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What's wrong with Tinder? The ads work so well that people op | Men's club

What's wrong with Tinder?

The ads work so well that people open such apps on the fly, even when they want a girl for a one-night stand, even when their hearts are asking for a serious relationship.

Now think about it and remember what you know more: tinder dating stories with a good ending or stories that start with the words "I won't go into that hat again"?

And now we'll do some magic and read your thoughts: you have met the second option more often.

There's a maximally consistent trend right now where dating apps have become the most extensive receptacle of all human garbage:

Fraudsters who want to bilk you for dough
Young girls screwing on a few extra years
Photoshop masters who don't live up to their online image
Women who believe they are exceptional.

And that's only 1% of these categories. Normal girls just do not go there, because they know that the regular users of such applications among men are not less specific.