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Последние сообщения 54

2022-04-12 14:07:01
Escaping the discussion.

If you've run out of points to argue, the next step might be to use insult defensively.

Such as:
- You are impossible to discuss serious issues with.
- Your behavior makes it unfeasible to carry on the discussion.

This kind of conflict provoking seems to take the search for truth out of the equation and allows you to move beyond the discussion.

Also, tricks such as interrupting, interrupting and demonstrative behavior that show unwillingness to listen and a lack of respect for your opponent can be used to avoid the discussion.
2.7K views11:07
2022-04-11 21:08:02
False stupidity and failure formation.

Statements such as "it's trivial," "it's completely tasteless," form in the object of manipulation an initial unconscious belittling of his role, and also create his artificial dependence on the opinions of others, which prepares that person's dependence on you.

It means you can almost fearlessly promote your ideas through the object of manipulation, encouraging him to address your issues of interest.

In this way, you prepare the ground for manipulation by additional handling.
3.1K views18:08
2022-04-11 17:08:01
Request higher demands.

A good rule of thumb is: "Ask for more - they will give you as much as you need"

Note: the more a demand is expressed, the harder it is to lower it. Here is the essence of the method: to voice your demand, which is higher than expected by the victim.

Variants of the execution of the trick:
- I think you'll give us a price of 100 rubles (the victim can not give a price below the cost of 120 rubles, of which, of course, you know).
- I'm sure you'll get the job done before the New Year. Am I right? (The victim with all his desire before the May holidays can not finish).
3.2K views14:08
2022-04-11 14:08:01
Draw negative comparisons.

To plant seeds of doubt in the object of manipulation and to convince yourself that you are right, use comparisons. Compare your opponent to an ideal, certainly not in his favor.

A negative comparison will make the victim feel inadequate. He will realize that he is not as good, not as loyal, not as hardworking as this and that, and therefore will immediately feel anxiety and his guilt, which he will try to block by following your advice and demands.

Use a phrase such as:
- Why can't you be like...?
3.2K views11:08
2022-04-10 21:40:01
Gradual persuasion

To indoctrinate a person some idea, you need to repeat it constantly, gradually put into someone else's head.

Regular repetition of the thought, allows the person to get used to it, to accept it, and later it will be easier to accept.

For example: you need to convince people that everything is always the boss's fault. Every day at the end of each dialogue you add, if it were not for the head - all these failures could be avoided.
3.3K views18:40
2022-04-10 17:08:00
What is the right way to interrupt a person in a conversation?

Cutting someone off is not good, but still, sometimes it is necessary. And so as not to disrespect the interlocutor, do the following.

Stand forward a little bit so that the interlocutor can see you, raise and slightly extend your hand forward (the palm must be turned to the person). And open your mouth a little, as if you want to say something.

An open palm is a sign of trust and is generally characterized as a positive gesture in communication. Therefore, the person, having interrupted his speech, will not feel interrupted as if you just started talking.
3.5K views14:08
2022-04-10 14:08:00
Distorting thoughts and bringing feelings to the point of absurdity.

The manipulator translates your differing opinions and emotions into character flaws.
Such people listen to you carefully for one reason: to twist what you say and to make the story absurd.

As an example, you tell the manipulator that you don't like the way he or she speaks. In response, you might hear something like, "So I'm a bad person now, am I?"

How to confront:
In cases like this, calmly say "I didn't say that" and walk away, reinforcing the behavior.
3.7K views11:08
2022-04-09 21:03:00
Eliminate height differences.

If you are shorter than your interlocutor, don't raise your head to meet his/her gaze, look straight ahead, or a little taller.

Force the interlocutor to lower his head, to adjust to you.

You'll be claiming strength, depriving your opponent of a height advantage, because he has to adjust to you, not you.
3.8K views18:03
2022-04-09 17:03:00
Indicator of a person's reaction.

How to figure out what will provoke your word, your deed? Will you insult the person or make them feel good, is the action fair or not?

The most accurate way is to put yourself in that person's shoes and imagine what feelings the act you are about to commit will provoke in you.

If you don't want to be treated that way, it means that the other person will probably be disgusted by the action.
3.8K views14:03
2022-04-09 14:03:00
The Sight

Business Gaze

When you conduct business negotiations, imagine a kind of triangle drawn on the face of the interlocutor. Concentrating your gaze within this zone, you will give the impression of a serious person. Your partner will feel that you are responsible and reliable. If your gaze doesn't drop below the eye level of the interlocutor, you'll be able to keep the conversation under control.

Informal Gaze

When your interlocutor's gaze falls below the level of your partner's eyes, a friendly atmosphere emerges. Experiments have shown that during informal conversations a triangular zone can also be detected on the face of the interlocutor. In this case it is located between the eyes and the mouth of the interlocutor.
3.8K views11:03