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Логотип телеграм канала @redpillbabee — Redpillbabe R
Логотип телеграм канала @redpillbabee — Redpillbabe
Адрес канала: @redpillbabee
Категории: Политика
Язык: Русский
Количество подписчиков: 10.49K
Описание канала:

Digital thought provoker
Meme connoisseur
Florida Patriot

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Последние сообщения 84

2022-08-02 01:56:58 Hey fam if you get a message like this please report and ignore. It’s is not me.
596 views22:56
2022-08-01 06:42:29
It may not be quick but truth is a force. I’ll endure whatever you throw at me next as long as it means that you can’t operate in the shadows anymore. Everyone is watching now.

“Then David said to the Philistine, “You come to me with a sword and with a spear and with a javelin, but I come to you in the name of the Lord of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied”
1 Samuel 17:45
192 views03:42
2022-07-31 04:18:57
Sonia desperately peddling the misinformation that we’ve accused different people of running the page before NO MAAM. I have blamed you and ONLY you as being behind the orchestrating of the account since July 2021 DAYS after the inception of the page. truth may take a little longer but it always comes out.
1.0K viewsedited  01:18
2022-07-31 01:52:11
With all due respect to anyone following along on this story. I don’t want PBs discussing their club business in my chat. That drama has been used to slander people that have nothing to do with with your club by Sonia V Diaz and Jenny Lee Molina This is my space to tell my story and to be blunt. I don’t want that shit associated back to me. I do NOT endorse the PBs not cause antifa calls you all far right but because i don’t truSt it’s operations at the top arent

986 views22:52
2022-07-31 01:51:28 Redpillbabe pinned Deleted message
2022-07-31 01:51:23 Redpillbabe pinned Deleted message
2022-07-31 00:44:28
This is Jenny Lee Molina.

Jenny has spent the last year of her miserable existence wasting away her mediocre PR career doxxing and harassing parents that attend school board meetings in Miami Dade County behind a proxy account she runs with her best friend ( I’ll get back to that deep state snake later) Jenny is so stressed with the absolute state of her career she had to leave her husband and son to go on a “budget” eat pray love retreat and reevaluate the decisions she’s made that have led to a career peak of hiding behind a fake Antifa page photoshopping cellulite on to the bodies of her enemies

Let’s go on a journey to expose the actual swampland that is Local politics.

Follow & share @redpillbabee for MORE EXPOSING Miami anti fash and the Miami Swamp

874 views21:44
2022-07-31 00:06:57 In First 30 Days After Roe Overturned, 61% Of Abortion Clinics Closed In Red States

599 views21:06
2022-07-31 00:06:57 Jenny Lee Molina and Sonia V Diaz are punching air right now… the only thing those two slobs like more than slandering conservatives who’s political ideology they disagree with… is killing babies
731 views21:06
2022-07-30 22:29:15
736 views19:29