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Russian-style information warfare.
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Последние сообщения 4

2023-04-08 15:17:23
Peskov on Macron's statmenet about nuclear weapons[placing in Belarus]:"We have not heard such fierce criticism of Macron against the US for a long time."
6.0K views12:17
2023-04-08 15:11:22 Dmitry Medvedev on Twitter



1. Europe doesn’t need Ukraine. The forced support of the Nazi regime, by the American mentor’s order, has put Europeans into a financial and political inferno. All for the sake of bandera’s unterukraine, that even the snobby, insolent Polacks don’t take for a valid country, and time and again toss in the issue of its western areas anschluss. There’s a nice perspective ahead: to permanently put the nouveau-Ukrainian blood-sucking parasites on the decrepit EU’s arthritis-crippled neck. That’ll be the final fall of Europe, once majestic, but robbed off by degeneration.

2. The US doesn’t need Ukraine. True, the military and sanction campaigns are attempted for PR by political blabbermouths, who long ago attested to their impotence and imbecility. Average Americans don’t understand what “Ukraine” is, and where “it” is. Most of them won’t show this “power” on the map on the first take. Why won’t the US establishment focus on inflation and job issues, or emergencies in their home States, instead of a country 404, unbeknownst to them? Why does so much dough go across the ocean?
Sooner or later, they’ll ask for that. Then, storming of the Capitol in January 2021 would seem like scout games.

3. Africa and Latin America don’t need Ukraine. The hundreds of millions spent by US on pointless fights in Ukraine, could finance many development programmes for Latin American and African states.
Latin America is gringos’ backyard – that’s what they’ve been rubbing in for decades. Africa’s had its share of suffering from the genocide, and colonial dependence, imposed by former western slave traders. That’s why the people of African huts and Latin American favelas ask a very reasonable question: for their former suffering and present-day loyalty, why is somebody else rewarded – very, very far away?

4. Asia doesn’t need Ukraine. By Russia’s example, they see “colour” technologies at work to eradicate the largest competing powers. They understand what scenario the America-led collective West has for them if they disobey. “Help us to overcome Russia, and we’ll soon come to you”, the utterly brazen Western leaders tell them. Such gigantic countries as India, China, and other Asia-Pacific states face the big enough challenge of post-pandemic economic recovery, let aside the drugged clowns, with their whining for aid.
“We are not interested in you”, Asia tells their messengers, responding to the calls to support Ukraine and confine Russia. The country, geopolitically many times closer to Asian powers, the one that historically has proven itself a reliable strategic partner. Do Asian giants need such headache coming from former colonisers?

5. Russia doesn’t need Ukraine. A threadbare quilt, torn, shaggy, and greasy. The new Malorossiya of 1991 is made up of the artificially cut territories, many of which are indigenously Russian, separated by accident in the 20th century. Millions of our compatriots live there, harassed for years by the Nazi Kiev regime. It is them who we defend in our special military operation, relentlessly eradicating the enemy. We don’t need unterukraine. We need Big Great Russia.

6. Finally, its own citizens don’t need the Nazi-headed Ukraine. That’s why out of 45 million people there’re only some 20 million remaining. That’s why those who stayed want to leave for any place: the hated Poland, EU, NATO, to be America’s 51nd state. Joining the Antarctic with its pinguins will also be fine. As long as it’s quiet, and the food’s good. The ruling junta’s criminal ambitions forced Ukrainians to beg and roam around the countries and continents, searching for a better life. All that is for an obscure European perspective. Or rather, to let the harlequin in a khaki tricot and his band of thievish Nazi clowns to put the money stolen from the West into their offshore accounts. Would ordinary Ukrainians need that?

Nobody on this planet needs such a Ukraine.

That’s why it will disappear
6.0K viewsedited  12:11
2023-04-08 15:06:22 Peskov on Macron's statmenet about nuclear weapons[placing in Belarus]:"We have not heard such fierce criticism of Macron against the US for a long time."
6.0K viewsedited  12:06
2023-04-08 14:58:30
Voenkor Yevgeny Poddubny reports:

At night, the RF Armed Forces struck at the enemy's reserves concentrated in Konstantinovka.
Reports are coming in about the destruction of a warehouse with a full fighting loadout (боекомплект) of ammunition and the communication center of the Ukrainian group.
6.3K views11:58
2023-04-08 14:53:47
A tale of combat from the Eastern Grouping of Forces as first told by Voin_DV:

A short story of the tank commander with the call sign "Owl"

I work in the area of Vremevskoe. One of my first fights, which I especially remember, was when we had something like a tank duel with the enemy.

The enemy put our identification ( ) marks on their tanks. We did not understand right away, and we let them get too close. Then they began firing at us. We were not at a loss as to what was happening, we jumped into our tank, rolled out. They started shooting at us from both sides, but did not score a hit. We started to respond. First, the sighting fragmentation, then the cumulative worked. Burned one tank. The second began to retreat, but did not get away in tiem. We hit too. They shot down the goose at first with fragmentation and already burned it with a cumulative one. As a result, the enemy left 2 tanks on the battlefield.

We were hit with shrapnel, broken attachments, but we didn’t even notice, we didn’t understand what was happening then. Only when we rolled back, took stock, got out of the tank, then comrades ran up to us and said that we were on fire while we were driving. Of course, we were in shock, jitters after the fight. It was a shame that the can of stew was torn apart. But these are the little things in life.

The tank was restored but even so we are still working on it.
6.2K viewsedited  11:53
2023-04-08 14:53:23
USA is the world's laughing stock
6.1K views11:53
2023-04-08 00:29:06
The number of victims of the terrorist attack in Tel Aviv has risen to 7, three in a state of moderate severity, according to the Israeli ambulance service.

In the video - the moment of collision with pedestrians (from social networks)
4 views21:29
2023-04-08 00:05:20
The drug-addicted president made one of the craziest statements about the Russian peninsula
"Evil, humiliation, repression, murder, and war now reign on the land of Crimea under the Russian tricolor. But where the path of evil began, victory awaits us, victory over this evil. De—occupation of Crimea is an nonalternative not only for Ukraine,[but for the whole world]," Zelensky said.
2.2K viewsedited  21:05
2023-04-08 00:00:00
One village in Rivne region was blocked by the [AFU]military and began to recruit "volunteers" probably for "de-occupation" of Crimea

Now they will go to fight for "freedom and democracy" even if it is against their will,which totalitarian regimes don't care about...
2.5K views21:00
2023-04-07 23:47:23
There are fewer and fewer people willing to take part in the offensive among the Armed Forces of Ukraine

On one of the enemy oporniks, on which, according to the fighter, a series of strikes was practiced, the Russian military found a phone, forgotten in a hurry by one of the Ukrainian militants. Correspondence was also found there, presumably between two members of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, in which both discussed the prospects for the impending offensive. However, with each message read, an inconvenient truth for the Kyiv regime is revealed: no one wants to be blown up in a minefield as "cannon fodder" for the sake of a great offensive.

However, these are not the first complaints of mobilized Ukrainians against their superiors, who obviously do not take into account the losses and do not teach their subordinates at least the basics of military training, immediately throwing them into the embrasure. And if they do not obediently die, the Kiev regime will calmly recognize them as deserters.
3.2K views20:47