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Russia in Canada

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Логотип телеграм канала @rusembc — Russia in Canada
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The official channel of the Embassy of the Russian Federation in Canada / Официальный канал Посольства Российской Федерации в Канаде
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Последние сообщения 6

2022-05-01 00:27:58
С Праздником Весны и Труда!

#МИД #Труд #Май
199 views21:27
2022-04-30 16:42:50
#OTD in 1945, the #RedArmy liberated the prisoners of the women's concentration camp #Ravensbrück.

The prisoners, who survived inhuman medical experiments & other atrocities of the SS, greeted the Soviet liberators with joy.

"Never forget the black night of Ravensbrück!"
224 views13:42
2022-04-30 16:42:50
Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova’s comment on Ukraine’s case in the International Criminal Court

An announcement made on April 25 to the effect that the International Criminal Court (ICC) Prosecutor’s Office will join the Joint Investigation Group comprised of Poland, Lithuania and Ukraine and created under the auspices of Eurojust has come to our attention.

Everyone is aware of how such entities operate. It is safe to assume that the work of their brainchild will be similarly biased and one-sided.

If anyone doubts that the ICC is a body that is fulfilling political orders and has nothing to do with independent justice, this new “creative” format has made it perfectly clear.

We would like to ask the ICC Prosecutor’s Office and the countries that are now so concerned about justice in Ukraine why, for eight years, they ignored the suffering of Donbass residents?
211 views13:42
2022-04-30 16:42:50
On April 30, 1945, during the storming of the #Reichstag, the first Red Banner was installed on its facade by 20-year-old Rakhimzhan #Koshkarbaev and 19-year-old Grigory #Bulatov.

For the heroism shown during the battle, they were awarded the Order of the Red Banner.
195 views13:42
2022-04-30 00:02:35
Short videos telling the truth about the events in Ukraine are available in 17 languages at Telegram channel t.me/video_languages
141 views21:02
2022-04-29 23:58:50
The International Public Tribunal for Ukraine continues to gather information about the Kiev regime’s criminal actions.
New evidence of war crimes by militants in Mariupol was presented at the conference on April 21.
Learn more: https://t.me/grigoriev_maxim
144 views20:58
2022-04-29 15:38:47
Press conference by the IAEA Director General Rafel Grossi confirms: radiation levels in the Chernobyl exclusion zone remain within the normal range, there is no threat to people or environment.

Ukrainian nuclear facilities are operating normally.


Пресс-конференция Гендиректора МАГАТЭ Р.Гросси подтверждает: уровни излучения в чернобыльской зоне отчуждения остаются в пределах нормы и не представляют опасности для людей и окружающей среды.

Украинские ядерные объекты работают в штатном режиме.
124 views12:38
2022-04-29 02:36:52 #Opinion by Russian MFA Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova

Nuclear DisInfo (Read in full)

Mechanisms for information attacks with a new thesis that target the public space have been launched in the West at the highest level in a transboundary and trans-format manner. The premise is primitive and completely horrifying: the Russians are threatening a nuclear war, and the Russians are waving the nuclear stick.

Do I even need to say that this thesis is absolutely incorrect and false? Apparently, I do.

They are pushing this exact thesis because it plays on basic human fears, the experience of the older generation, which throughout the second half of the 20th century was bracing for the Third World War against global communism, and Western youth, for which their respective governments have come up with a new mechanism called “cancel culture” (cancelling everything Russian this time). Moreover, the West absolutely does not care what Moscow really says, and the meaning of words is distorted and outwardly perverted.

Let’s consider the specifics.

Two days ago, in his answer to a question by Dimitri Simes during an interview, Sergey Lavrov said literally the following full quote

What are the takeaways?

1. It was Russia that, with great difficulty, convinced the United States during lengthy talks to reaffirm the Gorbachev-Reagan formula that a nuclear war cannot be won and must never be fought.

2. It was Russia that persuaded the group of five nuclear nations to adopt a statement with the same content.

3. There are risks; they should not be blown out of proportion or underestimated.

We did everything possible to prevent a nuclear war, to create all the necessary obstacles on the way to slipping into this scenario (fortunately, they justified themselves during the Cold War and are working today), because we understand the real risks and threats posed by irresponsible behaviour in this area. We cannot allow the very thought of a nuclear war.

Now acting in the worst traditions of disinformation, Western officials are feeding the media, in a coordinated effort, fake news about Moscow’s alleged nuclear threats. The foreign ministries from the NATO countries started convincing the people in their countries that the Russians were “rattling their weapons.”


Notice how clumsy this was in terms of media work. First, all the put-up quotes against our country were repeated by the journalist, and then they were again mentioned by Ned Price. A presentation designed for a not too sophisticated public. No one even paid attention to what the Foreign Minister said about the risks and Russia’s attempts to prevent the unthinkable.

It’s unthinkable to us, but, mindful of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, it is, unfortunately, possible for our colleagues from overseas.

The next day, the media started mass brainwashing. The British tabloids (the Daily Mail and others) and the high-quality analytical US press, French television and German tabloid magazines started talking with one voice that Moscow was threatening with a Third World Nuclear War. And this was already being discussed in Europe; French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian said that the Russian Foreign Minister’s words were the “rhetoric of intimidation.”

I would like to ask this Frenchman whether he at least saw what Sergey Lavrov said? We have translated the interview.

Our country is against any nuclear war, and this is exactly what the Russian Minister said, and this is what guides our diplomacy in its work.

Could it be that the Western capitals read the interviews as presented by the Western media? This is the only thing that can justify their words. To avoid that, one should simply DON'T turn off alternative sources of information, and listen to what Russia has to say close to the original text, rather than as interpreted by your media under NATO guidelines.
190 views23:36
2022-04-29 00:54:04
Russian Defence Ministry has published new documentary evidence of crimes committed by Ukrainian nationalists during the Great Patriotic War as part of "Archives Remember Everything!" project

In April 1944 the Red Army completed the liberation of the Right-bank Ukraine from the Nazi invaders.

But although the Nazis had been driven from the Ukrainian land, their accomplices - nationalists from the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UIA) armed formations - lurked there, committing terrorist and sabotage acts deep in the Soviet rear.

To combat them, the commander of the troops of the 1st Belorussian Front, General of the Army Konstantin Rokossovsky, decided to carry out a series of special operations to eliminate them.

Trophy documents from the Third Reich show that many of today's leaders of European "enlightened" countries are strikingly following this German-Fascist rhetoric from 79 years ago.


#MoD #archive
188 views21:54
2022-04-29 00:23:19
Ambassador Stepanov's comment on the motion adopted by the House of Commons of Canada on April 27.
243 views21:23