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Health tips 💊

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Логотип телеграм канала @health_en — Health tips 💊
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Последние сообщения 12

2022-05-10 13:00:03
Here's an easy way to stay fit for people who hate exercising

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867 views10:00
2022-05-10 10:00:04
Way to get rid of snoring

Stick your tongue out as far as you can, so that you feel the tension of the throat tissues at the base of your tongue.
Hold it there for a few seconds and then make a long "yee" sound. Do two sets of this. This movement strengthens the tissues of the mouth.

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901 views07:00
2022-05-09 19:00:05
The bathroom is healthier than the shower

Shower, of course, is much more practical and takes much less time. But the bath has a lot of health benefits.

And the range of "benefits" is huge: from the general relaxing effect and stress relief to strengthening the immune system and lowering blood pressure.

In addition, an hour of hot bathing burns the same number of calories as a half-hour walk - about 140 calories.

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960 views16:00
2022-05-09 16:00:04
Carrots are not only good for the eyes

However, not only for the eyes are good. Much more useful beta-carotene (provitamin A) for the immune system.

It prevents the accumulation of free radicals destroying cells of the immune system, and also increases the number of T-helper cells (immune cells).

As an antioxidant, it also reduces the likelihood of cancer.

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973 views13:00
2022-05-09 13:00:04
What causes butt acne?

Butt Acne looks like tiny red bumps and are caused due to inflammation of the hair follicles aka Folliculitis. Yeast, fungus, bacteria, and itchiness are the main culprits here.

Although they’re not the only ones responsible for butt acne, poor hygiene and diet are to be blamed as well.

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946 views10:00
2022-05-09 10:00:04
Why Consume Zinc Every Day

Zinc is one of the most important trace elements involved in the synthesis of more than 300 vital enzymes.

In addition, it promotes tissue repair, strengthens the immune system and protects against cardiovascular diseases.

The peculiarity of the element is that our body is not able to accumulate it. That is, it must be consumed every day.

It is recommended that men consume 11 mg of zinc per day, women 8 mg, pregnant women 11 mg per day, and nursing women 12 mg per day.

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1.2K views07:00
2022-05-08 19:00:03
10 Ways to level up in your life
Simple and effective tips to bring positive changes in your life.

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1.2K views16:00
2022-05-08 16:00:03
Everyday habits that ruin your eyesight

Not drinking enough water.
Fluid deficiency can lead to dryness and discomfort in the eyes.

Buying pre-made glasses.
They do not take into account individual peculiarities of a person - alignment of lenses, their center distance, refraction index.

Work at a computer in the dark.
A person has to "constantly focus on objects of different illumination", while the eyes need considerable time to do this.

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1.1K views13:00
2022-05-08 13:00:03
2 Reasons to eat honey at bedtime

Helps you sleep.
Honey is called a natural sedative. It promotes the production of melatonin. 1 tsp of honey at night is the key to a good rest. Especially if you wash it down with chamomile tea.

Burns fat.
It is at night that the mechanisms for enhanced fat burning are launched. The fat-burning effect of honey is based on speeding up the metabolism.

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1.1K views10:00
2022-05-05 16:00:03
Did you know that cabbage and potatoes can help with headaches

If you have a headache, compresses of raw, crumpled cabbage leaf (just put it on or tied to your head) and a lotion of raw potatoes at the temples and forehead help.

Potatoes can be grated and placed in a gauze bag, or you can just use freshly cut potato slices.

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211 views13:00