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Последние сообщения 8

2023-04-06 15:15:08 The Knife. Denny Johnson

Read 15 mins

A journalist gets a lead on the O.J. murder weapon.
491 views12:15
2023-04-06 13:31:02The Farmer And The Stork by Aesop

A Stork of a very simple and trusting nature had been asked by a gay party of Cranes to visit a field that had been newly planted. But the party ended dismally with all the birds entangled in the meshes of the Farmer's net.

The Stork begged the Farmer to spare him.

"Please let me go," he pleaded. "I belong to the Stork family who you know are honest and birds of good character. Besides, I did not know the Cranes were going to steal."

"You may be a very good bird," answered the Farmer, "but I caught you with the thieving Cranes and you will have to share the same punishment with them."

You are judged by the company you keep.
614 views10:31
2023-04-05 19:26:05
Ищем тех, кто хочет работать из дома

Крупнейший канал «Удалёнка без опыта» раньше всех публикует топовые вакансии.

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407 views16:26
2023-04-05 19:22:50 The Whale Sound. Roger Dean Kiser

A boy helps out 'the deaf kid' who is being picked on by the orphanage bullies.

Read 6 mins
388 views16:22
2023-04-03 19:20:06
В телеге появилась последняя версия популярной нейронкиMidjourney V5.

Каждый день она создает по запросам пользователей миллионы картинок на любой вкус.

А ребята с канала Нейро перенесли её в телеграм бота и адаптировали.

Заходи и попробуй бесплатно
396 views16:20
2023-04-03 19:18:02 The Jesting of Arlington Stringham. Saki

The Jesting of Arlington Stringham is a short story by Saki, a British writer who was known for his witty and sometimes macabre stories that satirized Edwardian society and culture. The story is about a politician who develops a habit of making jokes in the House of Commons, much to the dismay of his wife Eleanor, who fears that it is a sign of their marital discord. The story ends with a tragic twist that reveals the true nature of their relationship. It is one of Saki’s many stories that feature delicately drawn characters and finely judged narratives.

Read 8 mins
384 views16:18
2023-04-02 16:46:12
Илон Маск написал в твиттере, что его компания Open AI создала нейросеть, у которой есть сознание и личность. Каждый может поговорить с ней через телеграм-бота t.me/MaskAI.

Она работает на многих языках, в том числе на русском. Пользуемся: t.me/MaskAI.
627 views13:46
2023-04-02 16:45:37 To Sit in the Sun. Joanna Leyland

Don't ask me, dearie. I wouldn't know about that. As I said, I'm just a neighbour of theirs - that's right, that little white house there on the corner, the one with the fig tree next to it. And yes, I saw it all. Not that I was watching - I believe in keeping myself to myself - but a body couldn't help noticing. First all the coming and going with him being ill, then the weeping and wailing when he died - of course I went to pay my respects, that's only right - and I saw them carry the poor lamb from the village, lay him out proper and wall up the tomb. I did feel sorry for the two girls, I must say.

What? Yes, that's right, dearie. Four days later it was - just as things were getting back to normal. Some sort of preacher. The girls must have sent for him - with never a word to anyone - and up he walked, bold as anything, with a bunch of followers too. You can imagine the talk. And then to go on up to the tomb, with near enough the whole village hard on their heels. No, I didn't go - not decent, I thought, stirring people up, giving them false hopes, but I was wrong, wasn't I? The preacher did it - got them to open the tomb and called out, so they say, and that was that. Back they all came, the two girls crying and hugging their brother, half the crowd jabbering with excitement and the other half - you know, looking sideways and not really sure. I wasn't sure myself, come to that.

Afterwards? Well, when the preacher left and all the fuss had died down, I asked his sisters if they needed any help to keep an eye on him. They couldn't thank me enough. First it was just for a few hours, then they started bringing him over in the morning and taking him home at night, then they asked me if I could .... you know, have him permanent. Like I said, I'm a widow, and they ... well, dearie, let's just say I'm not too proud to accept a little something for having him.

Mind? Bless you, no, of course I don't mind. Well, you can see for yourself, dearie. He just sits there mostly. I talk to him, of course - well, a body needs some company - but if I don't ..... No, he's no trouble at all. He just likes to sit in the sun.

596 views13:45
2023-03-30 17:03:02
История — это не скучно

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364 views14:03
2023-03-30 17:02:46The Bull And The Goat by Aesop

A Bull once escaped from a Lion by entering a cave which the Goatherds used to house their flocks in stormy weather and at night. It happened that one of the Goats had been left behind, and the Bull had no sooner got inside than this Goat lowered his head and made a rush at him, butting him with his horns. As the Lion was still prowling outside the entrance to the cave, the Bull had to submit to the insult.

"Do not think," he said, "that I submit to your cowardly treatment because I am afraid of you. When that Lion leaves, I'll teach you a lesson you won't forget."

It is wicked to take advantage of another's distress.
350 views14:02