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Последние сообщения 9

2022-02-18 17:06:21
Which one is correct?
Anonymous Quiz
He is from Poland. He is Polish.
He is from Poland. He is a Pole.
Both are ok
133 voters406 views14:06
2022-02-18 17:05:23 ​​#Error Correction #Writing Task 1 Academic
На днях, я заметила небольшую ошибку, связанную с национальностями, которая встречается в ответах на первое задание академического модуля. Например, в одном из последних графиков нужно было сравнить траты на онлайн шопинг среди жителей пяти европейских стран.

Путаница возникает из-за того, что национальность может выражаться как прилагательным, так и существительным. Для ряда наций они совпадают. Например, китаец и китайский – Chinese. Тоже самое с Korean, Russian, Slovak, Norwegian, Greek, German, Italian и др.

В то время как для других национальностей, формы могут отличаться:
Sweden – Swedes – Swedish
Denmark – Danes – Danish
Poland – Poles – Polish
Scotland – Scots – Scottish
Great Britain – Britons (Brits) – British
TIP: Если вы не уверены, что знаете точное существительное, вы можете использовать прилагательное + people = British people или определенный артикль + прилагательное = the British
30% of Britons /British people buy online

Ну и последнее, не забываем писать национальности с заглавной буквы, также как страны, языки, дни недели и месяцы.
Check yourself!
394 views14:05
2022-02-15 14:55:48 ​​#IELTS writing #hedging
Любое эссе, по сути, всего лишь ваше мнение, а не изложение фактов и доказательств. При его написании не допускается прямой категоричный тон
«Правильный» академический тон подразумевает использования языковых приемов, которые помогают выразить свое мнение более осторожно и точно.

Достигается при помощи:
модальных глаголов (can, could, might, may),
наречий (perhaps, often, likely, possibly, conceivably = предположительно, largely),
определенных глаголов (tend, appear to be, seem, suggest, indicate, think, believe)
There appears to be a correlation between social class and likelihood of getting to university.
Other studies suggest that using the mother tongue supports the development of language acquisition.
выражений (to a large extent, may well, a majority (of)), most people, in general),
обезличенных структур с that
It could be the case that…,
It might be suggested/argued/claimed that…
It seems evident that ....
There is every hope/likelihood that ...
There is some evidence which indicates that ....

Все эти способы помогут:
избежать обобщений
сделать ваш язык более точным
читателю/экзаменатору лучше понять вашу точку зрения
вашим эссе не выглядеть перечислением фактов или категоричных утверждений

Давайте потренируемся:
Исходное предложение:
Regular IELTS practice has a positive effect on listening skills.

Предложение, написанное в более академическом стиле:
It may be perceived that regular IELTS practice has a positive effect on listening skills.

The impact of globalization is beneficial to companies, but small businesses lose in competition with large chains, such as McDonald’s or Zara.

The impact of globalization is largely beneficial to companies, but small businesses may lose in competition with large chains, such as McDonald’s or Zara.

Men are versed in sciences, while women prefer art.

It is often assumed that the majority of men are better versed in subjects related to science, compared to women who have traditionally tended to choose the arts.
400 views11:55
2022-02-14 21:55:26
Let's practice our listening skills. Try listening to the passage first without reading. Then read and listen again.

Dad: So, Tim, tell us where are you from, which part of the country?
Mary: He's from Cornwall. Yeah, it's really pretty. It's that little bit right at the end, sort of looks like a shoe.
Mom: And you're a lawyer, is that right?
Mary: Yep, that's right. And he never loses. You don't think he's gonna win, then he just pulls something out of the bag and, what do you know, he wins again.
Mom: Do you ever answer any of your own questions?
Tim: I, uh...
Mary: Yes, he does. Usually, he does, but not today because I'm doing all the talking because I'm really nervous and I kinda love him and I just... I want you to, too.
Mom: Oh, honey.
Mary: Sorry. Tim. Over to you. Shoot.
Tim: Yeah, I think my dad...
Mary: Can I just say one more thing?
pull sth out of the bag = do something unexpected that suddenly improves a bad situation
527 views18:55
2022-02-11 16:04:13 #Friday Vocab
провести время делая что-нибудь расслабляющее
meet up to chill out
wind down after a busy day
потусоваться, повеселиться
hang out at a pub
meet up for a drink
go clubbing
catch up with friends
отвлечься от работы
take my mind off work
grab a drink
work out at the gym
watch the new series in one sitting
stay up late
sleep it off
засесть за учебу
hit the books
learn the ropes

What are your plans for this weekend?
335 views13:04
2022-02-09 10:05:29
Which one is correct?
Anonymous Quiz
I see you're wearing the jacket, which your mom bought you for Christmas last year.
I see you're wearing the jacket, that your mom bought you for Christmas last year.
I see you're wearing the jacket that your mom bought you for Christmas last year.
153 voters465 views07:05
2022-02-09 10:04:20
Which one is correct?
Anonymous Quiz
My friend Jane whose husband is Canadian moved to Canada last week.
My friend Jane, whose husband is Canadian, moved to Canada last week.
159 voters470 views07:04
2022-02-09 10:03:23
Which one is correct?
Anonymous Quiz
People who are uncomfortable in crowds shouldn’t go to the movie theater.
People, who are uncomfortable in crowds, shouldn’t go to the movie theater.
151 voters451 views07:03
2022-02-09 10:02:34 ​​#Grammar for IELTS
That or Which?
Союзные слова which or that (который/которые) в сложноподчиненных предложениях многих ставят в тупик: которое из них выбрать и ставить ли запятые.

Для начала немного теории. Придаточные предложения в английском бывают двух типов:
restrictive relative clause– это подчиненное предложение, и если его убрать, смысл предложения изменится. Посмотрим на примере:
I like the bike. My father gave it to me.
I like the bike that my father gave me. Если убрать вторую часть предложения, смысл предложения – о каком именно велосипеде идет речь - будет непонятен.

nonrestrictive relative clause – в этом случае информация после слова «который» является дополнительной/уточняющей и может быть убрана из предложения без потери общего смысла.

My mother is thinking of opening a restaurant. My mother is an excellent cook.
My mother, who is an excellent cook, is thinking of opening a restaurant.

В случае с nonrestrictive clauses, мы всегда выделяем это предложение запятыми.

Если у нас restrictive clause употребляем that, whose, who, whom и запятые не ставятся, при этом that всегда бывает основным вариантом с предметами, а who с людьми.
Which в restrictive clause используют в основном только британцы.
I like the paintings that hang in the lobby.
Students who study hard will do well in my class.
Students whose grades are low can drop one test score.

В nonrestrictive clause используем which, whose, who, or whom и никогда that. Придаточное предложение выделяем запятыми.
I’m planning to grow roses, which I find quite beautiful.
Alice’s children, who all graduated from college, came home for her eightieth birthday.
Check yourself!
470 views07:02
2022-02-07 16:10:36 #IELTS Speaking
Have you ever imagined yourself as the hero of your favorite movie? Perhaps you've dreamed of superpowers like in a superhero movie or a crazy weekend in a romantic comedy. Have you ever watched an entire series just in one sitting? Let's review some advanced vocabulary to talk about Movies (Films).
a feel-good movie = causing happy and positive feelings
a must-see = highly recommended as worth seeing
compelling // compulsive // gripping = so interesting or exciting that it holds your attention completely
full of twists and turns = surprising and unexpected changes in the plot
I was glued to the screen = to be unable to stop watching something
I watched it in one sitting = during one limited period of time, without stopping
thought-provoking // it gave me food for thought = to make someone think seriously about something
it had me on the edge on my seat = to be very excited, and giving all your attention to something, because you want to know what is going to happen
make one’s blood run cold = make you feel very frightened
a complete waste of time = to be not worth the time
utter garbage = something considered stupid; nonsense
it was nothing to write home about =not exciting or special

Sample Answers (Band 8)
What kinds of movies do you like best?
Generally speaking, it can be anything - horror, drama, action, or even chick-flick, why not - but I hold a special place in my heart for fantasy movies. Even if there are few that actually had me on the edge of my seat, to my mind, fantasy is and will be one of the rare genres that allow me to be engrossed in this magical and gripping illusion of another world and take my mind off any problems I have.
Would you like to be in a movie?
Yes, I would. If I had a chance, it could be one of the most exciting things ever! Especially if it was a historical drama with another epoch being replicated so it could be possible to get away from mundane matters by playing someone else. However, as far as I know, filmmaking is a time-consuming process and this is the reason why I would not like to be in the main or even in the supporting cast. From where I stand, in this case, acting stops being a pleasant experience and turns into a routine job.
What was the best movie you watched?
Frankly speaking, there are so many brilliant movies I’ve seen that it is hard for me to make a choice. Still, I would say that ‘Inception’ is one of those movies that are perfect practically in every single detail. What makes it one of my favorite motion pictures is its outstanding acting, full of twists and turns plot as well as an incredible soundtrack. Needless to say, every time I watch it, it gives me food for thought so it’s definitely a must-see!
741 viewsedited  13:10