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Russia in Canada

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Логотип телеграм канала @rusembc — Russia in Canada
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Категории: Новости и СМИ
Язык: Русский
Количество подписчиков: 1.49K
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The official channel of the Embassy of the Russian Federation in Canada / Официальный канал Посольства Российской Федерации в Канаде
Twitter - twitter.com/RussianEmbassyC
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Последние сообщения 2

2022-05-19 01:32:44
banned RT and RT France TV channels on March 16.
banned CBC/Radio-Canada on May 18.
Reciprocity. You started. We responded.
140 views22:32
2022-05-18 16:18:02
In Mariupol, militants of Azov nationalist unit and Ukrainian servicemen blocked at the Azovstal plant continue to surrender.

Over the past 24 hours, 694 militants have laid down arms and surrendered, including 29 wounded.

A total of 959 militants have surrendered since 16 May, including 80 wounded, of whom 51 need hospital treatment have been admitted to Novoazovsk hospital in the Donetsk People's Republic.

#MoD #Russia #Ukraine
168 views13:18
2022-05-18 16:17:08
President of Russia Vladimir Putin had a telephone conversation with President of the UAE Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan.

During the conversation, Vladimir Putin warmly congratulated Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan on taking office as Ruler of the Emirate of Abu Dhabi and being elected President of the UAE.

The existing level of strategic partnership between the two countries was noted, while satisfaction and mutual commitment to continued development of friendly Russian-Emirati relations was expressed. Particular attention was paid to interaction in trade, the economy and investment.

175 views13:17
2022-05-17 22:31:26 Nationalist battalion fighters and AFU units, using civilians as human shields, continue to use civilian infrastructure to equip strongholds and deploy heavy weaponry.

Azov Neo-Nazis battalion:

in Mirnograd, Donetsk People's Republic, kindergarten No 19 in the Vostochnyi Microdistrict and a boarding school on L. Chaikina Street have been equipped with strongholds and barracks, and armoured vehicles and artillery have been placed in close proximity to residential areas;

in Borovaya, Kharkov Region, barracks have been equipped in the school building and the Beryozka kindergarten, and heavy military equipment, artillery and MLRS have been placed on the territories. At the same time, civilians with children are forcibly detained in basements.

Fighters of Aidar battalion:

on the territory of the Church of the Praise of the Mother of God in Pavlograd, Dnepropetrovsk Region, firing positions, artillery and MLRS have been placed in close proximity to densely populated residential areas;

in Zaporozhye, they equipped firing positions and ammunition depots on the lower floors of hospitals on Sobornyi Prospect and Pobedy Street. At the same time, hospital staff and patients are held back as human shield.

Armed formations of the Donbass battalion have equipped a stronghold in residential building No 10 on General Lozanovich Street in Slavyansk in Donetsk People's Republic and deployed heavy weapons and an ammunition depot. However, no civilians were evacuated from the building.

In Sumy, AFU units have mined a road bridge on Kharkovskaya Street over the railway tracks of the Southern Railway branch, which they plan to blow up, blaming it on allegedly "advancing units of Russian troops".

Such actions of the Kiev regime once again demonstrate an inhuman attitude to the fate of Ukrainian citizens and indicate a gross violation of the norms of international humanitarian law, but despite our repeated statements, they still remain without the attention of the international community and international organizations.


#MoD #Russia #Ukraine #HumanitarianResponse #HumanitarianAid
176 views19:31
2022-05-17 22:31:26 Statement of the Joint Coordination Headquarters for Humanitarian Response

#MoD #Russia #Ukraine #HumanitarianResponse #HumanitarianAid
157 views19:31
2022-05-17 17:24:24 Press release on global food security in the context of a statement by the G7 foreign ministers

We noted the final statement by the foreign ministers of the G7 countries, whereby they accused Russia of unilateral steps to undermine the agricultural potential of Ukraine and worsen the status of global food security.

In this context, we would like to remind others about the primary causes of the unfavourable situation that is taking shape in the world food markets.

The crisis phenomena of the past few years are primarily linked to the miscalculations and accumulated system-wide mistakes in the macroeconomic (including finances and trade), energy (including climate) and food policy of the collective West.

The COVID-19 pandemic made a bad situation worse. Its consequences, including the disruption of production and marketing chains, and higher freight and insurance costs, have caused even more turbulence in the world food and other markets.

Importantly, the unilateral actions by the Western states, primarily the G7 countries, have aggravated the disruption of logistics and financial chains for food supplies to the world markets.
176 views14:24
2022-05-17 16:37:41
The Kremlin hosted a CSTO summit

The meeting was attended by the heads of Russia, Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan.

Vladimir Putin noted the strengthening of the CSTO as an effective regional defence agency that ensures security and stability in the Eurasian space.

“The CSTO's successful peacekeeping operation, held in Kazakhstan in January 2022, showed the maturity of our Organisation and its real ability to adequately withstand acute challenges and threats,” the Russian President noted.

The President also emphasised:
“During the special operation in Ukraine, documentary evidence was obtained that components of biological weapons were developed in close proximity to our borders, which violates the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention, and possible methods and mechanisms were worked out to destabilise the epidemic situation in the post-Soviet space."

See more on the official Kremlin site.
181 views13:37
2022-05-17 16:25:08 Russian MFA Spokeswoman Maria #Zakharova: To learn how the West churns out fakes, take a look at our in-depth dissection of their latest one regarding the "Russian threat to food security".

We use only hard facts and statistics - that's our motto

152 views13:25
2022-05-17 16:23:35
On May 16, the Government of Sweden made the decision to apply for NATO membership.

Russia has repeatedly stated that the choice of ways to ensure national security is an internal affair of any country.

Stockholm’s foreign policy has been based on neutrality for over 200 years and for decades remained an important factor in ensuring stability and trust in the Baltic Sea region.

Sweden’s accession to NATO will inflict considerable damage to the security of Northern Europe and Europe as a whole. The Russian Federation will have to take response measures, both military-technical and others, to curb the threats to its national security which arise in this context. In this respect, much will depend on the specific conditions of Sweden’s integration into the North Atlantic Alliance, including the potential deployment of strike systems of this military bloc on its territory.

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160 views13:23
2022-05-16 16:11:52
FM Sergey Lavrov’s remarks at the 30th Assembly of the Council on Foreign and Defence Policy

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Sergey Lavrov: I would like to congratulate you on the th anniversary of the Council on Foreign and Defence Policy. Its activities are a fine example of Russian expert involvement in the foreign policy process.

We did everything in our power to avoid a direct conflict. But they issued a challenge and we have accepted it.

We do not remember anything like the current massive and synchronised expulsion of diplomats happening even in the grimmest Cold War years.

There are no traitors among our diplomats, although such attempts have been made from abroad and within the country.

The Americans started preparing the current crisis long ago, right after the end of the Cold War, having decided that the way to global hegemony was then open. NATO's eastward expansion has been one of the key components of such a course.
211 views13:11