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Lemon Pudding Ingredients: • butter - 1,5 tbsp. • sugar - 50 | Food Porn

Lemon Pudding


• butter - 1,5 tbsp.
• sugar - 50g
• juice of half a lemon
• zest of half a lemon
• egg - 1 unit
• flour - 2 tbsp.
• milk - 1/3 tbsp.


1. First, whip the butter, sugar and zest. Add lemon juice, egg yolk, flour, milk (whip after adding each of these ingredients).
2. Whip the egg whites to stiff peaks and gently stir them into the first mixture until homogeneous. Pour into molds, which should be placed in a large mold poured with boiling water so that the level of water reaches the middle of the molds with pudding.
3. Bake in a preheated to 180 degrees oven for 30 minutes.