reset. This person knows, beneath all of the conditioning, the shame, the hurt, the confusion, and the betrayal…that they are worthy.

This person is finally ready to step into their Queenship or Kingship and out of the tired story of “I’m sick,” “I can’t afford it,” “this won’t work,” or “I’m too busy” smallness.

Someone who is ready to purchase this program is aligning with the next level of their power in this life. And the energetics of that transformation begin with the expression of audacity that is the decision to commit.

Are you ready to be that someone?

Every time we grow, expand, or make a quantum leap, it’s because we invest, intensively and uncomfortably, in simply exposing ourselves to the energy of those who are already being what we want to be.

Clicking that JOIN button and completing the exchange can only happen when you trust that YOU have attracted this exact resource that will give you exactly what you need.

Simply trusting in yourself changes your life with that first leap of faith. From that first gesture of YES, I’m in! Let’s do this! I’m ready to actually live my life!

The VMR investment itself is when the alchemy begins because you are now someone who treats yourself like you matter. Everything becomes possible from this choice…

And I cannot wait to watch you rise!
Join us now https://bit.ly/3CdBN2F
1.1K views14:35
2022-09-30 17:35:07
983 views14:35
2022-09-30 00:40:07 Have questions? Chat with us here ---> https://t.me/teamkbmd
1.2K views21:40
2022-09-30 00:39:55 The #1 ingredient needed to make a shift—is the readiness to do so.

We simply aren’t ready until we choose to be ready. And in the meantime, we make all sorts of excuses. Do you find yourself saying things like:

“I’d love to make healthier decisions, but…”
“I don’t have time.”
“It’s too expensive.”
“No one else around me eats that way.”
“My diagnosis is really scary, and requires real treatment.”
“My doctor says I’m already doing the best I can.”
“I’ll think about it later.”
“These things don’t work for people like me”

As a psychiatrist, I feel compelled to remind you that your power of choice cannot be taken away. Ever.

This is your sign to listen to that small voice that’s saying, “it’s time,” and choose to commit to your own expansion and growth.

If you’re ready to ready to feel unstuck and want some help, I’d love to have you as part of my next Vital Mind Reset group starting Tuesday, October 4th. https://bit.ly/3CdBN2F
1.2K views21:39
2022-09-30 00:39:36
1.1K views21:39
2022-09-29 18:33:20 KellyBroganMD pinned a video
2022-09-29 15:48:03 Have questions? Chat with us here ---> https://t.me/teamkbmd
663 views12:48
2022-09-29 15:47:50 Wondering why Vital Mind Reset takes place over 44 days?

It’s not arbitrary.

It’s well-noted through studied scientific research, and also woven throughout many spiritual traditions, that it takes around 40 days to disrupt a pattern, and create a new one.
That’s why I chose 44 days for my Vital Mind Reset program. To offer you a supportive platform of education, resources, and community in a proven timeline that will assist you to create healthy, lasting change.

In numerology, represents foundation, responsibility and routine to make dreams a reality.

Does the life you long for feel like an unreachable dream?
How would it feel to know you could look back on your life and celebrate the courage to take that first step toward making your dreams come true?

The truth is, it doesn’t happen overnight — but it can happen in just 44 days!

The practices, protocol, and nutritional guidance I share in VMR offers you a base of stabilization so you can truly discern the next best steps for you, and discover your healthiest alignment.

Your highly creative, beautiful mind has a moldable plasticity (neuroplasticity). Over time the repetitive patterns, behaviors, and everyday choices become unconscious. Which means you start to operate on autopilot.

Perhaps you notice you’re short, snappy and reactive, and you don’t want to be.

You’re responding from a pre-conditioned state of mind rather than your clarity, compassion and intuition. It’s ok — it’s part of being human, and we primarily operate from the subconscious mind.
There is nothing wrong with you. AND you have free will, the power to choose a new trajectory.

It’s been proven that we have the capacity to change those pre-determining pathways and attitudes in response to new information, sensory stimulation, and meditation. You can absolutely disrupt and establish new patterns, behaviors and choices, the only requirement is your willingness to self-initiate this process.

Here’s the easy part: it’s all laid out as a simple step-by-step journey that lasts just 44 days.

662 views12:47
2022-09-29 15:47:25
619 views12:47