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#Opinion by Russian MFA Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova Informati | Russia in Canada

#Opinion by Russian MFA Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova

Information bomb

During the recent G7 and G20 finance ministers’ meetings, Canadian Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland pushed for the exclusion of Russia from global financial institutions and international organisations.

At the same time, Ottawa stepped up its arms deliveries to Ukraine, including the Carl-Gustaf recoilless rifles, used by the Canadian armed forces.

All this is presented as a response to alleged new evidence of atrocities perpetrated by the Russian military. Speaking ahead of the G20 meeting, Chrystia Freeland said: “War crimes have been committed in Ukraine. The evidence that we've seen … is absolutely horrifying.”

This would have looked like a piece of clumsy fake news, if it were not a bloody re-enactment of what happened during World War II.

Eighty years before Bucha, Krakivs'ki Visti – a major Ukrainian-language newspaper in Poland, censored and managed as it was by the Third Reich, published an article on NKVD killers torturing people to death and leaving them lying on Lvov’s streets after the Red Army withdrew from the city (Krakivs'ki Visti, July 6, 1941). The article placed special emphasis on the ethnicity of the victims. On July 8, 1941, it reported that the Bolsheviks executed 1,500 ethnic Ukrainians in Lutsk by firing at them with machine guns. The Nazi Reich accused the internationalist Soviet Union of genocide.

The Krakivs'ki Visti newspaper was well aware of its role in history. In the Ukrainian context, it spread Nazi Germany’s propaganda around the world. This is what we read in black and white on the front page of its July 6, 1941 edition, in an article titled “Winning instead of crying” (B. Khalit): “Regarding this awful disaster [the pogroms], on the plus side there is the fact that the entire world has learned about these horrible pogroms. Losing tens of thousands of responsible, proactive citizen is very painful. They cannot be replaced. The impact that these pogroms had on propaganda pales in comparison with the losses. However, since these people died simply for being responsible Ukrainians and loving Ukraine more than anything else, we must make sure that did not spill their blood in vain; we must use it to do good… We must use is as moral capital for our people… We now have this opportunity, and a sad one at that, but still an opportunity which we must not miss. The Jewish mafia in all its incarnations, from communist to Masonic, has long removed the word ‘Ukraine’ from the press or done everything possible to denigrate it. This is why, when the name of our nation once again makes headlines in major titles, we cannot miss this opportunity no matter how tragic its context.”

What a flashback! We are witnessing the very same situation right now.

Once again, Ukraine makes headlines, while we face groundless accusations of seeking to “cancel” Ukraine just as they cancel everything Russian. Once again, the Nazis use propaganda and a tragedy to denigrate Russia. Once again, they use this as an “opportunity, no matter how tragic.” They have not produced any evidence, hoping that eliciting an emotional response will suffice. Once again, people’s lives become the collateral damage in the propaganda games to win over public opinion. This is what Nazis always do.

Now for the most important part.

As a major Ukrainian-language Nazi propaganda tool, the Krakivs'ki Visti newspaper had Mikhailo Khomyak, a collaborationist journalist from Ukraine, as its editor.

Apart from his criminal record, there is only one notable fact in his biography. Mikhailo Khomyak was the grandfather of Chrystia Freeland, Canada’s Deputy Prime Minister.

You can now return to the top of the page and read this post one more time with fresh insight.
