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• According to the American Society for Aesthetic [Эстетически | Use your English!

• According to the American Society for Aesthetic [Эстетический] Plastic Surgery, since 1997, there has been a 465 percent increase in the total number of cosmetic procedures.
• Women had nearly 10.7 million cosmetic procedures, ninety percent of the total. The number of cosmetic procedures for women has increased forty-nine percent since 2003.
• The top five surgical procedures for women were: liposuction, breast augmentation [увеличение], eyelid [веко] surgery, tummy tuck [подтяжка живота] and facelift [подтяжка лица].
• Americans spent just under $12.5 billion on cosmetic procedures in 2004.
Who benefits [кому выгодно] from the appearance expectations?
• The $38 billion hair industry.
• The $33 billion diet industry.
• The $24 billion skincare industry.
• The $18 billion makeup industry.
• The $15 billion perfume industry.
• The $13 billion cosmetic surgery industry.
That’s a whole bunch of folks [целая куча народа] depending on us to see and believe messages that sell the social-community expectations of appearance [зависят от того, верим ли мы в общественные ожидания от нашего внешнего вида]. If we don’t believe we’re too fat, ugly and old, then they don’t sell their products. If they don’t sell their products, they don’t make their house payments. The pressure is on!»
На эту тему я еще очень люблю документальный фильм MISS REPRESENTATION, его непросто найти онлайн, можно купить на VIMEO, я купила его для себя и могу поделиться ссылкой на просмотр.
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