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Логотип телеграм канала @kellybroganmd — KellyBroganMD
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Curated resources for those passionate about bodily sovereignty, health freedom, and embracing the body’s innate healing capacity. A Mind of Your Own, Own Your Self, and A Time for Rain. Founder:Vital Mind Reset and Vital Life Project. kellybroganmd.com

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Последние сообщения 10

2023-01-13 04:34:35 I’ve had a lot of practice this year turning toward and sitting with discomfort, fear, and generally unwanted feelings, states, and sensations.

When I lean in to myself, the way a strong, steady, capable, loving partner would, I discover alchemy and the gifts of expression that my body has to offer.

Finding my singing voice was one of the recent surprise gems in the cave of my struggles. Two weeks into my journey, I’ve already wept tears of hot shame that spring forth in earnest ready and wanting to move up and out of my body, finally attended by a present open awareness.

This voice reclamation adventure already reminds me so much of my pole journey, and all of the ways that my inner girl is peeking out from exile now that she knows I’m done hiding her in a closet and telling her to shut up, that her needs don’t matter, and that I know better for her than she knows for herself what she wants. When she feels welcome in all of her feelings, she always brings play, fun, pleasure, and delight...

This Saturday January 14th, come discover your hiding spots and what wants to alchemize within you in my Breakup Breakthrough Masterclass @11am EST (LESS THAN 2 DAYS TO GO!!)

981 views01:34
2023-01-13 04:34:22
898 views01:34
2023-01-12 22:53:18 How do you know if you’re truly healing from a breakup?

Relationships, and especially breakups, are a crucible for some of the deepest alchemical transformation experiences we can have…if we allow them to be.

Oftentimes during a breakup we cling to how they wronged us and use our superiority to bypass feelings of loss, vulnerability, and grief.

When you no longer feel the need to blame your former partner or hold them as the villain in your mind, that is a pretty good indicator that you are healing from the breakup. It also means you are less likely to bring some of your insidious and sabotaging patterns into your next relationship.

To navigate the stages of breakup recovery and transform your pain into something beautiful, join me on Saturday January 14 @11ET for my Breakup Breakthrough Masterclass.

1.0K views19:53
2023-01-12 22:52:51
980 views19:52
2023-01-12 18:12:50
1.0K views15:12
2023-01-12 02:05:46 We often associate the fear of intimacy to be a characteristic of love avoidants, but did you know that the love addict’s subconscious fear is also intimacy? By choosing partners over and over who are avoidant and cannot meet our needs, it renders us free from having to be intimate as well.

If we were TRULY available for the kind of love and intimacy we claim we so deeply want, then we would have it, but instead we continue to choose people who are not available. Some part of us has associated intimacy with danger, and we actually feel safer when it’s distant.

Learn how to break the love addiction cycle for good and turn your breakup into your biggest breakthrough yet.

On January 14th I am hosting a LIVE masterclass to teach you exactly how to use this as a catalyst for your next rebirth.

Inside this class i’ll teach you:
-How to finally cut the cord on your relationship
-A woman’s biggest fear and how to work with it
-The most transformational questions you can ask yourself after a breakup
-The biggest love addiction to break

Plus time for Q&A at the end.

Claim your spot here
711 views23:05
2023-01-12 02:05:19
657 views23:05
2023-01-11 20:03:58
835 views17:03
2023-01-11 18:11:54 I call it the initiation of losing the thing you imagined you would die without. It’s the feast that never would have been if you settled for the crumbs…

“The strength that grows out of sorrow, distress, helplessness, illness, and bitter pain has to do with the kind of transcendent experience that brings inner fortitude which is not contingent upon external power and its constant need for reaffirmation.”
-Arno Gruen

This is why I champion the opportunity that embracing adversity - be it loss, illness, or abuse - as a portal for reclamation. The alchemy that becomes available when our yes is informed by the no to our current experience, when we hold both and identify with neither, leads us to the delight of empowered creation...and it leads us out of the too small comforts of victimhood.

Join me this Saturday January 14th for my BREAKUP BREAKTHROUGH Masterclass at 11a EST. (Lifetime access to the recording if you can’t make it live!)

Click here to register
259 views15:11
2023-01-11 18:11:11
255 views15:11