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Логотип телеграм канала @smitgame — Смиты
Адрес канала: @smitgame
Категории: Маркетинг, PR, реклама
Язык: Русский
Страна: Россия
Количество подписчиков: 431
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Канал об интерактивном маркетинге от тех, кто в нем разбирается. Для связи: @smitstudio

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Последние сообщения 4

2021-06-21 15:57:02 ​​A great example of Ikea's situational marketing. Bottle «Cristiano». Only water can be poured into it. Cola is not allowed.
93 views12:57
2021-06-19 14:46:54
Burger King Used Tesla Autopilot Bug For Amazing Ad Activation

I think many people have heard about a funny bug in the autopilot of Tesla cars. The traffic sign recognition system in the car mistook a Burger King signpost for a stop sign and braked the car.

Burger King employees noticed tweets about this and posted a masterpiece response: "looks like AI even knows what you’re in the mood for".

But they did not stop at a beautiful phrase and launched an advertising campaign. The restaurant offers everyone who posted a video / picture with a smart car near the BK restaurant and with some hashtags a promo code for a free Whopper.

Creativity level 1000. Applaud the guys from BK!
89 viewsedited  11:46
2021-06-18 15:01:33
Volkswagen launches virtual test drives on Pinterest

Brands continue to embrace the Pinterest platform for creative ad activations. Volkswagen is running a new, interactive, in-car experience, which can be activated from its Promoted Pin.

Tap on the 'See More' prompt at the bottom of the Pin and you'll be taken to a 360, interactive view, enabling you to look around inside the car as it drives.

Why is this a cool activation?

1. The Pinterest platform is actively used by consumers to find new products. Including cars. Previous Pinterest research has also shown that Pinners are 28% more likely than non-Pinners to buy a new vehicle within the first 90 days of a release, while they're also 31% more likely to buy a new SUV model after a new release ...

2. Unusual ad format dramatically increases memorability

3. Of course, a virtual test drive cannot replace a real one. But this is a much deeper and more engaging experience than just watching a promotional video.
50 views12:01
2021-06-17 13:12:30 ​​Well, a new era has begun. Facebook is gearing up to advertise on virtual reality apps.

In the near future, Facebook will begin testing advertising in the Oculus Quest virtual reality system. The stated goal is to work out new formats unique for VR and create an optimal model of interaction with developers and users.

The company plans to study the reaction of users, who will initially be able to block ads.

To study the response, the system will use information from the social network profile, as well as accumulate all reactions to advertising: from which application the user reacted to it, what purchases he made (or just what he added to the basket), how long he viewed the content, and so on.

All app developers will receive some (as yet unknown) share of their ad revenue. The company does not disclose the percentage, but believes that the ability to integrate ads encourages developers to work in the Facebook ecosystem.

Facebook promises that the introduction of advertising monetization will make VR systems cheaper for users.
50 views10:12
2021-06-15 14:44:19
Microsoft is great at situational marketing

Immediately after the release, the Xbox Series S game console became a meme due to its resemblance to a refrigerator. Microsoft did not fight the ridicule, but joined in.

The guys first released a large refrigerator in the form of a console and presented it to subscribers.

And here is their new project – a mini-refrigerator for drinks. The device will go on sale by Christmas.

This is a great example of how openness and self-irony can be the basis for amazing marketing activations.

Users are delighted - they feel themselves heard and really want to buy a new product.
82 views11:44
2021-06-14 14:19:11
China is showing a trend for virtual pop stars. They are already earning more "living" ones.

I came across an interesting article about the modern Chinese market. It turns out that in the Celestial Empire, the profit from virtual stars already exceeds the income from the living. It is already close to $ 32 billion. Profits from some of the most successful virtual stars have already approached $ 94,000 per minute.

Luo Tianyi's latest concert was followed by over 150 million people! It seems that computer technology can lead to an increase in unemployment, even in the show business.
267 views11:19
2021-06-13 16:31:05
The guys from Gucci know how to work cool with video games

I really like the recent Gucci case. The brand has transferred its real installation, located in Florence, to the online game Roblox.

And this is a very competent move. A much larger number of people will be able to visit the installation in the game than the real one. And familiarity with the presented designs can be no less high-quality.

In general, Gucci has been actively working with online games for a long time. For Roblox, they have already released virtual clothing collections.
57 views13:31
2021-06-12 12:02:11 ​​Let’s play, Zoomers!

I am sure that marketing through games is one of the most significant areas, the possibilities of which have not yet been fully disclosed.

The situation is simple — people from Generation Z spend a lot of time in virtual worlds. At the same time, it is difficult to reach them with traditional marketing. They don't trust your ad campaigns, they install AdBlock on all devices. They are scattered and ignore your advertising messages.

The video game space is probably the most relevant place to reach zoomers. See how elegantly the UNIQLO guys did it. They supplemented the real clothing collection with virtual skins for Animal Crossing.

The fun of the game is one of the most powerful things that can boost positive brand associations.
64 views09:02
2021-06-10 14:02:21 ​​An important trend: digital product passports

The basis of modern marketing is maximum openness. Consumers are no longer satisfied with the amount of information that you can print on the product packaging.

Take an example from PANGAIA. The brand places a special QR-tag on its products. When read, the digital twin of the product stored in the cloud is loaded.

By scanning the QR code, the user can get all the information about the care of the purchased product. Moreover, he can familiarize himself in detail with the unique journey that the product took to his home.

The company reveals everything - the location of the dyeing, production and distribution companies, retail chains.
What's cool?

1. Builds brand trust and engagement

2. Demonstrates openness.

3. Works as an entry point for building digital communication with the consumer. Helps to engage in interaction with the brand, tell about new products.
74 views11:02
2021-06-09 14:08:40 ​​I really like the AR Morton Salt case

The guys really showed how to correctly apply AR technologies. AR Morton Salt Service offers a creative solution to reduce kitchen waste.
Reducing food waste is an important part of the brand's policy and goes well with its product, which is used for flavoring and canning.

Erase Food Waste brings fruits and vegetables to life in augmented reality, and users can select recipes based on specific foods. For example, there is Staycation Smoky Paloma, which makes the most of the leftover grapefruit.

What are the advantages of activation:

1. Specific environmental message
2. Real user benefit and practical use cases
3. Adds a game element to the boring process.

This is roughly how high-quality AR activations aimed at buzzers and millennials should be.
77 views11:08