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Animal Planet 🐊

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Последние сообщения 4

2023-07-04 09:59:44
And really why hunt if you can go to the store.

Animal Planet
1.0K viewsedited  06:59
2023-07-03 21:07:37
Kidas - a wood marten crossed with sable

Hunters have often found kid Kidasses in the burrows of sables or martens. But the final point in the question of the origin of the kydace was made only after they started keeping the animals in kennels and zoos.

Attempts to breed kydace in the Moscow zoo by crossing sable and marten ended in failure, but in 1935 information appeared that in the Rostov zoo there was a hybrid of the wood marten and sable.

That is, from that moment the origin of the kydace became absolutely clear: the kydace is indeed a hybrid animal.

Animal Planet
1.1K views18:07
2023-07-03 14:57:47
Kidas - wood marten crossed with sable

Hunters have often found kid Kidasses in the burrows of sables or martens. But the final point in the question of the origin of the kydace was made only after they started keeping the animals in kennels and zoos.

Attempts to breed kydace in the Moscow zoo by crossing sable and marten ended in failure, but in 1935 information appeared that in the Rostov zoo there was a hybrid of the wood marten and sable.

That is, from that moment the origin of the kydace became absolutely clear: the kydace is indeed a hybrid animal.

Animal Planet
1.2K views11:57
2023-07-02 23:54:57
Kermode Bear - a forest ghost from Canada

One day Francis Kermode was walking through the forests of western Canada, and he was met by a bear. A white bear. Although the range of polar bears begins about 3,000 kilometers to the north.

I can't even imagine his shock: Kermode had never heard of polar bears living in western Canada in his life. Not even from the Indians, who had been here since the dawn of time. And yet here he was, standing by the river, catching salmon.

A little later people would call them Kermode bears and find out that they are a special subspecies of baribale.

The bears are on the verge of extinction Let's help them

Animal Planet
1.2K views20:54
2023-07-02 13:47:36
The African prairie cat is the progenitor of all domestic cats

Our steppe beauty inhabits steppe, semi-desert, desert and foothill areas of Africa, Foreland, Central and Central Asia, Northern India, Transcaucasia and Kazakhstan. It is rarely found in Russia.

The most remarkable thing about our guest today is that she was most likely the original ancestor of all our Muroks and Barsiks.

This cat appeared about 130 thousand years ago.

Animal Planet
1.3K views10:47
2023-07-01 19:27:18
Sarlyk: the domestic yak that conquered the mountains and became the best friend of locals

What are high up in the meadow? That's right, sarlyks! They're also domestic yaks, a limited-edition mountain version of ordinary cows.

For 3000 years, these irreplaceable animals have faithfully served man, treading on the most dangerous slopes and clinging to the clouds with their horns.

A big heart and a furry barrel are their main trump cards!

Animal Planet
1.4K views16:27
2023-07-01 16:53:30
Hippos swim fast, can dive, go under water with a stone, drift like a log, and, completely submerged, run along the bottom at a speed of up to 13 kmh

Animal Planet
1.2K viewsedited  13:53
2023-06-30 22:45:54
Tiny beast scans the ground with vibrations to masterfully hunt in the wasteland

We don't usually think of small animals as something scientifically interesting. Well, we should! Here's a peeping grouse, for example. You've probably never heard anything about them, but these little guys are definitely worth a look!

These animals do not tolerate starvation; a couple of hours without food is enough for them to starve to death. In order to endure starvation, the woodpecker has learned to fall into a torpor. This is a phenomenon when all vital processes slow down: temperature decreases, breathing and pulse become less frequent.

But what to do if time passes and there is no more food around? Shiver! Yes, that doesn't sound like the most effective way to do it. But it's not the fear of starvation that makes the gerbils shake. The animals purposefully generate vibrations. That's their way of communicating with their kin to help them get food

Animal Planet
1.4K views19:45
2023-06-30 22:44:25
The most virtuosic of all planning animals

In the tropical forests of Southeast Asia lives an animal that resembles a furry flying carpet, which glides silently between trees at night

This animal is called a woolly-winged rabbit. It is a solitary nocturnal creature and shy of humans, so it is not easy to see.

They are also called kahuans, or flying lemurs - although they are neither flying nor lemurs

Sherlockwings do not fly, but plan with a flying webbing or patagium.

Animal Planet
1.2K views19:44
2023-06-30 22:43:04
Even if you stand out for something unique, it's not like you'll be grabbing stars from the sky

Like, for example, our hero. The pygmy whale is the smallest of the mustached whales. He lives in the most secluded corner of the planet, and almost nothing is known about him!

Our cetacean is somewhere at the level of an infant by the standards of mustached whales. Yes, the length of 6.5 meters is undeniably solid. Except that a blue whale, if it wanted to, could easily swallow its small congener whole - one of its jaws is the size of the entire dwarf whale.

Now people are trying to protect the dwarf whale. But no one knows how close it is to extinction...

Animal Planet
1.2K views19:43