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Pierre Kory, MD MPA FLCCC official

Логотип телеграм канала @pierrekoryflcccofficial — Pierre Kory, MD MPA FLCCC official P
Логотип телеграм канала @pierrekoryflcccofficial — Pierre Kory, MD MPA FLCCC official
Адрес канала: @pierrekoryflcccofficial
Категории: Медицина
Язык: Русский
Количество подписчиков: 18.06K
Описание канала:

ICU & Lung Doc, Teacher/Researcher. Co-Developer of effective, evidence/expertise-based COVID Rx protocols with the giants of the FLCCC:http://flccc.net

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Последние сообщения 60

2022-07-16 19:36:33
'The Silence of the Deans': Medicals Schools Say Nothing as Working-Age People Die at Earth-Shattering Rates

163 percent increase in life insurance claims.

Dr. Pierre Kory: "To know that the Dean sitting atop of these major medical centers, with neurologists and cardiologists and obstetrician and gynecologists seeing strokes, infertility, heart attacks in people with no comorbidities at very young ages ... There's no way that the leaders of these health care institutions didn't know. Not one spoke up."

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1.2K views16:36
2022-07-15 15:00:27 “Less absolutism and more humility by the men and women running our public health agencies would go a long way in rebuilding public trust.” Read full article here: https://t.co/Ra3uUyAQ5y
— FLCCC—Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (@Covid19Critical) Jul 15, 2022
2.0K views12:00
2022-07-15 15:00:13 1250+ COVID Vaccine Publications and Case Reports: An amazing resource for both patients and providers. @React19org has collected over 1250 peer reviewed studies and case reports that cite adverse events after COVID vaccination. Learn more here: https://t.co/E4tESJCgON
— FLCCC—Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (@Covid19Critical) Jul 15, 2022
1.9K views12:00
2022-07-15 15:00:02 Dr. @PierreKory joined @USAWatchdog with Greg Hunter over the weekend to talk about war on doctors, ABIM, post-vaccine symptoms and treatment. Watch now: https://t.co/ruvgu9eeql
— FLCCC—Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (@Covid19Critical) Jul 15, 2022
1.8K views12:00
2022-07-14 08:55:59 Well well, seems the members of these medical specialty "Certifying Boards" may be generating increasingly expensive exam and certification requirements.. to pay for their retirement? Great gig if you can get it apparently. The investigative work of
is astounding. https://twitter.com/CharlesPKroll/status/1546248426156806145?s=20&t=TJVG9KvWCEbrJ4j46Dm59Q
3.3K views05:55
2022-07-14 08:52:19 Set & match to Djokovic is right.

It’s terrifying that even at this point, the false and deadly narrative of “safe and effective” continues apace. How many young, healthy people have to drop dead before the corrupt and idiotic escapade of “lets vaccinate a coronavirus” ends? https://twitter.com/peter_mcgahan/status/1546748900287123457?s=20&t=TJVG9KvWCEbrJ4j46Dm59Q
3.4K views05:52
2022-07-13 02:31:18 Dr. @PierreKory was on #WakeUpAmerica on @newsmax over the weekend speaking about the war on doctors and the politicization of medicine. Watch now: https://t.co/GRil3DMUiU
— FLCCC—Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (@Covid19Critical) Jul 12, 2022
3.0K views23:31
2022-07-12 06:28:23 I appreciate the support by the many physician colleagues outraged at the attempts by State Licensing Boards and National Certifying Boards to classify expert opinion as "misinformation". Great letter, please sign as they are coming for you next. http://drelef.org/2022-open-letter-fsmb-abms/index.html
12.8K views03:28
2022-07-12 06:26:26 Finally a journalist starting to scratch the surface of the humanitarian catastrophe caused by Medicine's "Culture of Silence" since the rollout of the global vaccination campaign. https://www.westernstandard.news/news/exclusive-paramedics-speak-out-about-empty-hospitals-probable-vax-injuries-during-covid/article_273993dc-0167-11ed-97d5-978f968c2e82.html
6.0K views03:26
2022-07-12 06:24:28 McCullough and Horowitz tell it like it is. Spot on detailing of all that went wrong in both Medicine and the U.S govt's obscene failure to prevent over a million deaths. https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-courage-to-face-covid-and-covid-fascism-guest/id1065050908?i=1000569568169
3.2K views03:24