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Kiev-controlled militants in Ukraine torture, rape and murder | Russia in Canada

Kiev-controlled militants in Ukraine torture, rape and murder ethnic Russians, Russian speakers and anyone who doesn’t support the regime.
Ukrainian forces employ human shield tactic, indiscriminately shell residential areas, hospitals, schools, kindergartens. Evidence is online for all who eager to learn the truth.
Kiev regime cynically uses victims’ bodies to stage scenery for photo and media ops and then to blame Russia. Always inquire: Who benefits?
The answer is self-evident: only the criminal anti-national regime in Kiev. Using all disgusting and dirty means to gain compassion, money and weapons from the West.
Western governments and security services are keen in false-flag methods. Gulf of Tonkin in Vietnam, Grenada invasion, bombardments of Yugoslavia, “WMD” in Iraq to name a few.
And now, they are concealing from the public and distorting reality about Ukraine’s government atrocities. Narrative is blunt and primitive: blame Russia, whitewash Kiev regime. But truth always surfaces.