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Animal Planet 🐊

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Последние сообщения 5

2023-05-21 12:34:03
Barkhan cat - a real master of survival in the dead hot wastelands

It is also one of the rarest and most endangered cat species.

The universe has endowed the barkhan cat with all the gadgets for a comfortable life in a hellish climate. Its thick fur saves it from bombastic temperature changes, and its color allows it to blend in with the lifeless desert landscape. The pads of their paws are framed by wool, and they protect their delicate skin from the scalding sand.

But not everything is as good as we would like it to be.
The situation with the barkhan cats should prompt us to think about our actions and measures which can be taken to preserve this unique kind of animals. We must do everything we can .

Animal Planet
320 views09:34
2023-05-20 22:28:59
Scientists have confirmed that the legendary dugongs are extinct in China

Staff from the Zoological Society of London and the Chinese Academy of Sciences investigated all known dugong habitats in China and concluded that the unique sea giants are extinct in the region.

Dugongs are unique sea creatures that can reach a weight of up to 500 kilograms, feed exclusively on algae and have a good-natured disposition.

Today they can be found in 37 regions. But industrial fishing, poaching and climate change have made the already scarce dugong even more vulnerable.

Animal Planet
738 views19:28
2023-05-20 20:31:00
Crocodile with a human leg.

This is not uncommon in the jungle of the Philippines.

Animal Planet
793 viewsedited  17:31
2023-05-20 20:31:00
Leo kills his wife.

Animal Planet
748 viewsedited  17:31
2023-05-20 20:31:00
Vultures and hyenas destroy the remains of the antelope.

Animal Planet
694 viewsedited  17:31
2023-05-20 15:05:02
Life fucked me, but only until I saw this guy's Telegram!

There he talks about how to make $3000-5000 a day, via Telegram
Everything is legal, transparent, and honest!

Sign up https://t.me/joinchat/IVNlb7itmDVjM2Q9 !, and do not lose your chance to make big money now!
961 views12:05
2023-05-20 11:30:00
Camel on minimums

The long-haired armadillo is able to go a very long time without water. He has a very efficient kidney function.

The animal can drink only a couple of times in its whole life, and gets its moisture from plants.

Animal Planet
955 views08:30
2023-05-20 11:21:51
Rhinopithecus: a monkey with an unusual nose and a unique character

Monkeys are some of the most amazing and interesting creatures on our planet. They are diverse, intelligent and intriguing. Among them there are many unknown and unrecognized species, such as rhinopithecus, a rare and mysterious species of monkey living in Southeast Asia.

This species has one unique feature - a pronounced nose, which can reach a length of 7 cm! Thanks to this rhinopithecus got its name - "the monkey with a big nose".

We must respect the life of these beautiful creatures and try to preserve their habitat. We can't afford to lose such a unique monkey species as the rhinopithecus To prevent this from happening, you can click here.

Animal Planet
954 views08:21
2023-05-20 01:05:03
How to cum inside and not get pregnant?

Any man does not like sex in a condom and loves to cum inside, right?
You can safely cum in a girl without a condom if...
1.1K views22:05
2023-05-19 17:23:37
The Gelada is a bizarre creature that lives in the highlands of Ethiopia

This species of monkey has unique, long fur that allows them to withstand cold climatic conditions.

Although not endangered, their numbers are declining due to the death and destruction of their natural habitat. They are also endangered by people who hunt them for meat

Preserving the natural habitat of the hellebore and protecting them is essential for their continued existence on our planet

Animal Planet
1.2K views14:23