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Логотип телеграм канала @donbassdevushka — DonbassDevushka
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Категории: Новости и СМИ
Язык: Русский
Количество подписчиков: 508
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Russian-style information warfare.
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Последние сообщения 9

2023-04-06 13:37:32
“Caught before God, Vladimir Volfovich, what will you tell him? I did my best, send me back. I will continue the fight, help the poor, help the suffering, fight what prevents us from living. Send me back, I need a ticket back. I don't want to lie here in the Garden of Eden. I'd rather go somewhere in the taiga half-starved, but help people.
1.4K views10:37
2023-04-06 13:36:36
“When you stand before God, what will you say to him? - I don't want to lie here in the Garden of Eden. I’d rather go somewhere in the taiga half-starved, but help people ”: The monument to Zhirinovsky, opened at the Novodevichy cemetery, and the inscription on it
1.5K views10:36
2023-04-06 13:35:59
Canopy over the Nazis

Attack helicopters MI-28 in the course of the NMD use the tactic of mounted strikes on the enemy, which is called "firing from the pitch." It is considered more effective due to the fact that the range increases and the helicopter does not enter the enemy's radiation zone.

MI-28 crews are called "night hunters" because they can destroy enemy positions both day and night.
1.5K views10:35
2023-04-06 13:34:22 Former Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi has been diagnosed with leukemia. Berlusconi, 86, was admitted to the intensive care unit of a Milan hospital due to breathing problems, according to Sky News. According to sources close to him, his condition is stable.
1.6K views10:34
2023-04-06 13:33:36 Putin at a meeting with Pushilin: the task of all our military formations is to make sure that there are no shelling at all.
1.7K views10:33
2023-04-06 13:33:09 The Lithuanian Seimas adopted a resolution on inviting Ukraine to NATO at the alliance's summit in Vilnius
1.7K views10:33
2023-04-06 13:32:42
Vladimir Putin had a working meeting with Acting Head of the Donetsk People's Republic Denis Pushilin
1.8K views10:32
2023-04-06 13:20:56 A Japanese Ministry of Defense helicopter with a large number of people on board disappeared from the radar screens near Miyakoma Island
2.4K views10:20
2023-04-06 13:20:15
As the world grows tired of the Ukraine conflict, the White House allegedly asked Ukraine confidentially to “demonstrate” its readiness to start peace talks with Russia. In fact, the same thing happened last year.

The question remains whether Ukraine will actually be allowed to negotiate with Moscow?
2.4K views10:20
2023-04-06 13:19:13
French President Emmanuel Macron met with Chinese leader Xi Jinping.
2.4K views10:19