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That ship has sailed Перевод: этот корабль уплыл (аналог в рус | F.R.I.E.N.D.S

That ship has sailed
Перевод: этот корабль уплыл (аналог в русском - поезд ушел), смысл в упущенной возможности
Meaning: that opportunity has already passed and is no longer possible
Synonyms: it’s too late
More examples:
- I finally realize my ex-girlfriend was my true love but unfortunately that ship has sailed.
- I've thought about going back to college but I feel like that ship has sailed.

Note: и расскажу еще про одну идиому с ‘кораблем’:
To run a tight ship
It means to manage things very carefully and strictly, to control something in a very strict and effective way.
To run a tight ship = keep things well managed
То есть управлять чем-либо (например, своей жизнью) с особым контролем, быть очень организованным, таким дисциплинированным, строго следить за чем-то
- My friend's father is a very orderly person - he runs a tight ship and seldom makes mistakes in his life.
- The director expects all the teachers to run a tight ship.