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Логотип телеграм канала @redpillbabee — Redpillbabe
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Meme connoisseur
Florida Patriot

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Последние сообщения 85

2022-07-30 22:23:36
726 views19:23
2022-07-30 22:23:03
Sonias brain is about to explode. Up for 9 minutes an already close to 3k views. how about now I NEVER stop talking about Karla. Al that crisis management to get me to stop taking about the union and all you did was make it worst. I thought you were an award winning publicist… this can’t be good for business.
676 views19:23
2022-07-30 22:17:14 They can call me what ever they want from now on. The story has legs. Powerful PR executives (JENNY LEE MOLINA & SONIA v DIAZ) persecute mothers and conservatives behind anonymous antifa page. NO WAY that’s good for PR. They lost their anonymity thats a win for all of us
642 views19:17
2022-07-30 22:15:26
You should all be paying attention to teachers unions. THIS is how they are executing local control over your life . Does not matter if you have kids or not. The unions drive local influence and decision making with everything from abortions, to gun rights and election integrity.
412 views19:15
2022-07-30 22:15:26 ROH ROH… Just dropped Karla on We The Media. Just in time to get everyone associated with the name and face of the lieutenant governor hopeful.
628 views19:15
2022-07-30 22:07:25
What do most of the people attacked by that page have in common? We’ve all fought like HELL against the school boards looking to indoctrinate, groom, mask and force vaccination
On the children of South Florida.

It’s not just cause we are conservatives. It’s because we are conservatives that create a problem for the teachers unions that for decades have operated on full control with little to no opposition.
47.8K views19:07
2022-07-30 21:49:45
And while we are here… remember this fed Narc was feeding information to the page from jump street. Enrique Tarrio’s sister is intimate friends with Elaine Del Valle. Josh Ceballos mom. Josh Ceballos is the writer from the Miami New Times that first began quoting MIAagainstfash as a “CrEdiBLe” source of information when the account had less than 1000 followers. Unfortunately many others have followed in Enrique’s footsteps and used the page as a way to narc on one another inadvertently feeding the monster Here’s an idea stop narcing on each other.
644 views18:49
2022-07-30 21:35:49 Never ever ever forget the teaches union controlled the Biden cabbage administration AND the CDC. Regular people with no kids ARE Also time and time again… controlled by powerful teachers unions who do a lot more than just advocating for teachers.

https://republicans-oversight.house.gov/release/investigation-reveals-bidens-cdc-bypassed-scientific-norms-to-allow-teachers-union-to-re-write-official-guidance. They are quite literally in full control and most people would never even know it
32.3K viewsedited  18:35
2022-07-30 21:33:27 We exposed the teachers Union as a key force in trying to silence parents… when that started going viral and people recognizing her for the swamp rat she is. One of the top PR firms in the country stepped into slander anyone that would criticize the union and school board as a form of crisis management. We get attacked because the teachers union has superfluous power over most decisions made in this country regardless if they affect teachers or not and they really don’t want that truth catching on.
30.7K views18:33
2022-07-30 21:33:16 So what is motivating these dumb bitches? Are they socialist or are they getting paid?
596 views18:33