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SEER: The start of a more powerful, flexible, and accessible e | DeepLearning ru

SEER: The start of a more powerful, flexible, and accessible era for computer vision

#SEER stands for SElf-supERvised architecture which follows the vision of Yan LeCunn that real breakthrough in quality of models is possible only with #selfsupervised learning.

And here it is — model which was trained using some enormous amount of data achieves 84.2 percent top-1 accuracy on ImageNet.

Paramus: 1.3B
Dataset: 1B random images
Hardware: 512 GPUs (unspecified)

Blogpost: https://ai.facebook.com/blog/seer-the-start-of-a-more-powerful-flexible-and-accessible-era-for-computer-vision
ArXiV: https://arxiv.org/pdf/2103.01988.pdf

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