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Story. Рассказы на английском

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Логотип телеграм канала @one_story — Story. Рассказы на английском
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Категории: Лингвистика
Язык: Русский
Страна: Россия
Количество подписчиков: 15.70K
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Кто хочет знать английский как англичанин, тот читает тут рассказы на настоящем королевском английском языке. В оригинале
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Последние сообщения 6

2023-04-24 14:08:03 THE ANGEL OF THE ODD. By Edgar Allan Poe

This is a story by Edgar Allan Poe, published in 1844 in The Columbian Lady's and Gentleman's Magazine. It tells about an anonymous narrator who reads a story about a man who died after accidentally swallowing a needle. He is outraged by the gullibility of humanity that believes such a hoax. He swears never to fall for such strange stories. Immediately, a strange creature made of a barrel and wine bottles appears. The creature announces with a heavy accent that it is the Angel of the Odd - and that it is responsible for causing such strange events.

Read 16 mins
564 views11:08
2023-04-23 15:15:07
Кортни Кардашьян продает мармеладки, от которых ваджайна станет слаще

Да, это не прикол. И вот это тоже реальные продукты

— Банкомат для выпендрёжников
— Принтер для бровей
— Святой алкоголь

Я ищу необычные штуки, новости и явления, и выкладываю их сюда: Маркетанец
Узнавай о том, что и почему сейчас в тренде первый
535 views12:15
2023-04-23 15:13:02 To Plant a Garden. SCOTT GEORGE

This is a sci-fi story about a future where androids take care of people's happiness and satisfaction. The protagonist, Thornton Gombar, wants to plant a garden on his property, but the android B-7269 tries to help him, not realizing that Thornton wants to do it himself.

The story raises questions about what makes a person happy, what is the value of work and creativity, and what are the consequences of complete automation and control over people's lives.

Read 7 mins
508 views12:13
2023-04-22 17:47:05
Английский - маст хев для современного человека, поэтому школа Adversum подготовила множество полезных материалов для всех, кто интересуется культурой, искусством, архитектурой, живописью и творчеством в целом. Необычный подход через интерактив и изучение шедевров мировой культуры позволят прокачать язык и расширить знания в любимом предмете!

На канале ты:
 Узнаешь множество новых тематических слов
 Сможешь участвовать в марафонах и вебинарах от преподавателей-носителей языка
 Расширишь знания в сфере культуры и искусства

Обучение лучших зарубежных вузах, заветная работа в новой стране или просто свободное общение на любимые темы - мы подготовим тебя к новым свершениям!

Подписывайся на канал и узнай, как получить бесплатный индивидуальный квест-урок от нашей школы!

384 views14:47
2023-04-22 17:47:05 THE LITTLE FRENCHMAN AND HIS WATER LOTS By George Pope Morris (1802–1864)

This story is about how a small French shopkeeper, satisfied with his position, decided to become rich by buying land in Manhattan. But...
Read what came out of it.

Read 8 mins
364 views14:47
2023-04-20 22:53:13 True Aikido. Gorchev

There is no more True Aikido left out there. In this day and age, what they call Aikido is when two morons try to kick each other in the jaw and break each other's joints. Or whatever else they do these days; never seen it anyway.
The True Aikido was completely different. It required that you defeat your Enemy without using needless effort. In fact, you didn't even have come face to face with your Enemy.
Say, for example, your Enemy is approaching you with an axe in order to chop the fuck out of you. But you live in such a dump that on his way there he slipps on a pile of shit and falls into it face down, two times in a row. He gets so frustrated that he chops off his own finger. So who wins? You win! Perhaps you will not even know about the victory, which is victory in it's best form.
Or else, for example, the Enemy decided to curse you out or harass you in different ways. But your cell phone is turned off for non-payment and you don't answer the door anymore because some salesmen were bothering you. So the Enemy gets tired of ringing your doorbell and banging on your door, and bites his hand all the way through out of frustration. Here, you win again.
Another example: say you had no other choice but to come out on a tatami, or whatever they call it. The Enemy comes out too, growling. But you just stand there, like, you know, all barefoot, red spots on your hands and sniffing from the cold. The Enemy looks at you and all of a sudden becomes nostalgic about his barefoot childhood, remembers his little creek, a small carp he caught, his bobber and his fishing rod. He is crying now. He is not in a fighting mood anymore and goes home. On the way home - just like when he was little - your Enemy buys himself an icecream. Than gets sick from it and dies.
As usual, you win again.
Unfortunately, there are no more Masters of the True Aikido left in this world. They all disappeared somewhere. Sometimes you look at one and think he seems like a Master. But he is not. He failed once, lowered his watch, relaxed, gave into a thought for a second. Now he's been beaten ridiculed and slighted three times and is laying on the tatami with an axe in his back.

495 viewsedited  19:53
2023-04-18 23:27:52 Fishing For Jasmine. John Ravenscroft

The silent young woman in bed number six is called Jasmine. So am I, but names are only superficial things, floats bobbing on the surface of the water, and we share deeper connections than that. Which is why she fascinates me - why I spend my off-duty time sitting beside her.

Today is difficult. The ward heaves with patients and I am kept busy emptying bed-pans, filling out forms, changing dressings. Finally, late in the afternoon, I get a few moments to make coffee, to take it over to the orange plastic chair beside her bed. I am thankful to be off my feet, glad to be in her company once again.

"Hello, Jasmine," I say, as if greeting myself.

She does not reply. Jasmine never replies. She is down too deep.

Like me, she has been sea-damaged. I too am the daughter of a fisherman, so I bait my words like fish-hooks, cast them into her ears, imagine them sinking down through cold, dark water. Down to wherever she may be.

"I have little time today," I tell her, touching her hair.

With Jasmine, it is always difficult not to touch. She is that rare thing, a truly beautiful woman. Because of this, people invent reasons to walk by. I catch them looking, drinking her in, feeding on her. They are barracuda, all of them. Wheelchair-pushing porters who slow to a crawl when they near her bed. Roaming visitors with greedy eyes. Doctors who stop, draw the thin screen of curtain, and continually re-examine that which does not need examination.

Great beauty is something Jasmine and I do not share. I am glad of it.

"Your father may be here soon," I say. "Last week he said he would come."

Jasmine says nothing. Her left eyelid flickers, perhaps.

It is two months since the incident on her father's fishing boat, since she fell overboard, sank, became entangled in the nets. It was some time before anyone noticed, then there was panic. Her father hauled her back on board and sailed for home. When he finally arrived, he carried ashore what he thought was his daughter's body.

"Jasmine," I whisper. I want her to take our baited name. I want her to swallow it.

Fortunately, there was a doctor in the village that morning, a young man visiting relatives. It was he who brought this drowned woman back from the brink, he who told me her story. She opened her eyes, he said, looked up at her father and spoke a single word - then sank again, this time into coma.

Barracuda. That is what Jasmine said.

When her father visits, he touches her hair, kisses her cheek, sits in the orange plastic chair at the side of her bed and holds her hand. Like my own father, he has the big, brown, life-roughened hands of a fisherman. He too smells of the sea, and pretends he is a good, simple man.

Jasmine. We share so much, we are almost one.

I remember early mornings, my hair touched to wake me, my father lifting me half-asleep from my bed, carrying me, dropping me into his boat. His voice rough in my ear, his hands rough on my skin. I never wanted to go, but I was just a child. He did as he wished.

I remember salt water, hot sun, my mother shrinking on the shore. I remember the rocking of the boat, the screams of the gulls.

"Jasmine, you have a life inside you. Can't you hear it calling?"


The ward door bangs, and I see Jasmine's father walking towards us, carrying flowers. He smiles at me. Even in death, my own child had my father's smile, and Jasmine's will have this man's. I know it.

He stops by her bed and touches her hair. Something stirs deep inside me. I watch Jasmine's eyelids, waiting for her to bite.

268 views20:27
2023-04-18 14:52:53
— Уехать в Турцию за 235 рублей (вместо 50 000 рублей)
— Скататься в Грузию за 430 рублей (вместо 52 000 рублей)
— Отправиться в Бразилию за 2 600 рублей (вместо 220 000 рублей)

Такие ошибки в ценах прямо сейчас допускают крупные турагентства и авиакомпании. Самые предприимчивые подписаны на Мир за доллар и улетают за копейки в любую точку мира.

Этот канал занимается тем что каждый день постит билеты и туры, которые находятся на закрытых распродажах, и которые резко упали в цене.

Других таких каналов просто нет, подписывайтесь — Мир за доллар
595 views11:52
2023-04-18 14:51:45 Oowama the Giant Worm. Joseph Bernstein

Oowama loved mud. As large as a school bus, though many times longer, the giant worm swam and played along the muddy lakes and streams.

Read 11 mins
527 views11:51
2023-04-17 11:54:12
Хочешь стать экспертом, который будет создавать конкурентоспособные образовательные продукты?

Студенты магистерской программы «Обучение иностранным языкам и педагогическое проектирование в цифровой среде» Университета науки и технологий МИСИС обучаются у лучших российских и международных преподавателей-экспертов EdTech, что позволяет им получить доступ к лучшим практикам и исследованиям в сфере образования, а также практические советы и инсайты для собственных проектов.

Важным преимуществом является то, что студенты постоянно совершенствуют свои знания английского языка, общаясь на нем в процессе обучения.

По окончании программы выпускники смогут преподавать русский или английский язык с использованием digital-технологий, создавать свой образовательный продукт в области обучения иностранным языкам, продвигать его в социальных сетях и проводить экспертную оценку эффективности обучения в онлайн-среде.

Подробнее о программе http://bit.ly/3Uckma7
160 views08:54